
History Repeats Itself...

The strongest mage in history, feared by everyone in the world including Gods was killed by a combined effort of the Gods as well as the Humans as well as the Demons... Well... That wasn't the end of it... Because the One responsible for the origin of the universe decided to reincarnate him into the body of another human... Will he be able to keep up this fake persona and live a peaceful life? The answer is “No”... One might have heard it already... But... History repeats itself...

Z_AuthorFrank · Fantasy
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11 Chs


My homie's name is Suga... And... Let's not worry about what happened some moments ago... Because... I can just buy him a pizza and it'll settle the score... Well... When we are in the topic, let me say something about him... He has most of the elements... His aura is dark, muddy purple... Well... That isn't even the best part about it... His mana is condensed... A lot more condensed that normal humans... And... That just means that it is really hard to block his attacks... And... He even has the psychological element... He can move things just by looking at them and thinking about it... So... We misuse this power to act like ghosts inside the classrooms... Our classrooms are protected by barriers... One can't use mana inside the classrooms... Even I have trouble using mana inside the classrooms... But... The only thing that can do it would be a being made of mana... And... The scariest out of all of them is a ghost... So... Whenever it's raining outside, we do that...

[Shows a classroom, the speaker is teaching the students about trigonometry using battle towers as examples]

*Suga looks at the chalk and the chalk starts writing something on the blackboard "It has been 10 years since I comited suicide in this school"*

[Everyone there starts looking tense]

The Man- Umm... The spelling of committed is wrong... *rubs the wrong one and writes the correct spelling* Now... Let's see... What does it say? Suicide?! My my... Are you a ghost?

*The chalk moves and writes "You are right... I was the son of a poor noble... And... A high ranking noble killed me... So I will kill the highest ranking nobles here... Starting from the King's son..."* Umm... Mr. Prince of Indinia... I believe you should start running...

*The prince goes running out of the class*

The Man- Now... Now... Mr. Ghost... Would you care to not disturb my class for some time? I have a lot to cover...

*The chalk falls down*

The Man- Well... That means I can continue with the class without any problems...

That wasn't the only time the ghost was seen... It came everytime it rained... It became a common rumour... Anyways... Me and my homie are really close... At night, we sometimes sneak out and fight each other... And... Those fights are intense...

[In a courtyard at night, two boys were seen slapping each other]

Intense... Really intense... Ah... It makes me cry...