
Chapter 14.

Seraphina's POV

Walking into the room I find Nicholas sitting with a glass of whiskey and Ian next to him. I walk over and sit next to Ian and my coat. I set my purse on the table before standing up and noticing how boring this room is.

"I'm going dancing with my friend." Nicholas looks at me.


"My new friend I made a few days ago, Gabe. I'll introduce you guys at some point tonight." Without a further word, I leave the room and run into Gabi on the stairs.

"Come on we're going dancing."

We walk down together. We make our way to the middle of the crowd and begin to dance.

"You ready?" I lean in and whisper loudly in her ear. She nods and grins.

I turn around and start to dance with her. She runs her hands on my hips and we both laugh.

Nicholas's POV

Seeing Seraphina come into the room her skirt and top hugged her perfect body showing off every single curve she had. When I asked Cleo to pick out her outfit I wasn't expecting this.

When she came in she told me that she was going dancing with her friend Gabe. Who the fuck is Gabe? And why is he hanging out with my wife? I look over at Ian as he was the one who had to let her in for any clue. His face remains blank like usual. The one time I want him to give something away.

Setting my glass down I walk over to the balcony that overlooks the club. I look over to the bar first not finding her. I scan over the dance floor looking for her teal outfit. After a few seconds, I spot her dancing with a blonde girl in a red dress. I watch them grind against each other smiling while running their hands over their bodies.

I keep my eyes on Seraphina watching her hips move gracefully. The smile on her face not leaving as she dances. I continue watching her waiting for this guy to come up to her. Did he ditch her?

I already don't like him. I see the blonde whisper in Seraphina's ear and she nods. They start walking towards the VIP entrance. I make my way back to my seat grabbing Seraphina's things to be by me.

Seraphina's POV

Me and Gabi had been dancing for a while but we then wanted to sit down and she was dying to meet my husband. We go back to the boys. Walking in all three of the boys are waiting for us. With only two spots open I sit next to Nicholas while Gabi sits next to Ian with Cole across from her.

I cross my legs and tilt my knees toward Cole.

"Boys this is my friend Gabriella." I motion my hand towards her as she nods. "Gabi this is Cole, Ian, and Nicholas." I point to each of the boys as I say their names. She smiles and says hi.

"This is your friend. What happened with Gabe?" Nicholas whispers in my ear spitting out the name.

"Oh did I say, Gabe, I meant Gabi. Honest mistake." I pat his thigh and focus on the conversation. I see him shake his head from the corner of my eye. He places his hand on my leg and rubs his thumb on the seam of my skirt. Nicholas is wearing his usual suit minus the suit jacket. His top two buttons were unbuttoned showing off a sneak peek of his tattooed chest.

Cole waves over a waitress after a few minutes and orders us all a round of shots. My legs have since turned towards Nicholas. The waitress comes back with her tray and sets a shot glass in front of each of us. I reach over for my glass moving my hand to the front of my chest keeping my boobs in my dress. Cora has told me horror stories of her flashing people.

I sit back up and we all click glasses and take our shots. The liquor burns as it goes down and I hold back a cringe as I swallow. Cole shakes his head and smacks his glass on the table. Nicholas takes my empty glass and puts both of ours on the table.

We spend the rest of the night drinking and hanging out. Gabi leaves first as her mom called her about an emergency. The four of us hang out for a bit longer until Ian just gets up and walks out.

Cole drinks a lot more than us and eventually goes off with our waitress when her shift ends. Me and Nicholas decide it was time to leave.

I stand up and reach over to grab my coat but Nicholas beats me to it. His hand is on my waist as I'm bent over slightly he reaches for my coat.

He holds it for me and helps me put it on pulling my hair out for me. He grabs my clutch and my hand and walks me out to his car. He had his driver come and pick Gabi up.

He opens the door for me and holds my hand helping me in. He stands in front of me and shuts the door for me. He gets in and drives us to his house.

He helps me out of the car and we walk inside. We head upstairs to our room.

"You can shower first." I nod and head to the shower. Stripping out of my clothes I leave them on the floor and hop in the shower. I wash my hair and scrub my skin to get rid of the sweat and liquor. I wash my face till I'm sure my makeup is off.

I hop out grabbing a towel, I move to grab my pajamas to realize that I didn't grab any.

"Dammit. Nicholas!" I move close to the door shouting for him.


"Can you bring me some pajamas?" I cringe at how stupid I am. For the near month, I've been here not once have I forgotten to grab clothes.

"Sure." I hear him move around the room. He knocks on the bathroom door. I crack it open and reach out for my clothes.

"Thanks." I shut the door once my hand is inside. I look at what he brought me to realize that he brought me his clothes. A white v-neck and black boxers.

I pull the shirt on getting a whiff of his strong cologne, I put on the boxers. They start to slide down my legs a little so I roll them twice to fit on my hips better. I walk out carrying my dirty clothes and put them in the hamper not finding Nicholas in the room. As I walk out of the closet he comes back into the room.

Nicholas's POV

Seeing her in my clothes is so much better than that skirt. When she asked for clothes I was gonna give her some of her clothes but I realized that all she has are skimpy shorts and tank tops. Why would I willingly put myself through that?

I thought putting her in my clothes would be better but I was wrong. Seeing my clothes on her knowing she is mine is another thing. She looks at me before I make my way into the shower. I turn on the shower to warm and go under the stream. Wiping water away from my eyes something catches my eye.

A sheer purple lacey thong is on the bathroom floor. Fuck me. She was wearing those the whole time. Groaning I turn the shower to cold water and let myself calm down.

Getting out I get dressed in a pair of basketball shorts and walk to bed. Seeing her already in bed under the covers with her eyes closed and breathing even I carefully lift the covers. I lay next to her and cover myself. When I stop moving she moves in her sleep laying her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around my waist and her leg on top of mine.

This isn't helping my boner. I hug her back and let myself fall asleep.