
A Dead End

Lee Tianhou tightened his jaw, with a straight face, he quickly looked at the lady in front of him. After confirming that she did not bring anything dangerous with her, the man's tensed heart relaxed a little.

"Come, sit down. If there's anything, let's have a good chat. After all, we've been partners for so many years. There's nothing that we can't solve." Lee Tianhou leisurely walked to the side of the office's sofa. With a cold smile on his face, he looked around and made a gesture to invite him in.

He was simply not Lee Tianhou's opponent, but now that the boss had entered, their trade would be exposed to the public at any time. At this critical juncture, she could only come to find him.

"Boss Li, we are all business people, and in plain words, we are all doing this for our own benefits. Back then, when you were working with our boss, we did not let you earn any less, but now that there's a problem, are you really going to stand by and watch?"