
His hybrid

WARNING! MATURE CONTENT On the her 17th birthday ariel discovers she's not an ordinary wolf but a hybrid and being mated to jace the future alpha who is also a playboy isn't easy for her especially when his past comes back with consequences, and due to sudden pregnancy,her parents are forced to make a decision which they thought would be best but later complicates things in their future causing extreme challenges which leaves them in pain and heartbreaks,will ariel be strong enough for herself and her loved ones or will she remain down broken,join me in this journey to find out

Katiespheres · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6


She's shaking clutching her head and i know they're fighting for control and i know if they get it things are gonna get messy.

"Get the hell out" i shout to the confused human girl roughly throwing her naked ass out,i don't really care if she has clothes or not locking the door.

"What the hell man" i approach my stupid alpha who is still shocked,he just can't keep his dick in his pants,i punch him hard breaking his lip,and i do it again and again and again,good thing he's not fighting back.

Am furious,my wolf is furious

I completely loose myself in rage and i don't remember how long i have been punching him till i hear grunts and screams behind me.


She's loosing it,her eyes are blood red,her claws are out and her body is all far,she's half shifted and she looks scary


'Justin please come down the hall to the empty classroom,come quick' i mindlink Justin

I need to get her out of here

"Hey sis, listen to me calm down okay"

"What is happening to her" i didn't know the fuckface was up

"Listen,stay the hell away from my sister,mate or not keep your distance okay" i warn him

"I didn't know ryan, you can't expect me to stay away she's mine, she's my mate"he growls

"Don't growl at me jace you hurt her you piece of shit, just look at her,do you know how much she's hurting right now? how could you have known when you were busy sticking your dick in some slut" that infuriates his wolf

"Watch your mouth,am still your alpha"

"Well 'alpha' what are you gonn do huh? some alpha you are" and that does it,he pushes me against the wall his eyes shifting from gray to blue.

"I demand respect pup,talk to me like that and i will show you who's boss" he threatens

"What's happening here " justin asks bursting through the door. Q

Shit Ariel,i even forgot she's still on the floor,mum gave me something to inject her just incase things went out of control,i don't even wanna imagine how she's feeling right now.

"What's happening to her ryan" justin looks at her confused

"Help me grab her will explain later, i need to inject her with this" i show him the syringe.

"No,don't touch her,no one touches her" jace says trying to grab her and that makes her more furious,i know its because he smells of that whore.

"Do.not.touch.me" she pants clutching on her head tightly.

"We need to inject her before she fully shifts,help me here pls"

Justin grabs her and he's thrown across the room by jace, now is not the time" don't touch my mate" he growls

He comes near her and she loses it,with one hand jace is pressed again the wall her claws digging in his flesh," i said you do not touch me" she pants out

As much as i love to see him hurt i won't allow her do something she will regret so i take the chance and inject her neck,her body slowly starts dropping and i catch her before she's reaches the ground.

She regains her normal self but shes unconscious,i hold her in my arms and watch as she sleeps,her face is covered with tears and even with that she's still beautiful, i tuck away the hair sticking on her face behind her ears.

"What did you do?" he has the guts to ask me that,i need to take her home,she really deserved better.

"Justin,start the car i need to take her home" he nods heading out,i look at jace who's now wiping away his own tears,i shake my head standing up with my sister in my arms.

The car is ready and Justin opens the door for me,it's a good thing classes are going on so no one is out,jace enters with her backpack i don't even wanna look at him.

He doesn't talk just staring at her with teary regretful eyes.

I mindlink my mum about what's happening and she's already waiting with the pack doctor when we get home,

"Oh moon what happened to my baby ryan?" My mum meets us worried.

"I will explain later mum,right now we have to make sure she's okay" i say placing her on her bed,,her breaths are stable i hope she'll be okay.

"What happened to my princes ryan?"My dad comes bagging in followed by jace and justin,i looked at jace hoping he would say something but he's looking down shamefully.

"Well she found her mate and in a compromising position and she lost it" i didnt wanna go to details cause he should be the one explaining.

"And who is this mate?" he asks looking between Justin and jace.

"Mmh.." i hesitate

"It's me" jace says looking down,

Dad shakes his head" so she just met you and you hurt her"

"I can't beleive this,am getting your father" he says heading out.

The doctor checks on her and gives her another injection to stabilise the first one,the room is quiet and everyone is silent just watching,i run my fingures in her hair while she sleeps,if this is how am gonna hurt my mate am not sleeping around anymore,i have done enough of that shit,i wouldn't want my mate to find me in that position it's not fair and jace better put his shit together,i know i shouldn't judge cause we are practically the same but this is my little sister and it hurts me to see her this way.

"You might wanna clean yourself before she wakes up,her scent is still on you" i tell jace and he hesitates,i know he doesn't wanna leave but staying here with the human scent on him will complicate everything when she wakes up.

"Use my room" he nods leaving, i sigh looking at my sad mum,i wonder what she's thinking about.

Its 30mins now and she's not up yet,jace came back later with grey sweatpants with my white buggy sweatshirt ,minutes later dad comes back with jace's parents.

They look around and their eyes settles on a sleeping ariel.

"What happened son" the alpha demands

"Mmh ..i" jace stutters scratching the back of his neck looking down,he's nervous.

"Your dad asked you something jace?" the luna asked again and i can tell she's dissapointed with jace.

"I didn't mean it mum,she found me with another girl" he says looking at his mother

"Doing what son,she found you doing what?" His dad grabbed his shoulders shaking him"you were fucking her right? your mate found you fucking another girl right jace?" he yells

Jace looks down confirming his dad's assumptions.

"The reason you went to that school jace was to find your mate not fucking around,do you know what could've happened if those humans saw her shifting? you are supposed to be alpha how will you when you are so irresponsible,am disappointed jace,do you even care how that girl felt,how will you feel if you walk up on her fucking someone else?"his face is down the whole time" you are an adult now be responsible for once,we taught you better than that jace" he shakes his head

"Make sure this doesn't happen again,you need to focus,you are almost 20 and still irresponsible,i can't beleive you" he says heading out.

"You shouldn't have done that jace,ariel is a sweet girl she didn't deserve that,you need to fix this" his mum says going after his dad

"Listen kid,i won't allow you to hurt my daughter like that,if you are not ready for a mate just walk away but i won't sit and see her hurt,not my princess" my dad kisses her forehead going after jace's parents.

My mum silently walks out leaving justin,jace and i

"I didn't expect to meet her ryan,i could never hurt her intentionally am sorry" he says looking at me.

"You could have felt the scent jace you're fucking alpha" i yell my anger coming back

Alphas have the strongest senses of all and strength and when it comes to their mates their bond is stronger,so i wonder how ariel felt it and he couldn't no matter how distracted,it pisses me off.

"I was caught up okay?i wasn't paying attention" he says frustrated

"Yeah of course you weren't,how can i forget that" i say shaking my head

"Am just sorry okay?"

"Am not the one you should tell that to jace,come on justin" i grab his hand leaving jace and ariel its upto ariel to make her decision.

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