
His Regrets

All he wanted was revenge for the injustice/death of his family. He vowed to take his revenge on her, the cause of his family's predicament. He vowed to have her bow to her knees. And luck was on his side, she applied to work in his company; The handsome, cold-hearted, blood-thirsty, dominant bachelor of city A, Ricardo. Born and raised by a single mother, Penelope despised this particularly, attractive, cold-hearted and annoying sexy billionaire, Richardo who happen to be her boss. A man who lived to end her very existence,she was going to face the cruel fate of someone else. Ricardo, a flawless and unregretful man,his actions are well planned and calculated that he makes no mistake at all. But what happened when he made an action which led to him being regretful? Will the girl in question bow to him or would she keep her head up high? what happened when he finds out he was fighting the wrong person?what happens when the vengeful, mysterious, arrogant Ricardo sets his eyes on penelope? find out in His Regret The cover isn't mine

Xtabel · Teen
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13 Chs

Why is it not stopping?

Leena could tell the agony Penelope was feeling at the moment, but she didn't know how to console her. Still, she couldn't bear to see her best friend crying, so she embraced her while patting her back, allowing Penelope to soak her hoodie with tears

"It's okay Penny, everything will be alright, you have me" Leena said with compassion, Penelope sniffed as she tried to completely wipe off the tears on her face

"I don't want you looking so gloomy, it make you look ugly" Leena teased her, trying to make her smile even just a little

Leena handed Penelope a can of chilled water as they both sat in the hospital corridor 🏥 without saying a word to each other. Her mom have been moved to the hospital morgue already after she signed the necessary documents

Penelope mom's death have left a huge scar in Penelope's heart that she doubted if the scar was ever going to heal. 'why was life so cruel? '

Her mother was hit by a drunk driver. Her mom died but the driver is still alive, irony of life. Penelope smiled bitterly

Accordingly to the police, the driver was indeed drunk and was having more drink in the truck, because he wasn't focus on the road, but on his bottle, he didn't see her mother and ended up hitting her. Realizing the huge damage he had caused, which involved a life, he fled with the truck in panic. The truck was found but he wasn't, it turned out that he had abandon the truck and fled.

That was all they could get from the CCTV cameras and till now, the perpetrator has not been found.

Leena could understand what her friend was going through, so she didn't force any conversation on her instead she let her be in her own world for a while. While penny just sat still staring into nothingness with a miserable countenance

After about 30 minutes,Leena decided to speak up,she can't sit still and watch her friend like that all day so she asked

"Are you okay penny?" Penelope didn't react until she felt Leena's cold palm on her skin. Her eyes suddenly returned back to reality as her gaze moved from the wall to a familiar face

"Everything is going to be alright penny, I'm here for you" Leena said words of encouragement to her, and Penelope's eyes flickered, all Penelope could do was to smile. Although it was very obvious that it was a fake smile as it didn't last long and was less of a smile

Her mind was occupied by endless thoughts and emotions

Leena knew that Penelope was suffering a lot internally, by holding back her emotions, and if she continue like this,her mental state could be affected

Five minutes later.....

Still sitting on the same spot and doing nor saying anything, Leena glanced at her friend again and noticed that her eyes were teary again

She was going to cry again, although it was better than she locking her emotions and not crying at her, she still couldn't stand the scene. She loved Penelope so much that this was hurting her as much as it was hurting penny

Hot tears started flowing down Penelope's cheeks as she kept thinking of her mother and how cruel life was to her

When she noticed she was already crying, she brought her hand up to her cheek to stop the tears but the more she wiped, the more tears streamed down her cheek

"Why is it not stopping?" Penny asked in a low tone and chuckled softly but Leena could here her clearly

"Just cry penny, just let it out" Leena said to her friend placing her arm around Penny's shoulder

From sniffing to muffled crying, and then wails, Penelope cried her heart out

Her tears signified her pain, grief, suffering, anguish, anger, frustration, loneliness.

Leena felt really uncomfortable in her chest

I hope you enjoy the rest part of the book, thanks for reading