
Search the mountains and the sea for Team America!

Tony's information about artificial intelligence is a lot, and in order to completely clear the relationship with Li Congxin, also did not have any hidden meaning, and even later used to perfect Jarvis's program related information and insights, are also copied in it.

 For this information, Lee from the heart to take the peace of mind, after all, his information also let Tony eat a lot of pain is not?

 Equivalent exchange only, talk about what favor.

 Print out all the information, Li Congxin directly will room door unlocked, and then use the soul out-of-body way to flip through these materials.

 Using the time difference in the soul state, Li Congxin only used less than ten minutes or so to browse through the huge amount of information that Tony had passed over, almost emptying the ink cartridge, and then used another ten minutes or so to familiarize himself with it and analyze it, and after twenty minutes, he had already made it clear in his mind.

 Then after that, Li Congxin made some improvements on the basis of Tony's design, although the changes he made might not be better than Tony's original design, but after improvement the AI had become his own thing, even Tony couldn't easily crack it.

 After double-checking his improved program again and again to make sure that there were no more mistakes or omissions, he raised his head and looked at the wall clock, the current time was 4:0 PM, only 0 minutes had passed.

 The soul returned to the body, Li Congxin reorganized the information, and after having a dinner with his family and chatting for a while.

 He was preparing to move to Pym Labs and pound out his AI before going to bed, but a call from Bucky completely disrupted the original plan.

 Team America is missing the bird!

 Hearing this news, Li Congxin's first reaction was that this must be the work of Hydra!

 The reason for this speculation, really because Hydra did too many bad things, and Captain America is their nemesis. As if Naruto in the same way, what bad things can not find the black hand behind the words, directly put him as the first object of suspicion, at least more than half of the chances can be masked right.

 Although now and they are in conflict with the most ferocious is Tony, but Tony after all is a superhero, even if again how to be hate from the dizzy mind, do things also has his own bottom line.

 Howard's revenge, he is not yet so angry to the body of the United States team.

 But who is the murderer is not important, the important thing is to find the person first.

 "Bucky, don't be in a hurry." Li Congxin asked to Bucky on the other side of the phone, "When did he go missing from, and have you tried to call him to get in touch?"

 Bucky's voice came from the microphone, "The two of us just came back from the set not a moment ago, and he left alone, saying that he was going to buy a little something and would be back in a while. But until now, I still haven't seen him come back, not only has his cell phone been turned off, even his shield has disappeared."

 Li Congxin sniffed and frowned slightly before saying, "Alright, I know. You must stay at home and don't run around, I'll figure out how to find someone."

 Hanging up Bucky's phone, Li Congxin turned and flipped through his address book again, finding Halogen's number and then directly dialed it.

 "Hello, isn't this Counselor Clark, what's the matter with finding me?"

 Li Congxin was now too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and said straight to the point: "Captain America is missing, I suspect that he is in danger, and now I need your help to use all resources to find him."

 "Captain is missing?" Halibut was also surprised for a while when he heard this, but followed it by slowing down his voice and said, "According to our previous cooperation, every time I ask you to help me, I need to pay, this time you took the initiative to beg me ..."

 "He is Captain America, he has shed blood for the Allies!"

 Received from Nick? Fury's impression value +6666!

 "Of course I know about Captain America's feats, I'm just talking about the rules of cooperation between you and me ..."

 "He was frozen for Rice!"

 Received from Nick? Fury's impressions +7777!

 "Of course I know he's a war hero, but I'll say this ..."

 "He bled for freedom!"

 Received from Nick Fury. Fury's impressions +8888!

 "I'd say ..."

 "He was frozen for the world for 70 years!"

 Received from Nick Fury. Fury's impression value +9999!

 Halcyon felt like he and Li Congxin were no longer able to communicate properly, but the most irritating thing was that he couldn't really let go of Captain America when something happened to him.

 Not to mention that Team America itself was a partner in justice. Just by virtue of Team America's reputation, if by the following until he stood by while Team America was in danger, it would be a huge blow to his reputation.

 With no choice but to compromise, Halcyon could only choose to compromise: "Alright, I'm defeated by your shameless spirit. I'll send Hill to take full charge of this operation, and your people had better cooperate as well."

 After hanging up the phone, Li Congxin immediately summoned a group of hands at home, what with Hope, Nalan Bai and even Sharon, who had already gone home for a rest, and the underage Minty all being called on by him together.

 The task is only one, use all available means, fully cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s work.

 Search the Hill and the sea for Team America!

 S.H.I.E.L.D. people under the command of Hill very hard in the world to find the traces of Captain America, Lee from the heart is also directly open flight mode, cloaked in a big red cape, in the sky above Los Angeles flying around, causing a lot of people thought it was a comic book Superman live, invisible is to give his new movie to create a momentum.

 In the S.H.I.E.L.D. and Lee from the side of the full force of the search, a few hours later, but still nothing.

 Seeing that it has come to about eight o'clock in the evening, Li Congxin and Hill finally met in the Los Angeles sea view villa, Bucky, who had already waited impatiently, was immediately rushed up to ask about the situation.

 Gently shook his head, Li Congxin asked Bucky, who was a little agitated: "Calm down, think carefully about today, before Steve left, did he say any strange words to you? Also, have you encountered anything unusual?"

 Bucky was slightly stunned at his words, followed by immediately saying, "When we left the company building and were about to go to the garage to get the car, we saw a monk telling stories to a few believers."

 Li Congxin raised his eyebrows, "You can understand?"

 "They were speaking English."

 "Okay." Li Congxin nodded and followed up with, "What kind of story is he telling?"

 "He told the story of a man whose name is Buddha." Bucky revealed a thoughtful look and lent in again, "In the story, the man with the name Buddha, in order to save a pigeon, cut off his own flesh and fed it to an eagle, and later on, there was an encounter with a tiger that was about to starve to death, and so he used himself as food to save that tiger."

 "I can't remember the exact details, but that's roughly what happened."

 After hearing Bucky's words, Li Congxin immediately said with great certainty, "There is something wrong with that monk, can you still remember his appearance?"

 Bucky nodded slightly, while Li Congxin turned to Hill and said, "I think I already know what Steve's going to think, I'm going to go look for him, you first have someone spell out the monk's appearance based on Bucky's memories, and then immediately make an arrest, there is definitely something wrong with this person!"

 Hill nodded at his words and immediately began to call the professionals, Li Congxin however had already taken out the Suspension Ring at this moment, preparing to open the portal to go directly to the destination to find the person.

 Standing in front of his body with the Suspension Ring in his left hand, his right hand began to draw circles in the void, while a specific image of Tony's living room had already surfaced in his mind.

 Li Congxin's operation was very precise, however, the result was that the magic release failed!

 Not to mention the portal, not even a single spark appeared this time.

 What's going on?

 Li Congxin, who didn't believe in the truth, tried two more times, but all of them failed without exception.

 At this time, Sharon suddenly came in, waving her hand at him as she held a few pictures from a long distance away, saying, "Clark, I've found a clue, come take a look at this."

 Lee put away his suspense ring and took the photos from Sharon, who ran up quickly, but saw that the first photo showed a scene from the Captain America Museum, where several plastic models loomed in front of a backdrop with the entire Roaring Commandos team painted on it, except that the one in the center was naked, holding a model shield with the Stars and Stripes painted on it.

 "Just moments ago, I got word that the Team America Museum in Los Angeles has been stolen, and one of the Captain's outfits has disappeared."

 While listening to Sharon's narration, Li Congxin had subconsciously flipped over the first photo and scanned over the top of the second one.

 It was a white-haired old man wearing a security uniform with a dumbfounded expression.

 An impression value from the Will of the Cosmic Origin was received and automatically transformed into one 'Random BG Drawing Card'!

 Seeing the big brother again!

 Although he was very happy about harvesting a bg, he was not in the mood to care about this right now, flipping through the next few, they were all some relevant clues about the theft of the museum, Li Congxin simply returned it directly to Sharon: "Thanks for your information, I can basically already determine where I can find him, I'll move now."

 After saying that, Li Congxin directly turned on the flight mode to leave his own villa, and flew in a straight line towards the direction of Tony's ocean view villa.

 After grasping many clues, he was basically certain that Team America was definitely looking for Tony.


 Instead of saying that he was going to look for Tony, 

 This bastard must have heard the story of Buddha cutting his flesh and feeding it to the eagle, and planned to follow suit, using his own life to dissolve Tony's hatred.

 Li Congxin heart that angry ah!

 How to solve this trouble, his heart clearly has a belly plan, if it goes well, it can solve this trouble perfectly. Even if it is not so smooth, at least it can let Tony calm down and seriously think about it.

 Which still need you Captain America must find death tired of living?

 For no reason at all, Li Congxin's mind suddenly had a burst of inspiration and came up with a couplet for Team America.

 The first line: "Lone in the dragon pool, shield over the dome of the sky, fist to the world";

 Bottom line: roaring and slaughtering the Nine Snakes, Team America's life is not weak!

 Although he himself knew that it was very unlucky to think of this at this time, it had to be said that this couplet was really quite suitable for Team America.