
His Guilt

Sometimes, we do something to avoid it's consequences, only to find out that we're paving the path for a greater doom.

Kelechi_Awurum_6306 · Action
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9 Chs

Encounter (8)

"Looking for bodies?" It was the killer.

Slash. Derek threw a blade at him.

The killer caught the shuriken like a professional.

"Why are you doing this? " What have they done? "

" Why did you kill those innocent people? What did they do? " the killer returned the question.

His fear changed to anger, as he began to understand the nature of the situation. His wife and son, killed by a street killer.

" Where are they! " he ordered.

" Ooh sorry, I expected that" the killer chuckled. He knew what Derek was capable of doing, and he restricted himself from hurting his family.

" I asked a question. A question that needs an answer!"

" Don't try threatening me" the killer said, holding a shuriken to him. Unfortunately, Derek was in rage mode.


He dodged the blade, and engaged the killer in a heated fight. They exchanged deadly moves, as each tried their best to kill each other. In a matter of minutes, Derek had the killer under control, a blade to his neck.

" You kill me, your wife and daughter are gone!"he said.

" I don't trust you" He pushed the blade with his might towards his neck before the killer spoke again.

"Okay, okay, check the video on my phone. That would be enough to prove to you what I'm capable of doing"

At least, this was reasonable. He reached out for the phone and played the video there. Nora and Tony were chained to the ground. They looked around in confusion, wondering how to get out of the dark prison.

"I told my men to kill everyone in the prison if I don't arrive at a specific time"

"Everyone? I thought it was just my family?"

"Keep thinking. You know, I'm getting tired of killing people on the highway, so I just decided to hasten my plans"

Silence reigned for a while. The killer walked towards the window ledge.

"Your guilt will continue hunting you. And I promise you, you'll pay the price, with agony, and blood"

With that, he left. Derek became confused. Even if he were to report to the police, they had no clue. And his guilt, the guilt. That was the only reason why this was happening. He sat on the bed and made a quick summary of his life. A life spent on preying on others. Now he is receiving the rewards. He thought of hanging himself.

No! He cast that thought out of his mind. His son, Anthony needed him. His wife, Nora needed him. He had to be there for the city as the mayor, even if it was because of him this sad events were occuring. He still had to be strong.

At one end, he saw the bible. That brought back some memories, at least some good ones.

That was when he was a kid. His grandparents were Christians, and there was this small church in the community that they do go to. In the church, they talked about the qualities of a man called Jesus. That he was kind, honest, hated evil, and helped humanity by reconciling them back to God. He was also taught some set of laws, giving by Jesus.

'Love your neighbor as yourself'

That was deep. He compared his life to that phrase. He hated his neighbors by murdering them, which means he hated himself. Also one of the ten commandments.

"Thou shall not murder" The strict tonality of the king james version of the bible was brought before him in memory, and for the first time in many years, he cried.

Back then, he would walk out with grandma, giving food items and provisions to the poor, and giving clothes to the orphans. The same person ten years later, entered there with a sword, and murdered everyone just to fulfill his bloodlust.

The pain of his guilt was so strong that he felt that he would have a cardiac arrest any moment from now. He was right.

He felt a pain indescribable in his heart, that he fell to the ground, and coughed out blood. The faces of those he murdered were flashed before him, the cries of mothers over the death of their children, the wailings of the elderly be had injured and watched to die were arrayed before him.

Was he dying?

If he was, he was sure of his destination. Hell. He remembered Mrs Stanley. Her words rang in his ears.

"Dare hope not to see heaven"

His sight began to darken, and he felt weaker. Sure, he was dying. Just before he passed out, he murmured a few words.

" Lord Jesus, I'm sorry"