
Queen's Knight Mech! Goonies 2 vs Iron Man!

 Lee from the heart of the eyes since in front of the eleven members of the Iron Legion swept one by one, to Tony as the center, left four and six, fan-shaped row.

 Among them, Tony's left side of the four battle suit are gold and red tawdry style as the movie general lineage, and he is all generations of Mark battle armor.

 And the six battle suits located on his right, its appearance looks a little indescribable.

 Well ... better describe it.

 The pink body is concave and convex, slender waist, plump breasts and buttocks, especially its delicate face and flowing hair are lifelike, just like a real person.

 And the appearance of each suit and hairstyle are different, but the theme is only one, that is, the lively and lovely image of a beautiful girl.

 Just by looking at its appearance, there is a kind of mechanical girl resurrection trend.

 Slightly frowned, Li from the heart of the gaze bizarre look to Tony "did not see out ah, you Tony? Stark this thick eyebrows, is also a women's clothing enthusiasts, or Loli control?"

 Tony's old face hidden under the battle suit flushed red, indignantly said "You don't care!"

 "Mr. Clark, you've got Mr. Tony all wrong." At this time, a pink battlesuit with blue double ponytails came out, mischievously winked at Li Congxin and said, "These cute-looking girl-type battlesuits in front of you are all researched by others based on Mr. Tony's information when they have nothing else to do, oh, there is no direct relationship with Mr. Tony."

 Hearing Eris's words, Li Congxin couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

 In other words, she was already able to carry out research and development work on her own, so black technology?

 At this time, she heard Eris continue, "The six mechs over here are the Queen's Knight series mechs that I personally designed, in which, in addition to Mr. Tony's technology, there is also the Bionic Mask function that you researched, Mr. Clarke, which makes the mechs on my side look so much prettier than the tin cans designed by Mr. Tony, humph!"

 "Eris!" Tony in the Iron Battle Suit, at this time finally could not hold back any longer, said with a black face "I remember giving you a terminal order not to reveal any secrets about me without authorization, have you evolved to the point where you can treat my words as if they fell on deaf ears now, how did you do it?"

 "Cut!" Disdainfully skimming his mouth, Eris gave Tony a very humane blank look and said "I haven't revealed any of your secrets to Mr. Clark, not to mention that the Queen's Knight series of mechs are considered your secrets? Did you develop it. Apart from the materials that you provided, the series of suits relied entirely on my deduction, okay?"

 "So even if it's a secret, the Queen's Knight series is someone else's secret, not yours. I'll say what I want to say, so you should care about me. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..."

 Towards the end, this Queen's Knight Battle Armor, also mischievously poked its tongue out towards Tony.

 Tony ...

 Received an impression from Tony? Stark's impression value +66666!

 What could he do with such an AI, he was also speechless!

 But Tony was Tony after all, as a super genius, he immediately found a way to ease the embarrassment, so he decisively redirected his gaze to Li Congxin's body "Clark, it looks like you are planning to fight with me and are not willing to leave here."

 Of course Li Congxin didn't intend to leave, even if he was going to leave, he would at least wait until he figured out the news about Team America.

 He sighed, and turned to look at Eris's mech, which was the Queen's Knight's mech, and shook his head and said, "You're so honest, when I face your mech in a moment, will I fight, or not?"

 "Fight." Eris said indifferently, "The materials are all Mr. Tony's, he has money and doesn't care, as for the technology, these are in fact obsolete products, people have already deduced a better and more powerful, the most important is more beautiful brand new armor, the old doesn't go the new doesn't come well, don't be merciful oh."

 "Now catching up is over, you can go to die!" In the roar of his life, Tony had already manipulated the battlesuit on his body, towards Li Congxin was a palm energy cannon, after being dodged by Li Congxin, the rest of the four Mark series battlesuits, six Queen's Knights series mechs had already swarmed up towards Li Congxin to launch a crazy attack.

 Li Congxin was in the air, dodging left and right with his martial artist's intuition, rolling the cloth into a stick with his wonderful hands, seizing an opportunity to apply heavy blows, and in two seconds, he completely destroyed the power system of a Mark 2-type battlesuit.

 Followed by a roll of the stick, wrapped around its ankles, so that the Mark 2 battle armor as a hammer head, using a set of meteor hammer kung fu, will be surrounded by the protection of the wind and rain, and the rest of the ten lifting the battle suit, mechs fighting in a place.

 For a time, clanking sound of gold and iron collision is endless, Tony's Mark battle suit, Eris's Queen's Knight mech one after another was smashed into scrap metal, fell into the sea below.

 While fighting Li Congxin also did not forget to open his mouth to test Eris's mouth "Eris, Steve Rogers, that is, Captain America, for the first time you are called is the big breast emperor of that guy, when did he go?"

 "Not long before you arrived, about twenty minutes ago, blasted out of the building after a severe beating by Mr. Tony." A slight beat, Eris also did not forget to add "Mr. Tony hit hard, that big-breasted emperor's sexy little pecs were all bruised by him, and it was weirdly painful to watch people."

 "Eris, shut up!"

 Received from Tony? Stark's impression value +55555!

 Having such an AI with the attribute of a nymphomaniac was really td humiliating!

 Li Congxin slightly frowned at this time, followed by immediately said "Tony quickly stop, both of us are being used as a gun by others!"

 "It's pointless to continue fighting now. I must now go find someone immediately, farewell!"

 "Boom!" Tony blasted another palm cannon at Li Congxin, which was easily avoided by the latter, and then said indignantly "I just gave you the chance to leave, don't you think it's too late to leave now?"

 "Now I don't have time to delay with you here!"

 As he spoke, Li Congxin's vibrating gold cloak had already turned into a sharp, red-colored sword under Kimo Yuju's control, and above the spine of the sword, there were four big words in golden light - Wonderful Hands Returning Spring!

 That Tchalla didn't know how to research, no matter what form it changed into, these four big words would always appear in an extremely conspicuous position, and could not be hidden at all.

 With a sword in his hand, Li Congxin no longer hesitated, and with a single turn of his blade, he plunged into the chest of a Mark Battlecloak that was coming in close behind him.

 The sword pierced through the reactor!

 The mech that had lost its power crashed helplessly into the seawater below, splashing up a scene of waves.

 Through the previous battles, Li Congxin had already completely figured out the combat mode of these battle armor in front of him, and at this moment, he was really comfortable in dealing with them, his body was shuttling back and forth between a cloud of gold-red and pink mechs, and in just a moment of time, apart from the one driven by Tony himself, the other battle suits and mechs had already been destroyed by the reactors by his longsword, and they all fell down into the sea surface below.

 Battlesuits or mechs alone were simply too much for Li Congxin to handle.

 Only Tony's own suit was slightly more troublesome.

 In addition to the performance of this latest type of suit to be more powerful, with Tony control is also one of the most important factors.

 Tony under the control of the suit, and by Eris control, will only follow a fixed pattern of battle suit is two completely different concepts.

 If not say Tony is Iron Man it, the suit inside the loaded with him, the combat power is absolutely to be more than double by virtue of the grant!

 But even so, for Li Congxin is only a little too much trouble.

 The two have already exchanged more than ten moves in a moment, Tony was finally seized by Li Congxin an opportunity, filled with gas vibration gold long sword cut through the shell of the suit, directly cut off his shoulders located on both sides, for the arms of the body to provide energy wires, which is tantamount to the abolition of Tony's arms.

 After that, Li Congxin dodged to Tony's body, and again "Swish! Swish! Swish!" Three swords in a row, on top of his chest armor cut out a big "Z" mark, but cut off all the connections between the reactor and the body.

 After all, Tony's situation was special, if a sword stabbed his reactor, his life would be in danger. Although Li Congxin was in a hurry, he wasn't so careless with his hands.

 Grasping Tony has lost the kinetic energy of the battle suit, Li Congxin towards the direction of the villa below swooped over, at the same time opened his mouth and said "Now we both are being exploited by the people who have a heart, I advise you to calm down first, I'm now in a hurry to find someone, broke a large pile of your battle suit, I'm sorry!"

 Said then with a throw, directly smashed through the glass with Tony's battlesuit and threw it inside the villa's living room.

 There was a mechanical arm dedicated to Eris there, I believe Tony should know how to save himself.

 After doing this, Li Congxin didn't follow him in, but turned his body around and once again flew at ultra-low altitude along the main road between Tony and his own family's two ocean view villas.

 He didn't look carefully when he came, this time he had to not miss any details!

 Looking at Li Congxin's distant back, Tony opened the mask of his battlesuit and followed it with a heart-shattering roar that was depressed beyond measure.

 "Ah! ..."

 By what right!

 Fight when you want, stop when you want!

 It's like this in every fight, you Clark can do whatever you want, I have no room to fight back at all!

 I'm the Man of Steel!

 I'm not willing to do that!

 You have martial arts, UU reads books www.uukanshu.net I have science!

 I, Tony? Stark vowed to create a battle suit that can fight you head on and show you how terrifying the power of science is.

 "Eris, help me remove my armor!"