
His Priority

Elisabeth Gray and Ruby White are bestfriends since childhood. In school, they always have good grades. But, theres a bully named Lacey Lancaster who ruined their life. All of that change when a wolf brothers came to school. They were thrilled when they are both assign to take the boys around school. What they didn’t know is that those boys are a wolf! What happens next? Did they fell in love? Do they hate each other? What about Lacey? What secrets has she been hiding? Where have she gone into? How is that going to change Ruby and Elisabeth’s life? Don’t forget to read the sequel to see what happens next in : His luna (Sequel of his priority)

LozBeannie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

~25~ Trouble


Unknown POV

"The second fase is when you give them a assigment that has to be done immediately. Do NOT let them take the girls. I will try to make the boys stay there a little bit longer. So you can try to torture the girls and make them want to leave" I said mischieviously "But I can't do that, they're my son's mate and I can't let them loose their mates and live like-" I cut him of "Silents!" I shouted "Our deal is a deal, You can't change anything. So do as I say!" I glared at him "Then, our deal is off. My condition is not to harm my son's mate and you planned on it" He snapped. "Okay then, you won't be the most powerful alpha after all" I walked away "Wait!" He shouted and I smirk "I-I'll do it" He said in defeat "Good, now do as I told you"

End of flashback

Tyler's POV

I was cut of my thoughts when the door knocked. I shouted "Come in!". My sons came inside the room while I look at the window in regret. "Do you know why both of you are here?" I asked as I see them look at each other through the reflection in the window. "No" They said in union as I turned to look at them "I have a assignment for you two," Their eyes widened "It's in the north part of the pack and-" I was cut off by a girl's scream.

Ethan's POV

Our dad was explaining about the assignment when we heard a girl's scream. I know that voice. My eyes widened as I thought of one person Lizzy! That voice is My Lizzy! I quickly ran out of the room with Andrew behind me. We both knew that Lizzy would never be alone. She always stick with Ruby. I ran as fast as I could to Andrew's room. I didn't mind knocking, I just swung the door open and the sight in front of me making my blood boil with rage. As soon as Andrew arrive, his face full of rage when he sees what's in front of him.

Our pack's Beta, Nicholas holding My Lizzy by her neck choking her with Ruby pinned to the wall by his other hand. I turned even more furious seeing My Lizzy choking "GET THEM DOWN! NOW!" I growled "I'm sorry my Prince, but I have to take care of these humans for barging into your room" He glared at my Lizzy on his hands "I said, Get.Them.Down. NOW!" Andrew shouted at him. "Can My prince tell me who these two humans is?" He glared at the girls. Lizzy started to pass out and that's when I lost it "THEY'RE OUR MATES SO IF YOU EXCUSE ME, GET OUT OF THIS ROOM!" I fired at him as his eyes widened. He let the girls go as I ran to Lizzy before she hit the floor "Lizzy, wake up" I shake her "Please wake up" I pleaded as Andrew still raging mad "Don't ever come to my room and stay out of our business!" He shouted to Nicholas with Ruby in his arms. "I'm sorry my prince" he bowed before walking away

I'm still trying to wake Lizzy up in my arms "Lizzy...wake up...please..." I pleaded to her like she would listen to me. I looked at her with tears started to form in my eyes. I shake her again hoping she would wake up. "Lizzy...Don't leave me like this" I said as a single tear fell of my eyes. Don't tell me she... Andrew walked up to me with Ruby around his arms "Is...she okay?" Ruby asked. I hugged Lizzy tighter in my arms "She..." I sigh as Ruby ran up beside Liz "Liz, My bestie, wake up... please" She said between her sobs. Andrew knelled beside her as he said "Wake up Liz, we got a lot of things we haven't done yet" I smiled sadly at him and mouthed 'Thank you bro' He nodded. "Come on Lizzy wake up" I pleaded once more

Elisabeth's POV

The last thing I remember is a random guy choking me before I black out. I feel like I'm falling and landed on a green grass "Hello?" I look around confused. "Anybody there?" I asked to the emptiness. Suddenly, a boy figure appear. I looked at him "Hello?" He turned around and... "Ethan!" I ran up to him and hugged him. But after I touch him, he disappear to the air. "What?" I said looking up and I was falling again "AHH!!" I landed on the land scared because it's dark. Then I heard voices "Lizzy, wake up" That's Ethan's voice "Ethan!" I called out to him "Please wake up" His voice desperate and sad "Ethan, I'm right here!" I shouted "Lizzy...Don't leave me like this..." The voices started spinning in my head "Liz, My bestie, wake up... please" That's Ruby's voice "Ruby!" I called for her "Wake up Liz, we got a lot of things we haven't done yet" Andrew's voice said "Andrew!!" I shouted again. The voice keep spinning in my head until I passed out.

Ethan's POV

We were all sobbing and crying. How hard we try, she wouldn't wake up. "Lizzy...Please..." I said between my sobs. I never cry so hard before. Now, I cried so hard for Lizzy. I'm afraid of losing her. Oh God please give her back to me. I rest my head on her shoulder crying my eyes out. "Lizzy, If you can hear me, Please come back to me" I whisper "Please" I hugged her tighter "Please..." and tighter. Suddenly, She started moving. My eyes lit up with hope as I looked at her. She snuggled her head to my chest "Warm..." My eyes widened "W-what?" She smiled as she look at me "Warm"

A river of tears formed in my eyes. She looked at me "What's wrong?" I couldn't help it but hugged her tight while sobbing. "Lizzy...My Lizzy's back!" I shouted from the top of my lungs. Ruby and Andrew ran up to us with tears "Oh My God Liz!" Ruby hugged her "Thank God" Andrew joined the group hug with confused Lizzy. "Why are you all so relieved?" She asked questionably. I hugged her again "I thought I lost you... We all do" I breath in her scent "Loose me? How?" She looked at me then at Ruby and Andrew. "You were choked by that son of a bitch until you passed out" Ruby said that made me furious "I swear I will k-" I was cutted of with Lizzy hugging me as my eyes widened "I almost thought I'm dead" Tears started forming in her eyes.

I hugged her back "Guys, it's getting late here, Let's take a rest okay?" I suggested as Ruby and Andrew nodded. "Let's go to sleep okay Lizzy?" I smiled at her. We climb up the bed and positioning our bodies. I pulled her closer to me like she would dissapear any second just to keep her safe. Tears still formed in her eyes. I rub her back up and down for comfort. She let it all out on me and tug on my shirt as it becomes wet. I put my chin on the top of her head. I whisper sweet nothings to calm her down as we both drifted to sleep.