
His Secret love life

The novel centers on a highschool kid who used to be bullied back in middle school. He met a classmate who is am attention seeker and fell for her.

SasakiIzumi · Teen
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4.

"Sup' Izumi." Tanaka called waving at me as he walked towards my seat.

"Hey, Tanaka-san." I said turning off my steam deck.

"Isn't it enough with that?" He asked sitting on a seat in front of mine.

"Huh?" I asked looking confused.

"Call me Yusuke, we are friends now, aren't we?" He asked taking out his smart phone.

*Oh, that.*

"Yu-Yusuke-san." I said looking away.

"Get used to it bro." He said smiling.

"I will." I said taking out my phone.

"Is that the descent?" He asked looking into my phone.

"Well, yeah, how'd you know?" I asked.

"Well, we both are gamers. The game just came out newly and Ramseys made it. It's only natural that a fellow gamer would be trying it out." He said.

"What's up with that smug look?" I asked as he laughed.

"Let's play sometime." He said as I nodded.

*Finally, I've gotten a friend to play games with.* I thought smiling.

Playing alone can be fun but boring most times too. I've always wanted a friend who I could speak to about games and luckily for me, he came. I still don't know why he suddenly approached me but I felt like it just doesn't matter.

Third period was finally here, gym class. I usually tried my best to skip it, but this time, Yusuke dragged me to class.

"Don't tell me you do this every gym class?" He asked.

"W-well....." I said smiling and scratching the back of my head.

"Heh...? So how do you take your attendance, gym teacher is really hell bent on having a good attendance. ?" He asked.

"Well, I won't say I don't come. I come but I get injured and end up in the nurses office." I said.

"What the? Every single time, how does it happen?"

"Well, you know... accidents do happen. Even though its fake." I said, the last part in a whisper.

"You deceptive kid." He said as I laughed.

"Sports aren't for me, I just don't have time to think about it." I said sitting on the floor.

"Huh...? I think I get you. I didn't really do sports back in middle school, I just decided to get into it." He said smiling as I looked away.

*Well, I used to enjoy it back in middle school. But---- the bullying made me to skip gym class, i always had to do try hiding from them during gym.* I thought looking away.

"Why do you look down? Any problem?" He asked as I nodded disapprovingly before smiling.

"It's nothing, I just felt that, atleast I'd give it a try."


"Okay, okay. Lets begin." The teacher said.

We did some stretches, sit ups, 500 meters dash and so on.

*Seems like these stuffs are still fun.* I thought smiling.

"Hey, let's join in for basketball." Yusuke said.

"Heh..? I don't think am good at it."

*At least I was.*

"Come on." He said as I nodded before joining him. We were grouped and our team was to play after the first two.

"Whoa, you were really good out there." Yusuke said, his hands over his mouth trying to stifle his laughter while I cleaned my bleeding nose with a tissue.

"Yeah yeah, keep laughing." I said.

*I didn't know I could still play even after this long. Although I was hit with the ball multiple times.*

"Cooking class is next, let's go get some rest first." He said as we walked into our class.

"I'll be going up ahead, be fast so you won't be late for class." Yusuke said as I nodded while running to the restroom.

I got in as fast as I could.

"Ah, that's better." I said while walking out of the restroom.

As I walked towards the Lab, I saw a girl walking out of her class and walking down the stairs. As she walked down, she dropped her wallet. I ran towards the wallet and picked it up.

"Hey.... you." I looked down but couldn't find her. "Huh? I just saw her now." I said looking round.

"Hey, student." A teacher called as I turned around immediately.

"Yes sir." I answered frightened.

"Help me get these to the equipment store, and open the windows." He said as I nodded.

*How will I get this to that girl?* I thought while dropping the stuff in the equipment store I looked into the wallet and saw her student ID.

"Sugawara Misaki… Huh? I've heard that name somewhere before." I said about to leave when I suddenly realised that I haven't opened the windows yet.

I climbed a box and slid the window open. As I was about to leave, I looked down and saw her down there.

*Haaa, thank goodness.* I thought before running down. She was behind the equipment store but it seemed like she was with someone else.

I walked there thinking of what to say to her.

*Haa, I've never spoken to any other girl except Kaede since my second year of middle school* I thought. *Maybe I won't speak to her. Just hand it over and walk away. Well, that's creepy, maybe a 'Take, I found it' won't be much.*

I walked behind the store forcing a smile.

*H-huh?!* I thought as my jaw dropped.