
Their Target Is Me

"Who …" "Who is it …"

Hearing the sound, the blue sky suddenly raised its head and looked at the approaching person with alert.

With his long stature, extraordinary temperament, and strong aura, the pupils of the blue sky gradually enlarged, and his hands and feet began to tremble uncontrollably.

"You … "Who is it?"

He stood up shakily, took the ashtray on the table, put it in a defensive posture and asked with a trembling voice.

Shi Hanmo stood not far from them, narrowed his eyes, and carefully sized up the blue sky. Then, he suddenly walked to the side of the window, and pulled down the curtain.

In that moment, the entire room was pitch black. When the bodyguards outside saw this, they immediately shouted anxiously, "President Shi, do you want us to go in and protect you?"

Just as he said that, the bodyguards rushed to the door, planning to force their way in.

"Like I said, without my order, no one is allowed to enter!"