
History said they were friends(BL)

Two love rivals, 17 year old black hair loren and blonde nate goes on an excursion to the museum. The students looked at a 15th century painting of blonde prince and a black hair general who has the same name as loren and nate and looked alike only with different last names. After that, loren and nate woke up in a completely different environment in five year old bodies but with fragment of their memories.The love rivals soon become friends and their friendship went down in history.Are the historians right?,were they truly just friends?.

Dgirlblusky · History
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54 Chs

celebration of general Loren's return


I walked back home that night. I was weak and tired. I saw the gate of the sorock residence and I smiled.

I was about to knock on the gates when suddenly someone yelled.

"It's general loren!, It's really him!, He really has nine lives! ".

People turned their eyes to me as they cheered. I bowed to them to show my appreciation.

I kept knocking and my mother opened the gate and stared at me with a smile," I knew it, you weren't dead",she hugged me, then I saw my brother, vitski and my father coming out of the house.

People gathered around and were asking me questions but I couldn't answer all at a time.

My mother stood on top of a barrel and called for silence.

The people chatters reduced.

" My son!, the nine lives general has returned!, She yelled happily and I chuckled.

"In a week!,the sorock residence will celebrate my son's return! and food and liquors will be served from day to night!".

The crowd cheered and she nodded with a smile as she looked at the people.

"Everyone is invited!'.

The crowd cheered

" Tell your parents, neighbors,aunties,uncles,wives, husbands,sisters, brothers, cousins,niece and nephew that they will be served by the sorock residence!.Instruments will be played in every part of the capital and we will dance till we're tired!".

Seeing my mother so happy also made me happy.Sometimes,I imagine how my life could have been if I never left for unknown.

My father carried my mother from the barrel to the ground.she put her hands on her waist and smiled as she looked at the crowd cheering," I feel like I gave birth to a god".

" My half",my dad called my mom concerningly," you want the whole world to be served?,with which money?".

" My half.No need to worry.loren will send for his treasuries in all the provinces."Go and hunt a white deer,I have been hearing rumors of it being seen in the forest",my mother said

All my treasures?.

" Am not a hunter,wife!".

" I'll hunt it and bring it back",I said.

" Alright then,less talking,more preparation".





"Chief of Imperial guard!',the king summoned as he sat on his throne.

The imperial guard who was standing next to the throne,stood in front of the king and went on one knee as he bowed,"Your majesty".

"Instruments have been played since morning in the whole capital,what is happening outside the palace?".

" Your majesty,I also heard it and sent some guards to find out.They're celebrating General loren sorock return.And it was even heard that he caught a white deer after being in the forest for six days".

The king eyes widened," celebration of his return and a white deer!?.Summon the 7th prince!".

" Yes,your majesty".


The people danced among themselves as instruments played at different parts of the capital at once.

Loren's mother smiled with satisfaction as she walked to loren's bedchamber to tell him about the ladies that want to meet him.

She was about to knock on the door but she heard moans from inside the chamber.She smiled to herself and wanted to lean her ears to the door but she withheld herself.

"He is a man now,I'll give him his space.It feels like he was just a boy yesterday".

She smiled to herself as she walked out of the residence,"but still he could have waited until he got married to her.Surely my son is not a scum,he will marry her.

I can't wait to have grandchildren",she screamed in her heart.

She met her younger son,vitski,"do you know the person that's with loren in his bed chamber?".

"Yes",vitski nodded as he danced," the 7th prince".

" Oh,that's beauti_____",she froze as her eyes widened," what?,what!?.

She shook vitskit,"what did you say!?".

"The 7th prince,prince nate,they walked in together,loren said he had business to discuss with him".


" Ahh....",nate moaned while loren throbbed him while his legs were on lorens shoulder.

Loren pulled out slowly and groaned as he ejaculated on the floor.

Exhausted,loren slumped on the bed and laid on his side while he stared at nate.

"It's been so long",nate said as he chuckled.He seized his chuckles and laid on his side,facing loren,"Nobody heard us,am I right?".

"Mmhm,everyone is busy dancing outside and we are here in our own world",loren said and kissed him.

"I love you, loren",nate said as he smiled at loren.

"I love you too, nathius",loren said as he placed a kiss on his forehead.I should help you put on your garments before anyone looks for you".

" My back hurts",nate whined as he stood up.

" How are you feeling in the palace",loren said as he helped nate put on his garments.

"It feels strange.Also I found ivan and he begged for forgiveness for leaving me behind but I forgave him.If i was him,I'll save myself instead of a deadman".

" Where is he now",loren asked, curiously.

Nate chuckled," He will continue his work tommorow".

Loren stared at nate after he dressed him up and smiled,"more than gorgeous",he placed a kiss on his cheek and started to get dressed.

"Why did you save me,when it was told I was dead?",nate asked as he looked at loren.

"I wanted to see you dead or alive.At that moment,I even regretted being a general.I wished I was your personal guard,your protector".

Loren was fully dressed. He walked to nate and caressed his cheek and stared at him lovingly," like how I promised you when we were seven. Do you remember the promise I made to you when you were seven before you entered the palace?".

Nate put his arms around his neck as lorens hands hugged his waist,"Of  course,I've never fogotten.You said you will make yourself great,be worthy of staying by myside and you will protect me".

Loren chuckled,"I didn't realize what I was saying then.Now,Let's dance outside with the rest.




" You all knew about the celebration yesterday,am I right!?",the king was furious.

The ministers grunted.

" And what is this suppose to mean?",he slammed his table.

" Your majesty,we all knew",a minister said.

" Did you all also join the celebration?",he asked furiously as he glared at them.

The ministers said nothing and it made his anger grow.

He slammed the table,"The king ask a question and you ought to reply!,I am your king!",he hits his chest.

The king laughed hysterically and seized it after after a few seconds,"Do you..... perhaps need a new king?".

"You misunderstood,your highness",the ministers chorused.

"Your majesty,what we need is a queen and a crown prince to keep our kingdom stable",another minister said.

"Is that all?",he laughed hysterically."I've already chosen a crown prince,crown princess and the queen".

"The crown prince coronation and wedding will be held the same day,which is tommorow and the queen's coronation will be chosen later".

The ministers murmured among themselves.

"Your majesty,it's too soon",the minister complained.

"Your majesty, we know not who's been chosen for this positions".

" Consort whitelotus is to be chosen as queen"." Minister of rites",the king summoned.

He stepped forward and kowtowed," your majesty".

" Bring your daughter in".

" Yes,your majesty"he said as he walked out of the palace court

The ministers murmured among themselves.

All the ministers and princes turned their heads as they saw the minister walking in with his daughter.

She was of modest nature.Her hair was dark brown and she was dressed in blue.She walked elegantly and curtsied before the king.

"Lady Vanessa greets you ,your majesty".

"This is the crown princess.Crown prince ,this is your betrothed,7th prince.....

Prince nate eyes widened in fear.

Prince nathius",the king completed as he grinned at him.

Prince nate felt suffocated  at that moment.He was unsteady as he moved back a little.

He whimpered as he glared at the king,"why?,why?!.I refuse to get married and I won't ask for your forgiveness!",nate yelled in anger and pain as he clutched his ring that was on his chest,under his clothes.

"If you do not want her,the second choice is princess kresna.Am sure you're comfortable with her" the king grinned at him.

"Father!",Nate yelled.