
Chapter 9 of chapter 5 My Lily!

When I got to the spot, my eyes widened in shock. It's my lady Lily, she fell into the little swamp in the garden and she's unconscious and drowning!


I couldn't think straight as the sensation of fear cupped up on me. The guards choose to swim in to save before they could even move a step, I'm already in. My heart beats as I swim toward her.

I drag her waist from behind and swim back to the top starting spot. I called "Lily?" But she isn't answering. Her eyes were shut. I was scared, what if she's dead? No that can happen! This is all my fault! I should have followed her the time she left. What an asshole I am! 

The guards help me to get her off the swamp. "Lily!" I called again, pushing my hands on her chest to make her spit out the water and then place my ears on her chest. 

"She isn't breathing!" I shout. "What the fuck are you all waiting for? Go get me a doctor now!" I growled, and some of the guards rush in. "Lily, please stay with me don't leave me. Please" 

I don't understand what's happening to me but all I want is for my Lily to be back to life. She can't die, No! I lifted her and walks fast into the mansion. No! I can't lose her! 

Along that way, my eyes were fixed only on her as everything else seem invisible to me, nothing matters to me. I know, some of the maids were gazing and wondering what's going on but I didn't care. The first thing to do now was to save my woman's life. 

The guards followed me from behind. I gets into my chamber and my handmaid was still there, she was making that mattress when I step in. She looks surprised at me, carrying a woman in my chamber for the first time. 

She had been my handmaid for some years now and hadn't seen me with a maiden in my chamber before. She bowed her head to greet but I  didn't give her a response. I hurry dropped Lily on the made bed. I noticed her body was cold. It's must-have belong that she was drowning. Oh my gosh! What if she.....

No, I can't say that Lily can't die, I know she's annoying and stubborn. But I don't want her to die...

"Where the hell is the fucking doctor I asked for!" I couldn't take anything easily. What kept the mad doctor waiting! Did he or she want their head off? 

The guards, who were in with me run out to check if the doctor I summoned is coming. 

"Milord, the doctor is here," one of them said. I turned my gaze and saw a pale young lady approaching. I was sitting beside her, holding on to her hands while shaking. It's like I was dreaming of having the same nightmares again. 

"Milord" the lady bowed. "P-Please saves her, I can't live without her please" I can't believe that I'm pleading with a worker for help. I had no choice, this is about the woman I'm longing for, she can't die. 

The lady was stunned but she just nodded to assure me that she would be okay. 

"You don't have to worry milord," she said with a lovely smirk, and immediately starts her work on her. 

I gave her all the space she wants and seated her n the couch behind the wall, dying of worries and anger. If she died I would never forgive myself. Please Lily wakes up and I promise to never provoke you again.

I will do anything you want just don't go. I looked at the lady attending to her and back on my boot. My body was fucking wet but I didn't care until Lily woke up. 

She had to come back to me. I need her, I fucking do. I couldn't believe what happens to me.

"Milord, you have to change your clothes" I lifted my head and saw my handmaid standing beside me. She was looking worried, she had never seen me in this state before. 

"I don't want to" I replied calmly to her, it feels my inside is dying too. I looked at the woman operating on her, watching how she was draining the waters out of her mouth. 

"Will she be okay?" I asked, she turned and look at me pitifully. "I don't know milord, it had been long she was in the waters. I know if she might wake up"

"What the fuck!" I stood up angrily from my seat. "If you love your life, you better wake her up! Do you understand? I can't lose someone close to me again!" 

Everybody in the room was terrified but I don't care, all I need is for my Lilly to wake up! 

"I-I'm sorry Milord, I will do all I can to wake her up," she said shaking. "Then, do!"

This time I couldn't have my seat again, as my bum forbade to the seat. All I want now, was for my Lily to open her eyes. 

If Isabella heard of this, she would hate me forever! She had told me to make her stay but instead, I make her drown. 

I was weak and broken, it felt like something was leaving me again. I remember the day my mother died, it was just the same, no, I can't lose her now.  I went on my knees, broken and sad, my hands warped on my face. What's happening to me? 

"Lily" her name left my mouth in whispered, the next moment, my eyes were dripping with tears! I couldn't believe I can still cry after all these years. I'm crying for a woman! I looked up to the doctor, her hands were down as she stops working on her. 

"W-why aren't you working to bring her back?" I asked shakily. My head was getting inches, I can't bear it, I can't whatsoever she's going to say to me.

"Milord, I'm sorry but I can't wake her up, I believe she is de..." 

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" I yell breathing hardly. "I requested for you to wake my woman up and you're saying you can't? Do you even want to live again? I don't care what you have to do or any meditation you have to perform on her. All I want is my Lily waking up with her eyes open!" 

"Y-y-yes milord" she bowed and continue working on her.. my hands clenched on my hair frustrating. I am losing it! Lily can't die not today not forever. 

Just that moment, I heard my name

"Marcus!!!" I turned in the direction of the door with clouded eyes, I was crying. It's Emily, my sister. "E-Emily" I whispered her name. I was so weak to respond properly. My all strength was gone.

"Marcus, what's happened?"  She asked, walking towards me. "Marcus?" She bend down to me and hugged me. My head was laying on her under the jaw. She scoops her hands on my hair. 

"Marcus? What's going on?"

She hasn't gotten to see the lady lying lifeless on the bed. Her all focus was on me. The last time, she had seen me this way was when we lost our mother.

"Emily, I can't lose her, I need her" I never knew I would want her this way. after all this while, I am attracted to this woman. 

"Who's her?" She asked, and I pointed at the bedside. "One of the selected ladies?" She asked confusedly, 

I just nodded, not having the strength to discuss or argue with her on anything. 

"Don't worry she will be fine" she replies calmly still scooping her fingers on my hair. 

I wasn't expecting that from her but I'm glad she wasn't ruining but consign. She continues

"She won't die, not when my brother was already falling in from her. She can't leave" she said with so much consign. I couldn't believe my ears, is that Emily talking? Or someone else? 

I lifted my face to hers. She smiled.

"I promise, she would be okay" I rest back my head on her chest. "I can't leave her Emily, she can't go. Not just like that. Not in my hands again. I don't want to lose anyone" I cried. I couldn't feel my bones as everything seem broken inside of me. 

Lady Lily has become a part of me. I just can't accept it. "Sh sh sh brother, she will be fine. Nothing will happen to her" 

"Milord" the doctor called and immediately I stood up from Emily. Looking frightened, please be good news. 

Emily stands up and holds my hands. "I'm here" she whispered. 

The doctor takes a deep breath before she said "milord, she is fine. She just needs to relax to recover herself which would take some time" she said looking frightening if I am going to bark at her. 

I heaved a relieved sigh. at least, my Lily would be okay. I turned at Emily, who seem smiling hearing the news.

"I told you, she will be fine"