
Chapter 9

He had watch the wealth people entered carriage with their children and he never get to. He always dream of some day, he would enter a carriage and felt a like king that one of his dream when he grow up. 

Buy a fancy carriage for his mother that would carried her everywhere she wants to. 

"Matthew, would you stop that. That's so improper " 

"Oh please Mercy, leave the boy alone to enjoyed himself. I'm not complaining that's how kids behave" Mrs. Brett said in amusement. She never see what the boy did was wrong. It better for them to leave them to enjoyed their time instead of been locked and told what to do.. 

"Thank you so much madam, this is my first time to be in a carriage. I have always dreamed of buying mother someday when I grow up"

"Oh really?" Mrs Brett asked amusing and the boy nodded quietly. "That great" she exclaimed.

"Matthew, what about me? Would you buy me a carriage too?" Little Elsie asked, who was sitting close to her mother on the opposite side. 

"Of course I'll"

"Please, shifted I also want to view" 

"Okay " Matthew replied and shifted for her to come close and have a look. "Didn't they look lovely"  Mrs Brett said to Mercy, who was smiling and looking at the kids. All she could hope for prayer the future never affect the kids. 

After minutes of a smooth ride on the road. They finally arrived at the mansion of Mr. Mount. 

Fascinating and glamour rich. 

Matthew eye widened, he had never seen such a lovely mansion before in his life. And he was happy he's going to start living here. 

Mercy heart skipped when the carriage stopped. Her heart was tore into pieces, a sudden fear and anxious came up to her. She knows this isn't good to come back. She can't tell Mrs. Brett that she was that maid girl her husband abused sexually. 

She heaved a deep breath and step down with the other. Everything is going to be alright if Mr. Mount never recognized her face as fact Mrs Brett couldn't remember her face. Then, Mr. Mount wouldn't either.  She encouraged herself.  

The kids step down happily. Holding on to each other hands. "Come Matthew, you're going to love living here" she said pulling Matthew closer to herself. 

While Mercy hands was sweating, she couldn't bare much of the tension in the her, as she tried to fake a smile on her lips to cover her nervousness and anxiety. 

"Come here my dear Mercy, you're going to love living here" said Mrs Brett, And nodded with her..

They approached the massive door which was opened slightly for them to entered. Mercy sighed deeply, you can do this Mercy. She thought to herself. Slip in with Mrs. Brett besides her clasping on her left hand..

She turned at her and smiled. Then, whispered"you don't have to be worried, my husband will surely accept you and your son. There's no pleasures on that" 

Is she talking about the same Mr. Mount she knew or about someone else? Because the Mr. Mount she knew was never a good person not to mention having blayin his house. 

She remembers the way he treated her when she works for they, it was a hell for her. But coming back here would remain that same hell. 

She looked at her son and seen the way he was happy. She can't take that joy from her boy face. It's had a hard life outside the city for black. It wasn't easy to see a well paid job. 

But seeing the boy this happy, it gives her joy to go off the cliff just for him. He was her only surviving hope. And nothing can be done to keep that smile appearing in her son face. 

A man voice was  echoed thunderously from the study room as them walks in the corridor. Mercy was dying inside of her, as the frightening of horror was wear on her face.

She is going to died! She thought to herself. What if Mr. Mount remember her? No, no, no, this can't be. She shouldn't have come here the first place.

The more they walked closer the more his voice louder. "Why is your father shouting do you think he's angry with someone?" Matthew whispered to Elsie ears, getting terrified with the man the voice echoed in the building. 

"Don't worry, I think he's busy with work, whenever father was busy with work, he shouts like that or more than that" Elsie explained.  Matthew felt a little relief after he getting what Elsie say but he was trouble still . He had lived in the street and know what some white have did to him and his mother. 

"You should go ahead and have a seat in the living chamber while I informed my husband about your arrival" Mrs. Brett smiply said and loosen Mercy from her grips. She can now breath but not satisfied. 

"Okay mother" Little Elsie said quickly without glanced at her mother, she was so busy with Matthew like he was some kind of a cute pet bought for her on her birthday as a present..

Mrs. Brett's snapped her fingers, A maid appeared greetings the lady before her and turned to the visitor. Her eyes went wide immediately as she recognized the face of the lady standing close to Mrs. Brett's

"Please help them get the to the living chamber and attend to anything they demand" Mrs. Brett's simply instructed before leaving. The maid nodded and lead the them through the corridor. Along the way her eyes haven't looked away from the woman walking beside the kids. 

What is she doing back here after all these years? The maid thoughts, as she pushed her gaze to something else but her eyes match against her.  


Mercy who had noticed the awkward staring of the maid, didn't say anything. But she was sure the maid might know her.

This is never a good option of coming back here....


Hi my lovely readers, I'm sorry for late up and please to meet up with the updating by tomorrow. Please don't be angry with me. I have been busy with lot of things lately. But promise to write up the interesting chapters you have be hoping for.

Thanks 😊