
Chapter 13.

Seraphina's POV

"Pick up please pick up." I tap my foot against the floor waiting for my sister to pick up the phone.

"Hello." Her sleepy voice answered.


"Hey, Sera. What's up?"

"I need advice."

"About what?"

"Me and Nicholas fought and I don't know what to do."

"What you two fight about?"

"I don't even know"

"Well, do you forgive him?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"He apologized and said he wants to work it out. How do I know if he is telling the truth?"

"Where is he now?"

"At work but he said he'll be home early."

"Where did he sleep last night by chance?"

"In the guest room."

"So what I'm hearing is that he apologized and gave you space after pissing you off. I don't see the problem and why you're struggling."

"What if he is lying and just playing me and in reality, he just wants to use me." I widen my eyes to make my point only to myself.

"Seraphina do you hear yourself? I'm not telling you that your feelings are invalid or you don't have a point, but you won't know if you don't try. Maybe he does want a good relationship with you. You have to understand this is new to both of you, he has been alone a long time and you've never been in a relationship." I could hear her sigh into the phone.

"Sera, I don't want to tell you how to live but I think you should just try. Who knows maybe you'll fall in love." With that, she hangs up not letting me rebuttal.

I lay back on the bed letting my thoughts run wild. What if he is just trying to have a relationship with me? I could make myself go crazy with the number of unknowns going through my head.

Sitting here I'm about to get up to explore the house I've looked through dozens of times at this point.

My phone rings from beside me startling me.

I take a second to collect my breath before checking the contact.


"Hello," I speak into the phone.

"Seraphina, someone is going to come by, a friend of mine. She'll fill you in." He hangs up the phone. What is with everyone hanging up on me?

Wait she? I thought his only friends were Cole and Ian. I make my way downstairs to wait for this mysterious woman. After waiting a few minutes I get bored and head to the kitchen for a glass of water. As I take a sip of my glass the doorbell rings.

I groan and set my glass down on the counter. Heading to the door I look out the small window next to it. I know Nicholas's staff has special instructions for letting people in but I'm skeptical. Looking outside I see a girl a little older than me. Her straight black hair is let down resting on her shoulders. I can see her makeup is dark with a smoky eye and dark red lips. Leather pants and a jacket hid her shirt.

I open the door to come to see a girl a few inches taller than me. A glare set on her face makes me question if that's her face or if she just doesn't like me. She looks me up and down before smirking. I take a chance as well to look her over. By her feet lays two shopping bags from a shop that has a name I can't pronounce.

"So you're the wife?"

"Guess so." I walk away leaving the door open for her.

Her shoes click against the floor while following me.

"Well, Nicholas told me to get over here and help you but never told me your name."


"Seraphina, I'm Nicholas's co-worker of sorts, Cleo."

"Nice to meet you, Cleo." She's a bitch.

"You too."

"Nicholas didn't tell me why you were here. So why are you here?"

"Nicholas had me pick this stuff out for you." She handed me the two bags. "He needs you ready in 2 hours. A driver will pick you up and take you to meet Nicholas."


"Listen I'm just the messenger if you have questions talk to your husband."

I run my tongue across the top of my teeth and grab the bags from her outstretched hands. She leaves as fast as she came in, leaving me still confused.

Shaking my head I walk upstairs with the bags. Going into the room I set the bags down on the bed. Opening the first bag. I find a medium black box. I of course open the box like a normal human. Inside lays a beautiful skirt and matching top set, a mint teal color. It's a soft, satiny fabric which is gorgeous.

I set the outfit on the bed and open up the second bag. Another two boxes are found in it. I take out both boxes and set them on the bed. I take the thicker box to find pair of gold heels. The second box is thinner than the other two.

Opening it the first thing to see is a piece of red tissue paper. Moving the paper out of my way it reveals a dark purple bra and panties set with pink and teal flowers and a small garter belt-type thing. I widen my eyes, not at the time itself I've bought myself lingerie before but that's exactly it. I've bought myself lingerie, not someone else. Especially someone who knows my husband and is a bitch and never met me.

Did Nicholas have her buy me this?

I wasn't going to talk to him but I need to. Grabbing my phone I pull up his contact. The phone rings twice before he picks up.

"Yes Seraphina"

"Why did you get me this stuff?"

"I have a club opening tonight and need my wife there. I assumed a new outfit would be an acceptable reason for you to come."

"And you had Cleo pick out my outfit."

"Yes, I figured she would have the most insight on what girls like to wear to a club." His voice is so monotone. I was hoping that I could get a little out of him about the bitch.

"Did you see the things she picked out for me?"

"No, I only sent her your size in everything and a picture of you. Why, do the clothes not fit?" He has no idea what she picked.

"No, everything is fine just wondering. I'll see you tonight." I hang up on him. Getting an amazing idea I decided to text a friend.

Seraphina: You able to come to a club with me in 2 hours? Drinks on me.

While waiting for a response I decided to get ready. After a quick 20-minute shower I get out and start doing my makeup. I finished my golden-eye look and entire face and start to do my hair. I end up doing a simple look by just curling it. I lather myself in lotion and put on the lingerie and then the new outfit.

I spray on one of my perfumes and fix my makeup and hair from being dressed. I check my phone before putting on my heels.

Gabriella: Hell yeah. My mom is already watching Jasmine. Can you pick me up?

Seraphina: I can be there in about 30 minutes. That work?

Gabriella: Yes.

Smirking I grab my shoes tie them on, and walk into my closet trying to find a jacket. Italy is warm but I've noticed it gets pretty cool at night. Finding my new black coat styled similar to a trench coat. Tying up my coat I head downstairs with my black clutch.

To be honest, when I went shopping I was hoping to make Nicholas' bank break but sadly it didn't work. Walking out I see the car picking me up.

"Mrs. Burns." The driver nods to me and opens my door.

"Hello, would you mind if we could pick up my friend?"

"I'll have to ask Mr. Burns."

"No need, I already asked him and told him not to bother when I was gonna see you." He looked hesitant but agreed and asked for the address. We make it to Gabi's house and I text her we are outside. I see her come out in a gorgeous red glittery dress and white heels. Her curly hair is pulled up into a bun and her makeup looks flawless. She gets in the back seat with me gawking at the interior of the car.

"How rich are you?"


We both laugh as the driver pulls out and starts to drive to the club. Me and Gabi talk through text the entire time. I catch her up on my plan and the fight me and Nicholas had.

She has never met Nicholas but has asked about him and I tell her. The only thing she doesn't know about is the mafia and the arrangement. I figured I would wait for us to be better friends before telling her. At some point, I took off my coat to show Gabi my outfit.

The driver stops and we look up to see we are here. He gets out and opens our door for us.

"Mr. Burns is located in the VIP deck. He asked that you meet him there."

I nod and thank him. We walk to the door surpassing the line outside. I walk up to the bouncer with Gabi trailing behind me.

"Excuse me miss your gonna have to go to the back of the line."

"I have special permission."

"Well until the boss tells me your gonna have to wait like everyone else."

"Did he tell you that his wife was coming tonight?"

"I'm not at liberty to tell you that."

"Smart man. How bout you call your boss down here to talk to me personally." I give him a sweet smile.



He steps inside before coming back outside smirking at me. I decided to give him a smirk back waiting.

"What?" Ian comes to the entrance.

"This lady is refusing to leave without speaking to the boss."

"Seraphina come on in."


"This is Nicholas's wife. Better hope he sees this a forgivable mistake."

I grab Gabi's hand and drag her in with me and follow Ian.

"Ian, can you tell Nicholas I'm gonna get a drink first then be up." He nods and grabs my coat from my arms.

Me and Gabi walk over to the bar. She orders a dirty Shirley, while I get a vodka and soda. We take our drinks open a tab in my name and head upstairs to the VIP deck. Gabi finished her before we even get to the stairs.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then met you." I nod and watch her walk away. I make my way upstairs looking for Nicholas. I see him at a table with Ian and Cole already there.