
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 247

Chapter 247: Peter Pettigrew – I Must Kill You!


And this familiar voice…

It's the coward who only hides behind him!

Snape looked up, wand clenched in his hand, his cold eyes filled with shock and anger.

The open door was creaked by the cold wind in the corridor, and a short, fat and wretched figure stood in front of the door, looking at him with a sneer.

"Peter Pettigrew…"

Snape suppressed his emotions and slowly said the name of the person in front of him.

He wasn't dead, and it seems that what Quirrell said at the time was true.

"I didn't expect you to remember my name now, Slug!"

Sirius, no—it was Peter Pettigrew, who was holding his wisteria wand at Snape, who was standing opposite, he said in a slightly mocking voice.

This wand was snatched from the wizard in Knockturn Alley, and it was easy to use.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be alive.

Looking at the ugly man in front of him, Snape said in a mocking tone.

"I thought Quirrell was lying to me, but now it's true. You were the one who attacked him."

Who is Quirrell?

Sirius narrowed his eyes in confusion. He had been locked up in Azkaban for seven or eight years, and naturally he didn't know the name.

Haven't waited for him to react.

The opposite Snape looked at Peter Pettigrew in a daze, and instantly picked up the wand on the table and aimed it at his ugly head.

"You are really as useless as before, you will only hide behind the three of them…"

Snape looked at the wary Peter Pettigrew with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"But I'm still very happy to see you dare to appear in front of me without dying."


Sirius looked vigilantly at Snape in front of him, he always felt that the other party knew something.

What happened when he was imprisoned in Azkaban?

"Answer me a question, Peter Pettigrew.!"

Snape walked slowly from the back of the desk, his wand was ready to go, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath when he remembered what he wanted to know.

"Tell me, Lily's safe house – did you leak it to Voldemort! 39

He couldn't hold back his anger-filled mood, and a trembling low voice sounded in the silent classroom.

Like a volcano about to erupt, it could erupt anytime, anywhere.

However, after hearing this question, the opposite Sirius was completely stupid.

Wasn't it supposed to be revealed by him!

Why would Snape know the truth about this?

Up to now, the situation in front of him has exceeded his imagination.

Looking at Peter Pettigrew who was silent and didn't refute, Snape couldn't hold back his sneer anymore.

His cheeks were trembling because his teeth were too hard, and even the stable wand in his hand began to float slightly, all of which showed that his heart was not at peace.

"Yes, I did it, Peter Pettigrew! 35

Sirius also came to his senses at this time, the current matter is too complicated, he can't think clearly at all.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it!

Anyway, his purpose here was to let Snape know that Peter Pettigrew was the ultimate murderer.

But he really didn't expect that the other party had already said everything when he came here.

And it's true.

"The person who leaked the secret back then – was it really you?!"

Snape's pent-up emotions finally exploded after seeing him admit it.

"Avada Kedavra!!"

The wand in his hand flashed a dark green light, which was one of the three unforgivable curses, the Life-threatening Curse!

Damn it!

Sirius hurriedly used the Flying Curse to pull the door panel in front of him to resist the attack of the Life Sucking Curse.

"How did you know about this!"

Hiding behind the door panel, he still couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Shenfeng Wuying-"

Snape didn't want to answer the question at all, his teeth rattled, and as the wand shook, a sharp green light flew fiercely towards the plank.

There is only one thought in his mind right now, and that is to tear Peter Pettigrew to pieces!

Looking at the flying green curse, Sirius frantically controlled his fat body and rolled to the side.

The ornate door was cut in half, and even a deep mark appeared on the stone floor.

If he hadn't escaped just now, he would have completely explained it here.

Fortunately, he was not doing things for nothing in Knockturn Alley for so many days. He followed Tom to deal with the dark wizard every day, and his awareness of dealing with the situation was naturally not bad.

".々Thunderbolt explosion!"

Sirius couldn't stand it anymore, and he swung his wand at Snape.

The solid wood desk was torn apart, and the picture of the little witch was blown into the air.

The azure light shone, and Snape used his armor just in time, and the blast spell did no harm to him.

The whole office became a mess for a while, and the dust accumulated on the ceiling fell one after another.

Snape subconsciously covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve.

It's just that after the dust cleared, there was no one at the door for a long time.

Peter Pettigrew… ran away.

"Professor Snape, what's going on!

A hurried voice (from Zhao Li) came, Filch was holding Mrs. Norris and watching the scene in shock.

This… what the hell happened!?

"…you go and tell Dumbledore that Peter Pettigrew isn't dead and infiltrated the castle. 99

Snape picked up the torn photo, and after a moment of silence he spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Peter Pettigrew – not dead?

Filch's eyes widened and he repeated in disbelief.

Snape didn't have time to talk about the shocked Filch, he turned his attention to the photo in his hand.

This photo has been bombed by half, and even the magic spell can't repair it.

Because that half has been blown to ashes.

Peter Pettigrew!

He clenched his fists so hard that his complexion turned pale.

I must kill you!.