
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter Twelve


My baby girl Ilham gave me her virginity last night. I felt guilty. Guilty of the fact that, she thinks that we can stay together forever,but I have to let her go. It hurt me so much to think of that.

I never expected my father to be this evil. He didn't want my happiness. He just wanted to continue family relationships with the other kingdoms. I was wondering how Ilham would react if I gave her that piece of news. She would be devastated.

The mere thought of her, walking out of that door with tears of heartbreak in her eyes, weakened me. I felt so eager to back out of this, but the thought of losing my mother wrecked my courage.

I was caught up in this dilemma and the least mistake could mean that he would lose one of his most loved persons in this world. He needed to save his mother, but what about his love for Ilham?

He snapped out of his trance when he saw his flawless love of his life limping towards him. Her body still ached after yesterday's sex. She smiled at him as she sat beside him on the couch. She was perfect.

She leaned in for a kiss, which she got and lay her head on his chest. He was beginning to regret ever taking her away. She was perfect now he was about to leave her shattered.

"Hey, what's going on in your mind?" She asked him.

He looked up at her and smiled softly.

"I was just wondering why you're so beautiful" he answered.

She blushed and hugged him tightly.

"I miss my mom Omar" she blurted. The talk about moms made his heart leap.

"I miss mine too " he said. She turned to him with quizzical eyes.

"Your mum isn't dead right?" She asked. He smiled and said

"Yes she isn't dead, but if yours is dead, then I'll pretend mine is dead too " .

Ilham couldn't help but laugh

"You are a really funny one Omar. You should definitely introduce me to your mom, sometime" she said.

His heart leapt again. If only she knew what was going on in his life right now, she would have gladly not want to meet his parents.

"Umm... Okay...maybe someday" he said.

She smiled at him and lay on him as the cuddled on the couch.

Omar phone suddenly started ringing. He checked the caller ID and it was a call from the devil.

He carried a sleeping Ilham to the room and came back to the hall and called back the devil.

"What do you want Jamal?!" He spat.

"I see you have betrayed Ilham by lying to her. I'm coming for her, sooner or later. And trust me, by the time you even realise it, she's gone. Away from you and your lies " Jamal said as he chuckled evily.

Omar hunger up immediately. He suddenly heard a window break upstairs. He run like his life depended on it. By the time ,by got there to Ilham's room, she had been taken away.

The love of his life had been taken away. All his guards had been killed and Amir wasn't in the country yet.

All he saw was blood stains and a torn piece of Ilham's dress. He knelt down and cried his heart out.

His love, had been kidnapped and he was now weak and hopeless.

He was going to get her back, this, he reassured himself.

"Amir! Ilham has been kidnapped. Come over right now! I'm sending a jet to pick you up right this instant. I'm going to arrange men to teach that bastard not to mess with me!" Omar said with ferocity in his voice.

He hanged up and organized his men, through Dawood, his commander in chief. He had them armed as he armed himself too.

Jamal was going to pay for being a nuisance to him and the entire Mafia Dynasty.

Amir arrived in about 4 hours. By that time, Omar's top cracker had located Ilham's location.

Omar was beyond angry. He was going to slaughter Jamal and he wouldn't regret a moment of it.


I woke up in a strange room, but the fragrance of the room sounded familiar. It was like one that I used to know, one that I now abhor with all my life.

It smelt like Jamal. Was I in Jamal's captive? What would happen to me if Omar didn't come for me? Would Jamal force himself on me?

Suddenly the door to this room opened, to reveal the demon, I have hated all my life. The demon that broke my heart. The demon that run away with my then Best Friend. The demon Jamal.

"Hello baby" he said in an evil tone.

I begun sweating profusely. I didn't know what to do..

"W-What do you want Jamal?" I asked him in a frightened manner.

"I want you back baby" he responded casually.

"I don't want you Jamal. I have Omar and he's enough for me. Just let me go!" I snapped at him.

He burst into scary laughter.

"You love that Prince eyy?"

Prince? Who's a prince? Omar?

"What do y-you mean?" I asked him confusingly.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"You don't know do you? Well listen here babe, Omar is the prince of Turgistan and is soon going to get married to the princess of Morocco. So stop giving yourself false hope hun" Jamal confessed all this to me. I didn't want to believe him but it sounded so true.

"It's a fib. You're a fibber Jamal" I screamed at him.

He smirked and said

"Oh yeah? Let's Google about the Crown Prince of Turgustan shall we? " he quickly typed it on his phone and my fears were confirmed.

Omar's picture was there live and coloured. I was heart broken. I gave him my virginity because I believed that he was the one for me, he just lied to me. He used me and he succeeded.

Now I lost all hope in love and completely hated all men. Omar was more than everything to me. I risked my life twice and would do if again if the need arises. But he just used me, he was just a player.

He was just a selfish prince who had come to kidnap me and use me and he finally got what he wanted. I never wanted to see him. Not now, Not ever!

Suddenly, I felt nausea. I think Jamal saw it because he directed me to the bathroom.

I emptied my tummy of all the vomit that was in it.

I hadn't fallen sick for a while, so why now? I saw that my palms looked like and my eyes also looked pale.

I didn't like the thought that was forming in my head. I just prayed it wasn't what I was thinking.

I can't be preg...

No it was just once I did it. It can't be possible. But it can! I begun praying that I wasn't pregn....

No! No! Don't even think of that!

I couldn't hold my tears and longer. I cried my heart out in the bathroom. The man, I had learned to love and submit to just few days ago, broke my heart and was now going to marry some princess of Morocco.

That explains those people who were at the mansion a few days ago. That beautiful lady, was she the one?

I was heart broken. Omar broke my already broken heart.

Suddenly I heard commotion downstairs, but I felt nausea round me once again.

I threw up and flashed the contents away as I leaned against the jacuzzi. I couldn't think straight.

Betrayed by my father, my ex boyfriend and my true love.

I was a messed up girl. I just needed to numb all this pain.

There was a sharp blade on the sink. I picked it up and with tears running down my eyes, I slit my wrist deeply as I hissed at the pain.

I lay down on the floor and used my blood to inscribe.

'Omar, you was the one, but you was playing '

I begun feeling lightheaded. The next thing, I knew it, the door to the bathroom opened to reveal an armed Omar.

"Baby!!! No!!" He shouted.

I smiled at him with a tear drop falling from my eyes.

"S-Sorry f-for f-falling f-for y-you" was my last words before blacking out.

The darkness embraced me happily and whispered in my ear.

'Soon but not now'


I won't up later in a hospital bed with a worried looking Omar.

He stared at me as I stared at him.

"H-Hope y-you f-find y-your h-happiness i-in h-her" I whispered.

He sighed and said in a dejected tone

"Hope you find yours too "

As he rose and walked away

I smiled at him once more and closed my eyes once again.

Sad chapter.Agreed?

Do you think they will ever get back together?.