
The Cooperation Between Us Is over

It was that glance that made Qiao Mei feel extreme suspicion towards this little sister.

He replied hesitantly, "I feel that Da Xu seems to be pretending on purpose. I sent people to scout his out earlier, and she is indeed different from before, furthermore, you have already returned, the Qiao's Group already belonged to you, so there's no reason for me to continue to disguise it, are you thinking too much these days?"

Ever since the incident with the fake death, his boss needed sleeping pills every day, and he was often scared awake in the middle of the night. It wasn't easy for him to live, and he still had to deal with these bad thoughts.

Just then, the door to Emergency Room was pushed open, and a few men in police uniform walked in, led by Lin Hua.

"Miss Qiao, it's like this. I heard that you didn't die, so the corpse was not yours, right?"