
The Most Authoritative Person in the World

The atmosphere was eerily quiet. At this moment, the sound of high heels sounded from outside the door again.

"President Bai, Zhang... Zhang Lanfeng is here... "

The assistant's timid voice came from outside the door.

The entire A City knew that Bai Mufeng and Zhang Lanfeng could be said to be two great rivals, and they did not do anything to each other. Therefore, when the entire company found out that Zhang Lanfeng had suddenly appeared in the Bai's Group, they were greatly astonished.

To suddenly meet in private with the presidents of the two major companies that he had not interacted with before, this was an explosive piece of news in A City …

"Zhang Lanfeng? What was he doing here? Did you come here on purpose to make fun of me? "

Bai Mufeng curled his lips in disdain. Just as he was about to give the order to thank his guest, Shi Hanmo moved his gaze away from the computer and spoke indifferently.