
History Repeats Itself...

The strongest mage in history, feared by everyone in the world including Gods was killed by a combined effort of the Gods as well as the Humans as well as the Demons... Well... That wasn't the end of it... Because the One responsible for the origin of the universe decided to reincarnate him into the body of another human... Will he be able to keep up this fake persona and live a peaceful life? The answer is “No”... One might have heard it already... But... History repeats itself...

Z_AuthorFrank · Fantasy
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I did have a homie... But it's not like he was my only friend... I had other friends... Like the princess... Shro... She was kinda like my caretaker at the academy... She always had my back... And would always save me whenever I would be in a pinch... I call her Big Sis... Her way of speaking is terrible though... She never accepts her mistakes and always acts all high and mighty... I guess that comes with her position... And... To top it all off, she is a half vampire... So... She has an affinity for blood magic... Which is really uncommon... She has red eyes and black hair... And applies red highlight to her hair... And... Another one is Piku... She is a good friend... Gentle with her words... Has an affinity for wind and holy magic... Is a blonde elf with blue eyes... Is a part-time nun... And... Is head over heels for Shro... And... That makes our whole group... And... We have some roles in our group... Shro is my "Bro"... And is Piku's "husband" even though she is a girl... Suga is my Homie... Suga is Piku's twin... So... You see... We are really close... Even though we come from different backgrounds... Somehow we all are in sync... I love this group of mine... Well... There are some other friends worth mentioning as well... San... Who is a cute, small, red haired normal human being... Who is hard to talk to... Not because she is shy... But because it's hard to understand what she is trying to say... And... She doesn't understand most of what I say either... So... Whenever we have a chat, we are both just blabbering different things which make no sense... I swear... It might seem like we are fellow members a cult if you see us speaking to each other... It's really weird... And... Last but not least... Comes by crush... Koko... She is a part vampire, part demon, part spirit... So... She is super powerful... The two strongest people in our academy would be Shro and Koko... We have never witnessed both of them fighting each other... But... It would be quite a sight to see... Anyways... Koko has long black hair... And red eyes... She wears round golden-rimmed specs... And... We don't know who her parents are... She is probably the daughter of a demon and a spirit... And... She probably became a part vampire by following the ritual to become a vampire... So... She is strong enough to have been acknowledged to undergo the ritual... Or maybe she was chosen because she was a half demon... Most demons undergo the ritual... Oh... On the topic of demons... There is only one pure Blodded demon in our academy... The one and only daughter of the 10868th Demon Lord... That guy was just a kid when I first met him... Anyways... She is probably just as strong as Koko and Shro... Her nickname is Tia because races other than demons can't pronounce her name... Well... I guess that comes with being the Demon Lord's Daughter... Anyways... She has a strong affinity for fire element and dark element... And... She is my reading partner as well... And she is the only reason we are at the top of our school in terms of Multilingual project marks... No one except a demon would be so great at demon language... But oh well... I'm quite fluent in demon language as well... Anyways... Who would've thought that the daughter of the 10868th Demon Lord would be such a bookworm? She has black hair, dark skin, golden eyes, black round specs and wears a black mask with her name written in it, in demon language... And that concludes my friends group... And... We used to enjoy our school life until that day...