
Histoire D'amour

An ordinary girl along with the love of her life is living a dream that unfortunately gets broken by someone close to her. As she moves on with her life, she goes through multiple twists and turns. Will she be able to overcome it??

ATMJ_13 · Movies
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"Buttercup, promise me one thing..." he said as I sat beside him.

"What??" I asked looking at him with curiosity in my eyes.

"Promise me that we will be together forever.." he said sticking out his pinky.

I chuckled at his childish behavior.

"You are so childish, ok I promise to be by your side forever" I also stuck out my pinky out tangling it with his. We smiled at each other cause this promise means a lot to me and me as well.

We were smiling and laughing with each other. Just the two of us, when suddenly I felt someone hugging my waist from the back.

"You are only mine, babe. Don't think I will let you leave."

This voice...I know this voice. I started to turn my head to confirm that is this the same person I am thinking of, but just then I felt something cold on my head.


I shot my eyes open as soon as I felt a whole bucket of cold water pour on me. As soon As I opened my eyes, is saw a face that I never wanted to see first thing in the morning. It was actually two, not one.

"Bitch, get your ass up!! I don't want to be late for my university," she said as she made a disgusted face.

And from she I mean, one of my ene- I mean cousin, Rose.

(A/N: she is not Rose from Blackpink, she is just an imaginative girl name, Rose)

Something like this

"Rose why do you hate me so much?!" I asked her, with my eyes tearing up. She grabbed my chin harshly and said "cause you are a f*cking, pathetic bitch, now get up and make breakfast for us."

She went away. Well, she is really indeed annoying but I don't hate her that much. The person I hate the most is still standing here in front of me, Noah.

"oh my god, did she make you cry, baby?? huh?" he said as he took step towards me.

"don't come near me, Noah'' I said while shifting away from him.

"wh- what did you say just now?? WHAT?!?!" he shouted as he grabbed my chin harshly making me look toward him. As my gaze met with him, he could see tears in my eyes as his tight grip loosens.

" I have told you many times sweetheart, you are not allowed to call me by my name." I nodded my head.

" Good, now tell me what are the rules??" he said as he started to touch my thighs, I felt disgusted by his touch.

"T-to never avoid your touch or orders and to c-call, you 'master' every time," I said.

"Good, such a good girl you are, you should be rewarded for this right??" he said as his hands traveled to my upper thighs.

"n-no master, it's o-ok" I said trying to avoid his touch. He is indeed a total pervert you think?? But he is more than that...

"Oh baby, did you just disobey me?? you know what the consequences will be right??" he had that annoying smirk on his face all the time.

"n-no master, it's just that your sister will be angrier if I will be late so-" I said not looking into his eyes. Just then we both heard Rose shouting which caused him to stop his actions immediately.

She was calling him and me as well. So he just removed his hand and went downstairs.

"Remember, tonight.." he said and winked at me before going downstairs.

I sighed thinking about what is going to happen tonight. I really regret staying with them, I just want to run away from everyone and start a new life somewhere else with the one whom I love. But for now, I pushed my thoughts aside and started to get ready.

Tell me where are you, cause I wanna tell you that

When I close my eyes I see you, when I open them 'I Miss You'

Because 'I LOVE YOU'
