
His Guilt

Sometimes, we do something to avoid it's consequences, only to find out that we're paving the path for a greater doom.

Kelechi_Awurum_6306 · Action
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9 Chs

Divine Salvation (9)

He woke up, from the force of being dragged on the floor. Getting up, he realized the cause. He was bound on neck, hands and feet. Before and behind him were a long row of people, who were also bound with chains. They were being led to a place where a great fire consumed everything, the wailings of people could be heard, and the odour was so bad.

This was hell. He was going to hell.

He wasn't afraid as he thought he would be. If he had anything in mind, it was to go to hell to apologize to people he had taken their lives from. Number one on the list was Mr Stanley and family.

Moments passed and they were getting closer and closer to the fire. He began to feel the heat. His skin began to burn. The iron chains on his neck, hands, and feet began to glow red. This heat must be super!

He always thought of the description of hell as a fantasy, but today, that belief was corrected. At some point, his clothes caught fire, and the people before him began to wail. They couldn't take it anymore. Though they were still a long way off.

"Hey man, we're going to hell" the guy behind him said.

"Yeah. I'll gladly accept the punishment because I deserve it. I dare hope not to see heaven" he replied repeating Mrs Stanley's statement.

"Wow. Such responsibility. Have they preached the gospel to you before?"


Like a trance, he lost consciousness of his environment. Everything around him immediately became black, and he began to burn. In the midst of the darkness and anguish, he saw a man, clothed in light. The closer he came, the fiercer the heat.

" Give me the chains" he ordered. Immediately, the chains the bound him loosened, and bound him. He watched as the man clothed in light walked towards the fierce fires of hell, and entered there.

He woke up from the trance. No, this wasn't a trance. The chain marks were on his neck, hands and feet. So what he experienced was real? And besides, who was that man that went to hell on his behalf?

He was about to know.

" I'm back my son" a voice, like the sound of many waters declared. He turned in the direction of the voice. He met a light so bright that he had to bow because the intensity was too strong.

Then the reality dawned on him.

" You went to hell for me? You saved me? "

He was so overwhelmed that he fell face flat down.

" I'll serve you forever" he said, in a tone of worship.

He sensed the light entered his body, and he felt lighter. The guilt was no longer there. He got up, to confirm, he tried remembering the memories, but, he could no longer feel the guilt.

Filled with gratitude, he expressed his feelings saying;

" Thank you Jesus "

Words could not describe how he felt. So new, afresh and restored. There and then, he made up his mind that he would live the rest of his life, doing nothing but seeking the will of God.

Just then, the television showed the breaking news.

'Hundreds of children missing from daycare'

He knew this was the work of the killer. But more was in store. A live video popped on the news. It was the killer. He felt a gush of anger, but managed to control it.

"I'm sorry for the lives I've taken, and the people who have died, because of my revenge spree" he started. Silence for a while.

"Also the kidnapped, I'm really sorry. However, I would love it if you're informed that all this is happening, because of the guilt of one man; and his name is Derek Alexander Moore"

Derek stared at the killer, who smiled his best. He didn't feel the guilt. What he felt was anger to correct his past mistakes.

"No killer, it's not my guilt anymore. Rather; the soul that sinneth, shall die!"

With that, he left the room in anger. To correct his past mistakes.


<end of part one>
