
Hogwarts Frog Cub Brings Back the Dragon Slayer Crystal at the Start

Lou En traveled to the Harry Potter world and received an admission letter from Hogwarts. He also raised a traveling frog cub that can travel around the world and bring him some specialties from time to time. “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Thunder Dragon Slayer Crystal]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Eternal Mangekyo Sharinggan]” “Your frog cub brought you a special travel product [Time Magic Scroll]” “Your frog cub brought a guest [Young Erza (Queen of Fairies)] to visit!” When the wizards saw the figure swallowing the thunder in the sky, the entire wizarding world was dumbfounded. Dumbledore: “He’s the most talented wizard I’ve ever seen in my life!” Voldemort: “He’s the Dark Lord, darker than me!!” Hermione: “He’s the most knowledgeable man in the world! My dear Lou En!”  

Big_Big_0235 · Book&Literature
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340 Chs

Chapter 246

Chapter 246: Slug, I Didn'T Expect Me To Be Alive!

Peter Pettigrew's Compounding?

When Sirius heard this, he stared at Lou En with wide eyes.

He still knows some steps for the production of compound medicines!

One of the most critical materials is the human hair that needs to be turned into, which means… he has already been in contact with that timid mouse?

You must know that the brewing time of compound medicine is very long, usually in months.

"The compound medicine is given to you, you should know what to do next, right?"

Lou En could see Sirius's doubts, but he did not explain, but asked directly.

Peter Pettigrew's hair has a lot of hair in his storage room. As for the compound medicine, he brewed a dozen bottles when he had nothing to do in the first grade.

"You mean… let me pretend to be Peter Pettigrew and let other people realize he's alive?

Sirius held the green potion in his hand, and after a little thought, he understood.

Now Peter Pettigrew is still living as a mouse beside the Weasley family, terrified.

If 13, if the current Sirius directly passes by, it is likely to let it run away directly, and it will be difficult to find at that time.

So the safest way is to let Dumbledore realize that Peter Pettigrew is still alive…

"Then who is my first target – Headmaster Dumbledore?"

Sirius frowned and asked in a slightly hoarse voice.


"No…you should go to Professor Snape. 99

Lou En said with a chuckle and shook his head.

He had attacked Quirrell once under the identity of Peter Pettigrew, and as expected, Quirrell must have told Snape and Dumbledore that Pettigrew was still alive.

They may have long suspected Peter Pettigrew's survival, and now all they have to do is to make Sirius a good fire.

Let Snape and the others fully realize that Quirrell, who died two years ago—was not lying.

After all, with the exposure of Voldemort on the back of Quirrell's head, the credibility of what he said has dropped a lot.

"Severus, that slug?"

Sirius took a sip of butterbeer, still the familiar taste.

I don't know what Snape has become now.

To this day, Sirius still remembers the scene where he and James and the others used a spell invented by Snape to hang him upside down on a tree.

Thinking of this, he slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

"Give me the location of Severus' office, and I'll pay him a good visit tonight."

Sirius picked up the green potion and turned his head to Lou En.

After walking out of the dark secret passage, the thick fog shrouded in Hogwarts did not diminish at all, and the moonlight in the night sky disappeared.

Holding a flickering wand, Lou En walked slowly on the edge of the overgrown Forbidden Forest, a pair of pale blue eyes looking into the distance thoughtfully.

I don't know how Snape would react after seeing Peter Pettigrew.

But when it comes to Snape, it seems that the resurrection of Lily will soon be on the agenda.

After all, their dean's birthday is coming soon.

On his birthday – be sure to give him a big surprise.

After the cold wind blew for a while outside, Lou En activated the teleportation.

As the mist turned into an irregular vortex, his body was gradually inhaled.

at the same time.

In the silent eighth-floor corridor, Lou En's figure gradually emerged.

However, before he was ready to open the Room of Requirement, a slight sound rang behind him.

This sound was very light, if it wasn't for his hearing being strengthened by the Dragon Slayer Crystal, he probably wouldn't have heard it.

When Lou En turned his head, he saw a scrawny black cat with dark gray fur, standing quietly behind him, with a pair of smart eyes staring at him.

"It's Mrs. Norris…"

Since the cat was here, that meant Filch's pesky watchdog was also nearby.

"Be obedient and go back to your master."

Lou En's eyes flashed with scarlet scythes, and he said softly with a smile.

And Mrs. Norris, who was about to scream, was stunned. It slowly raised the cat's head, and the original eyes had been replaced by scarlet kaleidoscopes.

Looking at Mrs. Norris who was walking away, Lou En shrugged and opened the door of the Room of Requirement.

As soon as he stepped into the cozy cabin, he was stunned.

I don't know when, Miss Hermione has fallen asleep on the table, the whole table is full of books, looking a little messy.

There was a book and a notebook under her cheek, and an ink-stained quill was held in her small white hand.

Miss Granger went to bed so early today?

Lou En walked gently beside her, raised his head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall.

It's only about ten o'clock at night.

But after remembering that he had used the time converter this morning, he nodded knowingly.

Then he picked Hermione up in a princess hug and walked towards the big bed.

"Lou En…"

Hermione seemed to feel something, she rubbed her sleepy eyes, raised her head slightly and saw her little boyfriend.

"Well, I'm always there.

Lou En fondly touched her smooth forehead with his head, and whispered in her ear.

"You go to bed first, I'll clean up the things on the table first.


Looking at the blond back who was cleaning the table, Hermione closed her eyes and nodded with the corners of her mouth raised.

And this time-

Sirius twitched his nose, and the unpleasant smell made him a little nauseated.

Is this really a compound potion and not some kind of poison?

Looking at the potion in the green bottle, he gritted his teeth and drank it.


As soon as he took the first sip, Sirius couldn't help spitting out 750.

Is this really something people drink?

Fortunately, the medicine started to take effect.

The next moment, his stature began to shrink gradually, and his stomach bulged.

Messy dry hair, wretched face—


Sirius resisted the anger in his heart and smashed the mirror in front of him with a punch.

Now is not the time to think about it, let's hurry up and find Snape!

If I remember correctly, the compound medicine should be time-effective.

Hogwarts basement.

A black dog zips through the darkness, his Ah f*ck Gus body does not turn into a mouse.

Inside Snape's office.

Snape was standing at the desk, holding the materials on the side into the cauldron, with spider legs, seeds of bitter gourd…

This pot is full of wolf poison potions that Lupin needs.

It is worth noting that there is also an old photo frame placed on the solid wood table.

It was a little witch with a smile and green eyes.

And right now.

There was a knock on the door.

Snape frowned slightly and looked at the door of the room.

It's so late and I don't know who will come to him?

But before Snape could speak, the wooden door slammed open.

This is… Allah Hole Open!

"Long time no see slug, I didn't think I was still alive!""

A laughing voice that made him unforgettable sounded.