

An inexperienced woman, Sarah William, a normal and ordinary woman, working in a small office, an independent woman, staying away from her parents. Her life has always been weary,-- studying hard, reading books for fun, and working, finally. She never had time to date with boys. She had a sweetheart, a childhood sweetheart. His name is Eric Serene. He loved her too, and they two didn't know it as they were young. He appears out of nowhere after 5 years, and marriage suddenly? Read and see to find out more about their blooming romance through their marriage.

sarahsweety3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Now, Eric was running into his grandfather's study, into his room, and he was a mess. Because his grandmother died 2 years ago. while she was on the death bed, she requested him to marry, or, to at least find for Sarah, because she knew that he liked her. After she died, he was left only with his grandfather, whom he loved a lot, but couldn't show it out to him. but, his grandfather knew his heart.

He who was crying out for his Grandfather, remained silent once he calmed down, and understood things clearly. Even when his grandfather was being cremated, and his funeral being was being held, he never let a word out from his mouth.

"Eric, the lawyer wants to meet you," said Andrew.

".....I'm coming. Tell him this."


Well, his grandfather wrote a will before he died. He wrote him a letter too, but it got late by the time it reached him.


"Mr. Eric serene, I will be presenting you your grandfathers will now. I got a letter. It was mailed to me by your grandfather to give it to you after he died, but, it was late by the time it reached me." said the lawyer.

"Thank you, Mr. Sullivan," Eric said, to the lawyer.

"Now, I will be reading your grandfather's will."

"Please do so."

And when the lawyer started reading it out, Eric and Andrew's faces went wide in shock.

The will stated that Eric should marry Sarah Williams, the one woman he still has feelings for. Andrew must be living with Eric until he marries. All the property would be transferred to Eric, and the shareholders of the company must not complain.

"I'm afraid I cannot read the letter out loud," said the lawyer.

"Please," said Eric and took the letter to his hands. When he started reading the letter, tears started dripping off his eyes. Never he had cried like this since his parents died. He cried out loud, pulling off all that he had stored in his heart for 5 years. And then, Sarah's image where she was smiling popped up into his head, making him calm down. Only if she was beside him now, he would be the happiest person.

"Thank you, Mr. Sullivan. I'm afraid we must go now," said Andrew to the lawyer, holding up Eric who was not in his right senses.

"My pleasure, call me if you need any help. I might be able to do it." said Mr. Sullivan and waved them goodbye.

And there was Sarah, who didn't know about what was happening and that her life was gonna turn upside down.

"Lucy, I think I got sick. I feel nauseous." said Sarah to Lucy.

"You should take a break from work for today, you workaholic, you never listen,"

"Hmm, I won't go today." said Sarah feeling uneasy.

"Okay, I cooked some porridge and placed it on the table. Eat it when you're hungry," said Lucy, running out who was running late for her work.


When she got out from her bed to go to the dining table in the hall, she felt her feet being sore not letting her walk. She somehow managed to the table, but fell down hard to the ground, unconscious.

There was a knock on the door, she wanted to shout out to the person in the door to help her, but had no energy left in her body and her eyes felt heavy when she shut her eyes unconscious.

She felt a person lifting her up to their hands. She couldn't get a clear version of their face as it was too much for her to hold in. She did not bother to care in the first place.


Sarah opened her eyes, just to find herself on the hospital bed. She got up and observed her surroundings, and found a person beside her bed, sitting on the chair leaning on to the bed resting his head, sleeping.

That person felt familiar to her, his hair reminded her of Eric and she broke into tears. He woke up, and found her awake already. It was Eric.

"Hello, Sarah," said Eric greeting her with a smile.

"How do you know my name?" she asked surprised.

"Because I'm Eric, Eric Serene," he said with triumph.

"W-what? You're Eric?"

"Yes, I am," said Eric smiling at her, but, his heart fluttered and his expression went blank when she pulled him in for a hug. She was so tiny compared to his frame. He blushed again, and that habit of hers must be fixed. Pulling him into a hug without a warning. He found himself hugging her and she started to cry in his arms. How lonely she felt! All those years, she stayed strong and hoped he would appear one day, and there he was in front of her hugging her.

He found warmth in her arms, the same warmth he felt in his mother's arms.

"This shall pass too," he said to her, pulling her off him, brushing off her tears, smiling.

"I need to talk to you about something important," he said to her.

"What is it?"

"Our marriage."

Her face widened out in shock. How surprised she was!

"M-marriage!??" she cried out.