
His Lethal Madness

They said madness brings many things but it also brings the lover to their knees. Loving a person is easy but loving a beast is like loving a death. But when the beast starts loving you that means death starts loving you. He went there to kill the beast who was going to come out on a full moon night and will destroy everything even his family. But he fails and fell in love with the beast. The beast was not cursed but he was cursed and it led him to touch the darkness of death that embraced him. But the story didn't end their fate was playing with them. They were born again and this time the beast was not a beast like in his past life he was a psychopath who was ready to burn the world for his love. This is a beast and a beauty retelling story in a gay version.

Yash_Panwar_9828 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 21

Everything was perfect well according to him because he was a carefree person.

He went to his locker and opens and found a gift wrapped in red plastic inside.

With a chuckle, he smiled and someone back-hugged him.

That person: Happy birthday my bestie

Ve Turned around and come face to face with his best friend and laughed looking for a cute face.

He pinched his cheeks and said: Should I thank you?

Marco raised his eyebrows and said: no need you idiot.

Ve again laughed and said: thank you dumbo.

Marco looked at it for some time and then suddenly burst out in laughter.

Then they both marched towards their first class.

They were best friends since high school.

Ve was living in an orphanage at that time.

Cause he died when he was a little child.

And at the age of 17, he started living in an apartment room that Marco brought for him.

Marco belongs to a rich family. And his family also loves Ve as their other child.

In reality, Ve was a happy person he didn't know why he always stays happy even when he is in some problem.

Maybe he is very positive.

And today was his birthday. His 18th birthday.

He was studying English literature cause he wanted to be an author he likes to write love stories.

Nothing was easy for him in the starting but as time passes he learned everything.

He was in his first year and also a cute boy in his college who has many admires but he didn't like any things it's not like he was asexual but he felt disgusted about it.

Because in his college some are fuckboys, some are playboys and some are bad boys who used girls as toys.

That's why he was not ready to come into a relationship.

Nowadays nobody cares about love everyone wants a body.

That was his mentality. And it was kind of true also.

Nowadays love was more expensive than diamonds and sex was free.

People cheat on their partners like it's kind of showing off or being macho or badass.

Seeing all of this Ve can't trust someone.

He rejects all the boys and girls who proposed to him because they just want his body.

It was interval Ve was eating food in the college garden with his best friend.

We looked at his hair and asked: why did you change your hair color?

But Marco's eyes were stuck on someone who was so reading a book seating on the

bench far away from them.

Ve followed his gaze and rolled his eyes.

He again called: Marco?

But Marco was busy staring at his crush with his big eyes.

And Marco felt embarrassed when his crush looked at him and he immediately turned his head towards who was smirking at him.

Marco looked at him and smiled nervously.

Marco had a big crush on their class teacher.

Me Zino Smith.

Marco was the complete opposite of Ve.

Ve didn't understand how can Marco liked Mr zino he was the most strict professor in the whole college.

Everyone was afraid of him and here Marco was crazy behind.

Even Ve was scared of that intimidating man.

His black dark orbs who has piercing on his eyebrows and tattoos full arms.

Mr. Zino was still staring at Marco making Ve scared.

He whispers in Marco's ears: should we run?

Marco looked at him and nodded a little.

They both up and turned to leave inside but as they turned Marco's breath hitched when he found Mr zino behind him.

And his head almost touched his chest. He was wearing a tight black shirt and black jeans.

Ve was behind Marco.

Marco looked up and he swear he didn't feel this scared in his whole life.

Mr zino's dark eyes were staring at his light brown eyes and he bite his lower pink lips.

He felt an electric current in his whole body.

The bell rang making three of them come in their sense.

Mr zino's jaw clenched and he gaze at Ve and said in a husky voice that made Marco's heart run.

' Happy Birthday '.

Ve smiled nervously and nodded cause his words were stuck in his throat.

Marco was still standing so close to him.

He step back and looked around to see the garden was now empty.

He felt a hot breath and Marco looked front and saw Mr Zino was bending a little to his level.

He opens his mouth to say something but Mr zino whispers near his lips

' focus on your studies, not on me little Angel understood?'

Marco gulped and nodded.

Ve was seeing the romantic scene and thought to leave.