
His Sweet Temptation

[ WARNING : MATURE CONTENT] Jing Yue is a renowned business man in Shanghai. He is a widower who lost his beloved wife when she went to labor leaving him with a broken heart and a pair of twins to take care of. Tang Ning is a girl from a humble family background who struggles to provide for her family and to also take care of her sick father. This is a story where two people from completely different worlds and ambitions meet and find love. ________ #Excerpt Finding the door slightly ajar, Jing Yue slightly pushed it and looked inside where his eyes met the most unexpected sight. The woman was in only her underwear as she was rummaging through the drawers while speaking on phone. His eyes became glued to the sight and his legs could not move away. One could never imagine that under the big sweater pants and shirts she wore was a slender and curvy figure. Her skin was spotless and it looked soft and smooth to the touch. "He is still as kind as he was in school," spoke Daiyu on the other line. "Yeah. He has always been kind," replied Tang Ning who was searching for her comb. "But I think that he treats me nicely because he wants my help in pursuing you," she spoke. "Then enjoy the moment," she replied and then landed on what she had been looking for then closed the drawers. "You're so cruel. So, are you serious that you're not giving him a chance?" "I am more than serious," she replied as she turned to walk towards the closet. "Why?" she asked. After getting her night wear, she said, "Because I don't- " She couldn't complete her statement when her eyes fell on the door and the next moment, she dropped her phone on the ground. Her hands instinctively covered her breasts even though she knew that it was too late.

Kironde_Mariam · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 41 Absolutely stunning

Author : I'm sorry for not being able to update these past days. I have been battling with Covid and I'm not completely healed although I'm feeling a little better. Thank you for your patience.


"Yes tell me," replied Jin Fei, turning to look at her.

Hesitantly, Tang Ning said," I'm embarrassed to say that I just realized how I forgot my dress at home."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that and you shouldn't worry. I have a number of dresses with me. What is your style?" "I'm fine with anything. Thank you so much," replied Tang Ning.

"It's alright. I will be right back," Jin Fei excused herself out of the room and Tang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Shortly, the door was opened and she came in. "I brought these three dresses. You should try them out and see if any suits your taste." Tang Ning got up and looked at the three dresses, where one was entirely lace and a see through with only the vital parts covered with feather like designs.

"This one is so exposing," she commented touching it. There is no way she could wear something like that. "Alright then. Let's look at these two," Jin Fei answered as she gave her the black dress. "Try it out," she said and she nodded before going to the bathroom.

A while later, Tang Ning stepped out and Jin Fei looked at her before saying," This is the one! You look absolutely stunning."

"Really?" she asked as she looked at the long slit that reached her mid thigh. With her thigh and leg exposed this much, Tang Ning doubted she could wear it.

"Yes. You can look at yourself in the mirror," said Jin Fei and she walked towards it.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Tang Ning couldn't deny that the dress was awesome and that it looked expensive but much skin was exposed. Turning behind, she gasped on seeing that her whole back was exposed, up to her waist. "Don't you like it?" asked Jin Fei who came to stand next to her.

"It is beautiful but too exposing," she replied.

"No it's not. It's showing just the right amount of skin." "But I won't feel comfortable in this one," she said and Jin Fei rolled her eyes. "Don't be dramatic Tang Ning. The dress is just fine. I have seen women that go completely nude with dresses," she said and she realized how even that didn't make her feel better. "Alright. Let's try the pink one although this was the best. You have a good body Tang Ning," she complimented and Tang Ning looked away shyly.

"Thank you," she replied and she walked to the washroom with the other dress in her hands.

On coming back, the pink colored dress fit her tightly up to her waist and it scattered downwards. It was strapless and it stopped above her knees. "This is good also. Although the black one looked much better," commented Jin Fei and she walked to the mirror.

Her shoulders and back were left bare, and her bosoms looked more prominent in the dress. On top of it, her legs were overly exposed but she could go with this one at least. Turning to look at her, she said," Thank you so much. I will wear this one."

"Are you sure? There are still more dresses. We can go and take a look," she said.

Even though she wanted to ask if she had a dress that was less revealing, she said," This is fine. I will go with it." "Alright. In that case then, I will also go and change."

"Alright. Thank you so much," she said and Li Fei left with the other two dresses.

Tang Ning went to the mirror where she took time looking at herself and later, she started styling her hair.

An hour later, the door opened and Jin Fei came in who had changed into a blue dress.

"You look so beautiful," commented Tang Ning who couldn't keep her eyes off her.

"Thank you. You look good too," she replied before adding," I have brought you these shoes. They will greatly match the dress." "Thank you," said Tang Ning as she got the silver stilettos and sat down on the bed before trying them on. Fortunately, they were her size as they fit her perfectly. She was also glad that they were a few inches long because she was not so good at heels. "You're good to go. Come and give you a final touch," said Jin Fei.

"Where?" she looked at her. "Your hair and a little make up," she replied and she nodded.

She walked to take a seat in front of the mirror as Jin Fei left to get the things she needed to use.

On coming back, she stood behind her and untied her long silky hair before combing it. Afterwards, she styled it into a messy bun and left two strands at either sides of her face.

"How do you like that?" she asked. "It's beautiful you're so good at it. Did you do yours too?" she asked. "Yes," she replied before walking towards the bed to fetch the make up kit.

"You're going to close your eyes," she instructed and she nodded before closing them and they started working on her.

As she was still working, a knock came on the door before it was opened and Yin Chen entered. "You look so beautiful FeiFei," she praised. "Thank you," she replied. Looking at Tang Ning, she said," Her too." Looking back at her, she said," Uhm, the young master's parents have arrived." "Where's Jin Liwei?" she asked. "He is downstairs with them and Lian," she replied. "Alright. I will join them shortly," she said and Yin Chen left then she continued with what she was doing.

After a moment, she got done and said," Tell me if you like it." Opening her eyes, Tang Ning was awed by her appearance. "I love it," she said. "I'm glad," she said as she packed back the things into the kit. "It reminds me of our prom party," she couldn't help but say.

"I guess it was fun," said Jin Fei. "Not really. I was excited about it but in the end, I didn't go," she said. "Oh! What happened?" she asked.

"Stupid things," she replied waving her hand. "Alright. I will go and tend to my in-laws," said Jin Fei. "Okay. I will join the party shortly," she said and Jin Fei left the room. Tang Ning remained staring at her reflection in the mirror.

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