
His Priority

Elisabeth Gray and Ruby White are bestfriends since childhood. In school, they always have good grades. But, theres a bully named Lacey Lancaster who ruined their life. All of that change when a wolf brothers came to school. They were thrilled when they are both assign to take the boys around school. What they didn’t know is that those boys are a wolf! What happens next? Did they fell in love? Do they hate each other? What about Lacey? What secrets has she been hiding? Where have she gone into? How is that going to change Ruby and Elisabeth’s life? Don’t forget to read the sequel to see what happens next in : His luna (Sequel of his priority)

LozBeannie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

~24~ Baking time!

Ruby's POV

We were all still in the garden chatting casually. "What should we do now? It's getting bored" I said before they all went silent, thinking. Suddenly, Liz clapped her hand that makes all our attention to her "What about baking?" She said cheerfully as we all looked confused at her. "I mean, baking takes a long time and we can have some fun too" She smiled widely. "You just injured your tiny finger and now you want to bake?" Ethan said crossing his arms "I told you it's just a small scratch, don't mind it I'll be fine" She smiled as Ethan stared at her with worried in his eyes "Let's get started then" I said as excited as Liz.

We all ran inside to the kitchen and started taking the ingredients for baking "What are we making tho?" Andrew managed to say "Cupcakes" Liz's eyes shined as she squealed "Mhm and you'll wear a red hoodie and go to your grandma's house as 'Red Riding hood'" I rolled my eyes at her as the boys laughed "But I love cupcakes" She pouted. I pat her head "Yeah, yeah I know along with a lot other foods" She glared at me as I laugh slightly at her.

After some minutes, we all prepared to start baking and wearing our aprons. "First, flour and eggs" I demanded as Andrew takes them "Next, butter and milk" I said as Liz took them out of the fridge. We all started baking them with songs playing from the playlist. We were rolling dough, shaping them, heating the oven when suddenly "Ethan! Stop it!" Liz shouted as Ethan started firing flour at her face. I laugh at them as Andrew followed his brother firing flour at me. "AHH! ANDREW!" I shouted as he chuckled. I fire flour back at him as revenge. "RUBY!!" He shouted and I laugh "Revenge!!" Liz fire flour back at Ethan who is literally screaming. Me and Andrew laugh. We all played like a little kid, firing flours at each of us. We were all covered in flour.

Our playtime was cut of when we heard the oven ding. We all froze and turned our heads to the oven "Eee cupcake is ready!!" Liz squealed. We all rush over to the oven and Ethan help to open the oven as Andrew took out the trays full of our cupcakes. We waited a few minutes before we took one cupcake each and eat them "It's so delicious!" I said "Agreed" Andrew said "Yummy" Liz said laughing slightly "Not bad" Ethan said nodding in agreement. We enjoyed the cupcakes with the musics still playing when it suddenly stopped and someone shouted. "What on earth have you all done in here?!" We froze. That voice is..."Dad?" Andrew turned around to see his dad. "What are you? 3-year olds?" He scolded "Dad, we're just having fun" Ethan rolled his eyes "This is what you called 'Fun'? Unacceptable! And what are you girls doing in here? Are you-" He was cutted of by Ethan "Let's just wash up guys" He said then linking Liz hands with him as we all followed.

We were outside again for a rinse from the flour before getting inside our rooms. Andrew turned on the hose faucet and pointed it at us. We all screamed at how cold the water is "Andrew! It's cold!" We all shouted at him as he chuckled. He turned the hose of and exchange our places. We sprayed him as he screamed like us "GUYS! Stop it! It's damn cold!" We laughed at him. After some time, we were all soaking wet from the rinse and was about to walk back to our room, before Mr. Black stopped us on our way "What now dad?" Andrew said as he rolled his eyes. "Nothing, I just wanted to ask you two to meet me at the office to talk" The boys glared at him. "Just us? or with the girls?" Ethan asked looking at Liz and me "Just the two of you" He smiled before walking away.

We made it to our room and take a shower. I've finished cleaning up and is with Andrew in our room. I was looking out the window when he finished his shower and gets ready. He was struggling with his tie and I giggled slightly as I walked up to him to help "You are a prince of the pack and don't know how to use a tie?" I laughed as he glared playfully at me "Well, I don't really wear anything formal so-" He shrugged as I finished fixing his tie. He smiled at me and starting walking towards the door to leave but I grab his arms and yank him backward making him stop in his step and looked at me wide eyed. I looked down in embarrassment. He smiled warmly at me and stroke my hair from my eyes. He lift my face forcing me to look at him and he kissed me. My eyes widened but slowly relaxed and kiss him back. When he pulled away, he chuckled "I'll be back as soon as I can sweetheart" He kissed my head, leaving me standing there like a tomato from blushing red.

Elisabeth's POV

I walk inside our room with Ethan's hand still in mine. He turned on the light and lead me to the bathroom and smiled at the confused looking me. "Take a bath now, Lizzy. I'll wait outside" He kissed my forehead as I blush. I went in the bathroom and take my time showering. After some minutes, I get out of the shower looking fresh with my clothes when I see Ethan on the edge of our bed holding his head on his knees. I walked up to him worried "You okay?" His body stiffened at my voice as he looked up. "I...I'm fine Lizzy" He looked away and changed the subject "How's your bath tho?" I tilted my head and I know something is up "It's good, you should take your bath tho" I smiled as he stand up to take his clothes and headed to the bathroom. My smile faded when I realize that something is bothering his mind.

What could it be?

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize Ethan had finished his shower. His hands sneak around my waist and pulled me against him. I gasp in shock as he rest his head on my shoulder and breath in my scent. "You smell so good" He whispered that made shiver ran down my spine. I can feel he smirked at my reaction to his touch. His hand moved to my sides as the door knocked ruining our 'Moment' "Ethan! What are you doing in there? We gotta go" Andrew shouted as Ethan glared at the door and I giggled.

We both walked outside hand in hand meeting Andrew outside. Ethan turned to me and lift my chin up with one of his fingers and kissed me. My eyes widened but then he pulled away "I'll see you later, Lizzy" He smiled and I smiled back "Umm, do you mind if I get Ruby from your room, Andrew?" I looked at him "Yeah, sure" He smiled. Ethan let go of my hand and started walking side by side with his brother to the office as I knock on Ruby's door. "Ruby! Girl! Ya there?" I shouted before she opened the door and I walked in.