
His Secret love life

The novel centers on a highschool kid who used to be bullied back in middle school. He met a classmate who is am attention seeker and fell for her.

SasakiIzumi · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 5.

*Ack...what the hell?* I thought standing with my mouth wide open. *What was I thinking coming here? I didn't really think before acting. Now I've gone and done it. Anyway, I need to run or they'll see me.* Was what I was thinking, but obviously, my body wouldn't move.

How could it, a teacher and a student were having a good time behind the equipment store. I looked at them, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. They were really into what they were doing there.

*What a shameless stuff to do in school?*

"S-sensei." She called breathing restlessly as she drew out of the kiss, yeah, that's right, they were kissing each other passionately, and for a pretty long time at that.

*Uh, I think I better get going.*

"It's Arata when we are alone." He said drawing her into another kiss.

*Arrgh..! Hasn't he had enough?* I thought turning around slowly.

"Ow.." I said holding my leg tight. I had hit my leg against a stone.

"I think someone's there." She said.

*Crap, they heard me.*

"Hey, kid." The teacher called as I began running as fast as I could.

*Argh!! They'll get me.* I thought as I ran as fast as I could,dropping the wallet.

Cooking class was already over by the time I reached class.

"What's up Izumi?" Yusuke asked me.

"It's- It's nothing." I said breathing heavily before slumping on my seat.

"You say that but you look like you ran a marathon." He said as I sighed.

*That was close... I need to stay hidden for now. I was really scared there, am nust hoping they won't recognize me.* I thought finally relaxing on my seat.

"Ahhhh, today was bad. I really hope I don't get into that sort of trouble again." I said while opening my window.

As I opened it, I saw walking into the next apartment.

"Argh!!!!!" I screamed before falling.

*Wh-wh-what the hell?* I thought closing my window. *Why the hell is she in the next apartment? Wait...don't tell me, she was the one who moved in last week.*

At that moment, I believed the word they say is true. The fact that when you put even a little interest in someone, you'll definitely keep seeing the person when you don't even think you would, or maybe that's not how it was said, I really can't remember 🤦.

*W-w-what do I do? I-i-i don't know what to do in a situation like this.* I thought as I jumped on my bed and closing my curtain.

*W-well, it's not like she saw me and I doubt that she's aware that i was yhe one who saw her with Mr. Arata.* I smiled as I thought of this, but deep down my heart felt like betraying me by jumping out of my body.

"Hey, big bro, can I borrow your hoodie?" Kaede asked walking into my room ever so casual.

"Don't you have yours?" I asked taking off my shirt.

"Mine's dirty." She said walking to my closet.

"Then why don't you go wash it?" I asked.

"Am about to, dummy." She said walking out.

"Stupid." I said sighing.

"Well, that's not important at the moment." I said looking out of the window. She wasn't standing there anymore so I slumped on my bed.

*Gotta be careful around her.* I thought closing my eyes.

"Haaaa...this time of the school schedule is always so disturbing." Yusuke said looking sad.

"W-well, it isn't so bad now is it? Like I mean it's just finals." I said smiling.

"You look so confident, looks like you'll pass." He said.

"Well, not to brag but am average in every subject but good in math." I said grinning.

"Not to brag my foot, you look all smug." He said as I laughed.

"Am sorry about that. Well I could help you study, to the best of my skills." I said as he smiled.

"That's more like it." He said.

"Let's start with seeing your other scores." I said as he nodded and walked back to his seat.


"Wow, what the fuck?!"

"Did you have to add the wow?"

"You performed… well… pretty poorly." I said.

"Yeah, thanks for the compliments."

"I wasn't really… well, never mind."

Finals were already starting and I was feeling all happy about it that I forgot the crisis at hand.

Well, nothing much happened during or after the exams so i have nothing to say and I obviously don't have any problem...

Or so I'd like to say.... but maybe I spoke too soon...

"Hey yo." A girl called tapping me as I got back from school.

"H-huh?" I asked looking confused.

"You don't seem happy to see me." She said grinning.

"I- uh…" I was not scared of her, neither was I terrified.

I don't know what to call it, but one thing I was aware of was that I hated it, the fact that she stood before me. It got my body shaking.

And the way she was grinning, she obviously knew I didn't want to speak with her but she still felt like teasing.

"W-what do you want?" I asked looking down.

"N-o-thing." She said placing her finger on her lip. "Just wanted to check out on you." She said turning around before grinning.

"We'll meet each other more than you expect." She said before walking out.

*Still teasing me, huh? I really thought my problems were dying down but now… but more importantly, What does she mean by that?* I thought looking at her as she left.