
His Human Mate?

Its about a girl that's life gets turned upside down once her mother & father get into an argument over something. he leaves her with siblings and mother. Rose becomes a teen mom & finds out that the werewolf's she always loved as a child are actually real. Her siblings & herself just so happened to be wolfs themselves they where all raised to believe they where humans. she is mated to the soon to be alpha which she’s always had a crush on & finds out a very interesting fact about her child & the asshole that is the father. Will the news about her child be a good thing of a bad thing? Only time will till & will she be able to save her child before it’s to late? I update weekly every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Hope you enjoy the story..

Nativeeyes31 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 3

{RJs pov}.

   10 years ago we got a new pack member everyone was highly skeptical about him at first because at the time he was just human or so we thought. We usually keep to ourselves and stay away from humans because frankly they just don't understand & try to kill us. I was only 5 when Him became mated to my auntie Liz.         

   They meet when I was 3 and had my little cousin Jesse from my understanding he has a family out in the world someplace.

He tried to make it work with his first wife and my aunt but one day he found out his son wasn't his so he left and fully mated with my aunt Liz. At least that is the story my mom and dad told me the only reason I know is that I'm the future alpha to the Moon Stone Pack. Being the future alpha I must know everything about my pack members.

    Jesse is only two years younger but she is awfully smart so she jumped a few years and now we're in the same classes. I'm hoping my mate turns 16 soon so I can smell her. Maybe she's already 16 and just not from my pack. I need to take on the responsibilities of being alpha soon. Yes, 17 is a little young but my dad is old (like 89 years old) and needs to step down he doesn't have any more years left in him to run the pack. He's just ready to retire and live his days out relaxing with my mom.

    Lately at school, I have been feeling a pull toward this human girl named Rose. I've watched her be abused over the years but as werewolves, we can't interfere in human business. For some reason today after school I watched her brother slap her once. then he slapped her again so hard that the poor girl fell to the ground and then kicked her. at this point my wolf was yelling for me to kill him.

    I still have no clue why my wolf wants to protect her so badly. Dave and a few other guys from my pack had to push me away from the scene to his car. Later that night I go for a run and end up at a little shad in the back yard of an ugly little green two-story house.

   I find myself looking into a window at the most beautiful girl & a little child I can't wait to find a way to meet her in person one day soon I have this feeling like a pull telling me to take her home someplace she can be warm & safe. I feel like I know her from someplace. & why is she out here with a baby in the middle of November? I run back home & bump into my uncle he sniffs the air (he's now a werewolf himself after mating with my aunt) RJ young alpha where were you just now?

  Please don't lie to me I just need to know you smell like my little girl not strong just like you were standing around her is all. I look at my uncle and tell him everything that happened on my run his face falls & he asks me to take him back to the place I just was. When we get there he looks so sad seeing the run-down shed with a girl and a baby inside. If it wasn't for my werewolf hearing I would have never heard him say.

    Daddy is so sorry baby girl I'll be here in just a few weeks please hold on a little longer for me. As we walk back to the pack house he explains everything to me & how my father told him his daughters couldn't come until the last one was 16.