
His Regrets

All he wanted was revenge for the injustice/death of his family. He vowed to take his revenge on her, the cause of his family's predicament. He vowed to have her bow to her knees. And luck was on his side, she applied to work in his company; The handsome, cold-hearted, blood-thirsty, dominant bachelor of city A, Ricardo. Born and raised by a single mother, Penelope despised this particularly, attractive, cold-hearted and annoying sexy billionaire, Richardo who happen to be her boss. A man who lived to end her very existence,she was going to face the cruel fate of someone else. Ricardo, a flawless and unregretful man,his actions are well planned and calculated that he makes no mistake at all. But what happened when he made an action which led to him being regretful? Will the girl in question bow to him or would she keep her head up high? what happened when he finds out he was fighting the wrong person?what happens when the vengeful, mysterious, arrogant Ricardo sets his eyes on penelope? find out in His Regret The cover isn't mine

Xtabel · Teen
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13 Chs

I don't want to be a burden

She wanted her son to turn a new leaf and settle down with a good girl, not the mistresses loitering around her son for his money.

Right now,it was only their daughter, Melanie,who was doing them proud and she had no doubt that when the time comes.

Melanie wouldn't struggle to find the perfect guy,with how beautiful she was.

She always looked visibly happy whenever people talk about her daughter, not bothering to hide her pride of having such a pretty daughter

But always angry whenever she remembers that her son doesn't have any serious agenda for himself or plans for a better future.

He was a like a torn in her flesh

'what does he think he can achieve by fooling around with women' she kept asking herself

After Penelope regained her strength and was no longer crying, Leena suggested to take her home because it has been such a long and tiring day for her.

Penelope didn't go against her suggestions, she let Leena guide her outside the hospital and stopped a taxi, destination, Penelope's home.

Together, they got into the taxi, while Leena gaze was on the road as the driver's, Penelope was staring outside the car's window, she was staring into nothing in particular but lost in thought.

She kept on thinking how her life would be now that her mom, her only source of joy and reason for living is no longer in the world with her. She felt hell is going to be the world she was living in now.

only pain clouded her heart

Penelope didn't even noticed or know when they got to her house.

The hospital wasn't too far from her home, as her mom had the accident near their home and they had to take her to the nearest hospital

Leena called out to Penelope who was deeply lost in thought but as expected, she received no response from Penelope.

The driver stared at the two girls from his rear view mirror and saw one of them teary eyes. He wondered what trouble this pretty young girl could be facing. She looked lost in thought like she was no longer in planet earth, and her eyes hold so much sadness, she looked so pitiful

The taxi driver shook his head, everyone had their own problems, he didn't know what was bothering the beautiful girl but he knew she was troubled and lost, he wished for this girl to get over hers soon.

It was when the driver pressed the car honk that Penelope returned from her reverie, she jerked before turning to stare at Leena who was also staring at her with so much worry and sadness.

She felt embarrassed, she somehow knew that Leena has probably been calling out to her before the driver honk his car

She smiled at Leena, a smile trying to tell her that she's fine, but is she?

"Come on Leena let's get down" Penelope said to Leena, Leena smiled at her friend, it was the first word she has said in like 2 hours now

The two alighted the taxi and Leena paid the driver, it was past 8 already so the sun was down already.

Reaching her house, Penelope and Leena were both shocked to see Penelope's little property outside and the door locked with a big padlock

They both rushed there, Leena tried to open the lock but it was indeed lock.

It was then Penelope remembered they still haven't paid their rent and it was already 4months due but couldn't the landlord just give her a grace of one month?

Leena found a letter at the doorstep and handed it to Penelope who in turn, opened the letter and after reading it, she let out a frustrated sigh

She felt like crying once again, why was this happening

Seeing her friend in such state, Leena took the letter and read it. In it, the landlord had asked Penelope never to return to his house again and not to bother coming to him to plead or he'll call the police on her

"You can stay with me penny, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind" Leena said, placing her hand on Penelope's shoulder

"No Leena, I don't want to be a burden. You've done enough for me already by staying with me in the hospital for so long" Penelope said sniffing, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall any moment soon.

Thanks for the read, I hope you enjoy the rest of the story