
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

A Mother's Concern

On a bright and sunny morning, Akane decided to pay a surprise visit to Toshinori and Yu during their training. She had been hearing about the intense regimen Toshinori had imposed on Yu, and her worry had grown over time.

As she arrived at the training grounds, her eyes narrowed with concern. Toshinori and Yu were pushing themselves hard, sweat pouring from their brows, their faces etched with determination. But Akane could see the signs of fatigue in their movements.

**Akane:** (Sternly) Enough is enough!

Startled, Toshinori and Yu halted their training, turning to see Akane storming toward them.

**Toshinori:** (Nervously) Akane, what are you doing here?

**Yu:** (Anxious) Yeah, we're in the middle of training.

Ignoring their protests, Akane scolded them like a mother scolds her children.

**Akane:** (Fiercely) Training is essential, but so is proper rest, sleep, and nutrition! Look at both of you; you're pushing yourselves to the brink.

She then pointed her finger at Toshinori.

**Akane:** (Accusing) And you, Toshinori, you should know better. You're not just his mentor; you're his big brother!

Toshinori hung his head in guilt, realizing that he had let his concern for Yu's growth overshadow his duty as a big brother.

**Toshinori:** (Sheepish) You're right, Akane. I got carried away.

**Akane:** (Firm) That's an understatement. Both of you, you're coming with me. You need rest, and you need it now.

She practically dragged them away from the training grounds and took them to her home, a place filled with warmth and care. Akane was a bit like Ochaco when it came to looking after her loved ones, and she knew how to make her guests feel comfortable.

**Akane:** (Maternal) You'll stay here for at least three days, and during that time, you're going to rest, eat well, and sleep properly.

Toshinori and Yu exchanged glances, realizing they had no choice but to obey her.

Unspoken Scars :

Akane had insisted on taking care of Yu, making sure he got the rest he needed. She tucked him into bed and watched over him for a while, ensuring he was comfortable and relaxed. As a big sister, her nurturing instincts were in full force.

After making sure Yu was settled, Akane ventured to check on Toshinori. She found him in his room, shirtless, his well-sculpted torso adorned with a multitude of scars. Her eyes widened in shock and concern as she approached him.

**Akane:** (Gently) Toshinori, what happened to you? These scars… they look painful.

Toshinori turned to her, his expression a mix of surprise and reluctance. He hadn't intended for her to see the marks that marred his body.

**Toshinori:** (Quietly) It's... military stuff. Nothing too serious.

Akane, however, was not easily deterred. Her maternal instincts kicked into overdrive as she moved closer to him.

**Akane:** (Worried) Toshinori, these scars don't look like nothing. They look like they've caused you pain. Please, tell me what happened.

Toshinori hesitated for a moment, his gaze locked onto the floor as he gathered his thoughts. He had always been one to bear his burdens in silence, but looking at Akane's concerned expression, he found it harder to keep his secrets.

**Toshinori:** (Softly) It's a long story, Akane. A story of battles I've fought and the price I've paid for the power I possess.

Akane listened intently as Toshinori began to open up. He told her about his time in the military, the dangerous missions he had undertaken, and the fierce battles he had faced. He spoke of the sacrifices he had made and the scars he had earned along the way.

As the story unfolded, Akane's heart ached for Toshinori. She could see the pain and determination in his eyes, the weight of his experiences etched into his very being.

**Akane:** (Softly) Toshinori, I had no idea... You've been through so much.

**Toshinori:** (Nodding) It's a part of my past, Akane. A past that I thought I had left behind, but it still lingers in these scars.

Akane reached out and gently traced one of the scars on his chest with her fingers. Her touch was tender, filled with empathy and understanding.

**Akane:** (Sincerely) You don't have to carry this burden alone, Toshinori. You have people who care about you, who want to share your pain and support you.

Toshinori's eyes met Akane's, and in that moment, he felt a profound connection. He had shared a piece of his past, a part of himself, with her. It was a step towards opening up, towards allowing someone into the depths of his heart.

**Toshinori:** (Grateful) Thank you, Akane. Your care means more to me than you can imagine.

As they stood there, their hearts entwined in a moment of vulnerability and understanding, Akane knew that her love for Toshinori ran deeper than ever. And Toshinori, for the first time in a long while, felt the warmth of acceptance and the healing power of love.