
Team America Crisis, Lee from the heart vs. Tony!

Lee guessed that Team America had gone to Tony's villa, was he right?


 It's not wrong at all, now the United States team, is still in Tony's villa hall, and Tony long talk. The mouth kept talking about Bucky's encounters over the years, to Tony to know the love, to move to reason.

 If not to see his nose and face, eyes swollen to almost can not open the appearance, as well as Tony a face of disgust, full of impatience expression, other people see will really think that he and Tony has already turned into a good thing.

 Speaking of which, the U.S. team is really a tough guy, this guy was in Tony's home outside the door shouted half an hour, which finally shouted Tony out, and then he wanted to explain to Tony what he knew, in exchange for Tony's a beating.

 At this time, Team America's tough character came to the fore.

 No matter how Tony beat him, scolded him, kicked him, humiliated him, trampled him, ravaged him ... Team America always managed to get up from the ground again, and put what he wanted to say from the beginning again, until it was once again interrupted by Tony's fists.

 It can truly be said that Tony has abused me a thousand times, and I take Tony as if it were my first love.

 After beating up Team America for a full half hour, Tony also felt quite uninterested.

 Compared to the kind of Li Congxin can easily abuse his players, really or in front of this kind of hit not return, scolding not return the words of the guy more let a person speechless.

 Another punch went down, "I'd like to see just how long you can last."

 Team America rose from the ground once more and said over his pig-like head, "I can last all day and continue tomorrow."

 Tony: ...

 "You say."

 By now Tony's brakes were worn out and his anger was pretty much vented.

 Things had come to a point where if it was Li Congxin in his place, maybe a round of persuasion could really have some effect, or even directly achieve the goal.

 Unfortunately, now the United States team and Tony plus this time, just met two faces, there is no friendship to speak of, if not for the sake of him is the United States captain's sake, Tony has long been under the hard hand to waste him. Can sit down to listen to him bleep, completely in order to send this bastard away earlier.

 And Team America finally found the opportunity to speak, of course, how much want to exhaustive will say how exhaustive, first with the narrative mode of Bucky's life, then with the thesis mode to comment on Bucky's merits and demerits, and finally with the thesis mode to tell him, Bucky, Howard? Stark and comment on each of them.

 In this way, Team America utilized his excellent eloquence and talked for hours, making Tony's ears calloused, but actually did not listen to a word.

 "Here's what really happened." Team America squeezed out a hard smile on his beaten to a pig's face, "Are you able to understand what I'm trying to say now?"

 After hearing this, Tony perked up a bit as if he had just woken up from a nap, "Are you done?"

 Team America's smile froze on her face, "Finished."

 "Good riddance, no farewell."

 Team America froze and stood up expansively, "You still don't get it!"

 By this time, Tony finally couldn't hold back any longer. I was depressed because of the fight, only willing to support you to say, you can be good, a talk up on the endless, simply a four knife flow (the so-called four knife six, refers to: chatter, chatter, chatter!) Who can stand this?

 Step forward, Tony directly raised other palm pulse pointed at the United States team: "If you do not go, I really want to be rude to you!"

 Team America looked at Tony, also similarly openly stood up, stepped forward and grabbed Tony's mechanical arm, pointing the palm cannon at his own head, "If this can dissolve the hatred in your heart, please do it!"

 Team America's approach seemed a bit rogue, but in reality he had no choice.

 Howard and Bucky were both his friends, and he was actually the one who had the hardest time after something like that happened.

 However, he was more than aware that Bucky wasn't the murderer, and at best could only be considered a tool in the hands of the murderer. It wasn't as if he could let Tony take his life just because of what he had done when he was under someone's control.

 As Bucky's only friend nowadays, he had to stand up for him and protect him at this point in time, just as Bucky had stood up for him every time he was in trouble when he was a beanpole after the fact.

 And it's equally true that Tony, as Howard's son known as one, wants to avenge his father's death, which is even more impossible to define as evil with Team America's morals.

 He wants to resolve this crisis, the only way is to sacrifice himself, to exchange love and justice both!

 A very lofty idea, is also very consistent with the style of Team America, however, he does not have the objective conditions to achieve this goal, the timing, geographical advantage, and people and not the same on his side, so his purpose is destined to be unable to achieve.

 "Boom!" Angry Tony kicked Team America far away, "Who do you think you are, your life can't even erase the pain in my heart!"

 "If you want to protect that murderer, go back and prepare yourself. When the time comes to let go of the battle with me, and that shield was made by my father, you're not qualified to use it!"

 Knowing that he was useless no matter how much persuasion he was in, Team America was able to silently get up from the ground and walk out of Tony's villa with weak steps.

 Leaving Tony's home team, the whole person seems to have lost his soul like, God is not a guardian, like a lifeless walking corpse, step by step mechanically along the direction of coming back to go.

 He wanted to dissolve the hatred through peaceful means, but unsurprisingly it ended in failure.

 What else could he do?

 Like Li Congxin said, not deciding on a reckless wave when things go wrong, and win the fight first?

 Li Congxin's way of Team America does not agree, he believes that the use of violence to solve the problem, derived can only be greater hatred.

 Now things, undoubtedly caught in an unsolvable dead cycle.

 Captain America's era of being number one in the world is long gone. The current him was surprisingly helpless in the face of the hatred between Bucky and Tony!

 At this moment, his self-confidence, which had always been unfavorable, had been shaken.

 Suddenly! Team America felt a killing opportunity coming head on, the fighting quality developed years ago was not worn out by the ice, at the moment of feeling the crisis, it immediately forced itself to pull itself together and looked towards the direction where the sense of crisis was coming from.

 However, he saw that it was a burly man with a big body, his arms wrapped around his chest, speaking with a confident look, "You can't leave, Captain. But there is one thing that I must make clear in advance before making a move."

 "This is not personal."


 On the other side, Li Congxin was flying at a high speed in the sky, although both his and Tony's villas were built on the beach outside of Los Angeles, the distance between the two was not very close, during which he almost needed to cross a distance equivalent to half of Los Angeles.

 While flying, Li Congxin was not only a little worried that he had dug out all of these two goods, but also let them live together, is not inadvertently departed from one of the three major laws of Marvel's Shield Winter Law?

 Shield Winter's Law: as long as Team America and the Winter Soldier appear in the same movie, then the ending of the movie is destined to be a tragedy, and the two people are also destined to end up separately.

 Between random thoughts, Li Congxin's feet kept making the repetitive movements of stepping, lifting, and stepping again, and with every step, a magic formation would be born out of thin air under his feet for him to borrow power, and in this way, it would allow his already extremely fast speed to go even further, and now it had already broken through the speed of sound long ago!

 Flying all the way along the sky above the main road, Li Congxin did not see the figure of Team America, until he came to Tony's villa outside, hesitated for a moment, and did not directly fight in, but will be suspended in mid-air, said in a deep voice: "Tony? Stark!"

 Voice from Lee from the heart of the mouth issued mixed with a strong Qi, Tony's entire villa will be enveloped in it. Wherever the voice reached, the glass of the entire villa shook slightly. If it wasn't for the fact that Tony's home was decorated with bullet-proof glass, this voice alone would have been enough to make all the windows of their home renovated.

 From this, it could be seen that this time, Li Congxin was really in a hurry.

 After a period of contact, Li Congxin more or less also was infected by the charisma of the United States team, although far from talking about the folding of God, but also the other party as one of his few friends.

 Now his friend is in trouble, how can he not be anxious?

 Hearing Li Congxin's shout, Tony in the first time will wear its steel battle suit from the villa inside fly out, looks like he is now this body, compared to yesterday and Li Congxin battle worn that set, but also more advanced.

 Can't it be that this guy only used one day's time to modernize his battle armor?

 As a matter of fact, Li Congxin's thinking was a bit left-field.

 The production and manufacture of steel battle suit is not a joke, every generation needs all kinds of calculations and repeated testing, even Tony is also impossible to complete the design and manufacture of a battle suit in a short period of time.

 The reason why the update is so fast, just because the development of this suit has already reached the final stage, yesterday Lee from the heart of the last generation of his suit completely abused, stubborn Tony so overtime, will be about to complete the suit rushed out.

 The reasoning behind this is not difficult to guess, but Li Congxin now go no mood to care about this. His eyes, dead nailed on Tony's right hand, a blood-stained shield above.

 It was precisely Team America's shield!

 With his gaze fixed, Li Congxin said in a deep voice, "Steve came to you?"

 "He came here to seek death!" Tony said disdainfully, UU look at the book www.uukanshu.net and shook the shield in his hand at Li Congxin reluctantly, "This shield was made by my father, and as an accomplice to his murderer, Captain America is not qualified to use it. Therefore, I have taken it back."

 Nodding slightly, Li Congxin said in a deep voice, "Now then, can you hand over the person to me?"

 "Can't be done!"

 Tony's words were still as cold as ever, "I already said it before when I handed over the information to you, I no longer owe you anything. The next time we meet, you and I will be mortal enemies, you are not qualified to ask me to do anything at all."

 "There are only two choices before you now."

 As Tony's words became more and more unforgiving, a burst of fire was suddenly seen in the night, but ten different forms of steel battlesuits flew out from the villa, forming a semicircle that surrounded Li Congxin.

 Tony in the center, casually threw the round shield in the direction of the villa, followed by a killing machine said:

 "Leave, or die!"