

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


Suddenly, the phone rang urgently.

In the darkness, Dray frowned unhappily.

He withdrew his big hand that was hanging by Sky's face and picked up the phone that was placed aside.


"Master Li, it's good to know that you're safe. We have received your location, and the car is parked downstairs. There is an urgent matter in the Imperial City..."

Lary, Dray's subordinate, spoke on the other end of the phone.

Something very important had happened in the Imperial City that required him to rush over immediately.

He hung up the phone

Dray lowered his eyes and looked at the little man who was sleeping soundly in his arms in the darkness. 

He was about to pick him up. 

"Mmm...I'm so tired, don't...don't move me...

Sky resisted with a soft groan, and his small hand opened the man's palm, not wanting to be moved, and his face was even more hidden in the blanket. 

Seeing that he was so tired that he didn't even open his eyes, the man could only put a black obsidian ring with own signature on Sky's ring finger

"Be good and wait for me here. Someone will come to pick you up later."..... 


One week later, at the Kins family.

"Uncle, aunt, open the door! You promised me that you would save my mother as long as I agreed to go on a blind date at the Night shade Club! Why did the hospital call and say that you not only withdrew all the medical expenses, but also asked to remove my mother's oxygen tube... Open the door, Uncle! You can't be so heartless!"

In the pouring rain of the evening, Sky knocked loudly on the Kins family's door.

Finally, someone pushed the door open from the inside.

Aunt Ella, with an impatient expression, appeared before him.

"Sky, you shameless person, how dare you come to ask for medical expenses?"

"Look at the news! Since last Friday, after you met with Mr. Lee, he withdrew all investments in our family! Now, Mr. Lee is nowhere to be found, and he doesn't even answer our calls! It must be because you offended him during your blind date! Do you think you're still a young man? You're just a slut! a wierd one at that. Mr. Lee is willing to have you, it's your good fortune. You won't lose anything by sleeping with him that night, why are you pretending to be a virtuous man?"

"What did you say?"

Sky's face turned pale, suddenly understanding everything.

It turned out that everything was not a coincidence.

His uncle and aunt knew everything, and they knew that Mr. Lee would...

"You persuaded me to go on a blind date that day, and you said you were worried that I would have no one to take care of me, and that I should find a good man to marry, so that my mother could rest assured. Were these words all lies? You...you never treated me as a relative, you just wanted to sell me and exchange investments for the company!"

"It's obvious that Mr. Lee has taken a liking to him," Sky thought to himself.

No wonder his aunt even spoke highly of a man like Mr. Lee, who was sleazy and despicable and old enough to be his father.

Thinking back to that night, when he was drugged by Mr. Lee in his coffee during a blind date, he realized that if it hadn't been for a stroke of luck and running into the man he had met a year ago, he might have been taken advantage of by Mr. Lee.

Unfortunately, even though he had managed to escape Mr. Lee's clutches, he had once again slept with the stranger who had promised to take responsibility for him after their first encounter.

But just like a year ago, he had disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a black obsidian ring.

Sky didn't even know what he looked like.

It wasn't until he got home and checked his body in the mirror that he saw the ambiguous marks left all over his skin, evidence of their night together.

"Are you people even human, Aunt? Do you know that it was because of your arrangement that I met another man at the club that night, and he..." Sky trailed off.

"What man? What are you talking about?" Ella asked, sensing a flaw in Sky's words.

"Fine". You shameless slut. Instead of accompanying Mr. Lee, you went and messed around with some wild man. No wonder Mr. Lee is disgusted with us! Let me tell you, the Kin family has supported you and your mother for so long, but we've done all we can. From now on, we won't give a penny to your mother's medical treatment, and you can get out of the Kins family."

Ella turned around and shouted at his uncle Lyke, who was standing behind her, to throw Sky's luggage out.

A few seconds later, a black plastic bag containing a few pieces of clothing was thrown at Sky by Ella.

"Get out of here, or our good daughter bella will come back and see you here, bringing bad luck!"

Sky's eyes turned red, and he flashed with anger.

If it weren't for his mother Mira waiting for him in the hospital, he would fight this aunt to the death.

Sky picked up the bag from the ground, his face slightly darkened. "Wait, something's missing! What about the bottle of Diamond Drop my mother left me? Why isn't it in here?"

The Diamond Drop perfume was the only remaining bottle in the world, and it was his mother's favorite fragrance.

When Mira was still a wealthy Madam, she bought it from an overseas auction house.

Mom loved the scent she sprayed on herself, saying it suited her and reminded her of her youth. So every time he visited Mira at the hospital, he would spray a little on himself. The last time he sprayed it was a week ago when he went to the club.

He hadn't been back to the Kin family for several days, let alone touched that bottle of perfume.

"What Diamond Drop? I don't know what you're talking about!" Ella's face flashed with guilt.

"Never mind, I'll go in and find it myself."

"You dare!" Ella pushed Sky.

In the scuffle, she caught a glimpse of a shine under Sky's collar.

"Wait a minute, you evil boy, what good thing are you wearing around your neck?" Ella was quick to act, grabbing the necklace from Sky's neck and breaking it.

A black obsidian ring studded with diamonds fell into Ella's hand.

"Wow, you rotten thing, you secretly hid such a good thing!"

"No, give it back to me! It's mine!"

That ring was left to him by the man at the Nightshade Club!

This was the only clue to finding that man.

"Get out! You and your mother owe the Kins family so much money, this ring will be used as payment! If you dare to fight me for it, I'll kill you!"

Ella kept slapping Sky's face, pushing him out of the Kins family.


The iron gate slammed shut in front of Sky. 

The rain was getting heavier.

Neighbours around were poking their heads out, pointing and laughing at Sky with a swollen face, being kicked out of his home.

For a moment, Sky felt nothing but despair and misery.

The man he thought would take responsibility for him had deceived him. 

The family members he thought he could trust were heartless.

And his mother was still waiting for him to save her life.

What should he do... 

Just then, two dazzling headlights suddenly lit up behind him.

A black Rolls-Royce pulled up behind Sky.

A man got out of the car.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Sky? Our master wants to see you."