
His Lethal Madness

They said madness brings many things but it also brings the lover to their knees. Loving a person is easy but loving a beast is like loving a death. But when the beast starts loving you that means death starts loving you. He went there to kill the beast who was going to come out on a full moon night and will destroy everything even his family. But he fails and fell in love with the beast. The beast was not cursed but he was cursed and it led him to touch the darkness of death that embraced him. But the story didn't end their fate was playing with them. They were born again and this time the beast was not a beast like in his past life he was a psychopath who was ready to burn the world for his love. This is a beast and a beauty retelling story in a gay version.

Yash_Panwar_9828 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 22

Everything was the same as the other day. Ve not feeling any special today like others do.

It was 2:00 pm and he have to go to his work also.

He works in the cafe to pay for his college fees and other expenses.

But today Marco was also heading him to his cafe he was confused.

But Marco was just smiling not saying anything. And in the end, Ve stopped asking.

Marco was holding his hand like a child while walking on the street side like a child.

Ve always loves his silly acts.

Marco was 19 at his age but he always behave like 9 year old.

Ve looked at the sky the black clouds were hovering in the sky hiding the sun beneath.

It was going to rain soon.

He reached the cafe which was not so small and not so big but the middle.

The door of it was made up of glass showing inside the interior.

We looked inside there was dark like the light turned off.

He opens it and walked inside.

He called out: Mary where are you?

Mary was the waitress who works there.

But no one answers. He didn't feel Marco beside him.

He took a few steps and suddenly the lights turn on making him close his eyes at the intense impact of it.

He looked in front and he was caught off when he saw the decoration. He looked to the other side and saw Marco, Mary, and Mr zino who was not smiling but wearing a birthday cap of pink color on his head surely Marco made him wear this. His face was blank as paper.

Mr. and Mrs. Sharma were standing holding a cake. They were the ones who owns this cafe but they treat him like his own son.

He hold his tears as he was always a strong one but seeing this much care for him. He felt overwhelmed and couldn't stop himself.

They all started singing Happy Birthday circling him.

He controls his laugh seeing Mr. Zino show was forced to wear that funny cap.

" Happy birthday to dear Ve happy birthday to our lovely person."

They all stop and placed the cake on the table.

Mrs Sharma come and hugged him and said fondly: Happy birthday my child.

He let his tear fall and hugged her tightly and said in whispers: thank you.

She patted his back. Ve always felt a mother's love from Mrs. Sharma.

He sniffed and backed away.

Mr. Sharma cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead.

Ve closed his eyes to feel the love.

Marco said excitedly: Now let's cut the cake.

Ve looked at him and said: I love you.

Me zino whole listen this felt jealous he couldn't help but walked outside.

He thought They were just best friends. And he didn't why but felt jealous it's not like he likes Marco.

Surely Not Marco is just a child for him.

He is 29 and Marco is 19 they can't be together.

Marco looked at Ve who said: As a friend you idiot. But why did Mr. Zino go?

He looked at Marco with a teasing smile and who was also confuse not getting the hint.

Mr. Zino clenched his jaw and punched the wall bleeding his knuckles he greeted his teeth not liking the confession at all.

He was breathing heavily. He faces the wall and punched it many times lashing out his all anger.

He hears footsteps behind him and a soft voice: Why are you punching it, sir?

He turned and saw him who was the reason for his anger.

His dark eyes stared at a fragile boy who was looking at him curiously.

He said coldly: Go inside kid don't mess up with me.

Macro rolled his eyes and said: I am not a kid sir you are just too old.

Zino looked at him angrily and said: Go.

Marco said while folding his arms over his chest and said: let's go inside we have to cut the cake also.

Zino steps toward him making Marco red.

Zino stopped a few inches away from him. Their closeness always made Marco blush.

Zino's eyes caught the figure wearing all black starting at Marco with manic eyes. Like he was planning to do many things.

He was standing a few steps away from the cafe seeing the birthday party inside and especially him.

The beast was back for his beauty and he knew it.

He knows he can do anything with Marco since they are close.

He looked down at Marco who was looking up and whispered in his ears: let's go inside.

Marco blink his eyelashes but didn't say anything he was just gazing at him.

Especially on his pink lips and his sharp jawline.

Zino tilted his head and smirked he again took a step closer making Marco feel many things his cheeks were red.

And Zino was liking the effect he has on him. Marco's face was almost touching his hard and big chest.

Zino's eyes were now staring at the man telling him with his eyes not to mess up with what is his.

He didn't know why he did that but maybe he cares about these little thing.