
His Thirdwheel Lover

" I love you " Reagan suddenly confessed. "Good joke!" Alysa laughed at Reagan's sudden confession thinking he was just messing with her. but as she looked at his serious face, she stopped laughing and her expression also changing into confusion and disbelief. "I'm serious." Reagan replied with a straight face which made Alysa even more confused and angry for some reason. "Mr. Cadel, you must be high on something, I will take this as a stupid prank. bye." she waved and walked away with an unreadable emotions. "It is not a prank." his voice was soft and serious. he looked nervous! Reagan Cadel, The most charming man of Country S, Who can make any women beg for his attention was nervous at the moment and looked so dejected as he watched the women of his dream walk away. 'How can he confess to me when he is engaged?' 'Am I that easy?' 'why did I even have to be in this mess?' so many questions ran into her mind with each strides she took to her apartment. What do you think happened to Alysa that made her feel wronged? And why does Reagan confess to her when he was engaged to someone else? ------- Meet Alysa Arley, Our Average girl who came from an average family in y city of Country S. Who always had a optimistic approach in life even after life was bitter to her many times. She wanted nothing but to lead a happy life with her beloved ones. Reagan Cadel, who was opposite to the word average, He was born with a golden spoon, he had everything the world can offered, still ended up falling in love with our average girl, Who took the country's most eligible bachelor's confession as a joke! Hop in with me to see how their story unfolds. Note: This is my first ever story. I will be happy to have you accompany me in this journey. All rights reserved.

Aiko_Hireath · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Her Mother is scary!

After having Claire's not so horrible breakfast. Both began to unpack their things in their new 3bhk flat. it was in the 4th floor below the rooftop. it was the decent flat they could find in their budget. whats more, they were proud they made the landlady agree for 10 dollars less in the rent. which they are gonna brag for the rest of their lives. that too, it was not easy searching for a place in the busiest city in their country. it was the first time they realised how expensive Shentria city is. Nevertheless, both ladies were happy that finally their dream of staying together with friends came true.

"when is Ashley gonna come?" Claire asked as she finished fixing the window curtain.

" She said she is on the way. she will reach by 4." Alysa replied as she looked at the clock she just hung on the wall.

" Isn't she the one who said she is gonna welcome us!" Claire complained as she fell on the couch.

" we can't blame her though, we know how strict her mother is." Alysa sighed as she went to hand a glass of water to Claire.

Remembering Ashley's mother Claire shivered. "Don't forget to add scary."

Alysa also nodded in agreement with her friend as she sat on the couch and picked her phone dialling Ashley's number.

"Hello..." came a voice of exhausted Ashley.

"Babe, you sound exhausted. Do you want me to pick you up?" Alysa asked worried.

" Nope, I will be there by myself. Don't worry Aly."

"You better be here soon, if you come any later than 4, I'm not going to help you unpack..." Claire yelled in the background, making the other two laugh.

"Okay, boss. your word is my command." Ashley hang up with a faint smile on her face.

It has been difficult for Ashley to deal with her mother. She has been asking for permission from her mother to make every decision in her life, weather it is small or big. It was always her mother's word to her. It didn't matter that she was 26 years old now. It has become her life's biggest part to ask her mother for everything.

At first, Mary did not agree to send her daughter to stay alone in another city. It didn't matter that her daughter was now a women, who can take care of her life. she was not reassured that Ashley can handle this world. She feared so many things for her daughter. so it took a lot of convincing from Ashley that made Mary finally agree with her daughter's idea of staying with her friends.

Of-course, Ashley was nervous and scared since she never left her city for more than one day. speak more about staying alone. only thing she can be reassured is that her friends are going to be there with her, who happened to be in the same boat as her.

However, compared to the fear of unknown and new city, remaining in a same place with her past was too much for her. She feared the known than the unknown. Which made her want to escape from everything at once. If she had a possibility of disappearing from the world, she was ready to do that too.


In the evening after welcoming and helping Ashley to settle down. The trio decided to have a house-warming party among themselves. Alysa and Ashley went to cook while Claire went to buy beverages.

After an hour or so everything was ready for the party. Ashley baked some simple pastries while Alysa cooked simple meal for the three.

Claire made the table ready while the other two brought the dishes one by one.

Claire was happy finally she was going to taste something good for the day. By the way she didn't mean her breakfast was horrible. it was just not too nice.