

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


Suddenly, the man's narrow and deep eyes were filled with a valley of emotions, and he suddenly sank.

"Is this... your first time?" He squinted at him, thinking that the man in his arms was specially chosen to help him out.

Sky shook his head while sobbing and fiercely bit his shoulder, crying until he choked.

The man eased the pressure on his waist and kissed his red and swollen eyes. "Good boy, remember, I am your first man. I will take responsibility for you."


One year later.


"Marry me, and I'll give you three thousand yuan in living expenses every month. You're twenty-two years old, and while you're young, you can give birth to several big, chubby sons for our old Zhu family. But if you get pregnant and it turns out to be a daughter, I'll just have it aborted. I won't raise a daughter, which is a waste of money!"

In a private room at the club, under the Mediterranean ceiling, Mr. Lee, with his big belly, was passionately speaking.

"Also," he turned his words around, looking at Sky with disdain and charity.

"I know you've been with William before, and you're a broken shoe who's already been slept with by a man. But I don't mind. Rest assured, as long as you can keep your virtue after marriage, stay at home and teach your children, I can still tolerate you."

Sky sat opposite Mr. Lee, facing his spitting words, and couldn't help but move back a little.

He frowned slightly, not understanding why his aunt had arranged for him to come to the Night Shade Club and meet this man who was old enough to be his father.

If it weren't for Auntie pressuring him for Mom's medical expenses...

"How about it, little boy? Do you have any questions or requests for me?" Mr. Lee across from him suddenly asked, his face stern.

Sky hadn't really been listening to what Mr. Lee had been saying earlier.

She hesitated and shook her head. "No."

Mr. Lee's stern expression immediately softened, revealing a hint of condescension. "Well, of course not. It's your good fortune to be able to follow someone like me, a successful man. Who would be interested in a little boy like you whose reputation has long been ruined? Only I wouldn't mind."

"Come on, tell Uncle, besides William, who else did you have sexual relations with a year ago? Tell me one by one," Mr. Lee said, taking advantage of Sky's distraction and moving closer in a lewd manner. 

Hearing Mr. Lee mention a year ago, Sky's mind involuntarily conjured up a blurry figure that was tall and well-built, but whose features he couldn't see clearly. 

A year ago, he had caught William and Ginny in the bridal suite of that apartment building. But later, while he was still feverish and confused, he had mistakenly gone to the wrong room and had sexual relations with the man on the top floor.

The next day, he couldn't even remember what he looked like, but when he returned home disheveled, his family caught him in the act.

That incident ruined his reputation.

Meanwhile, William became the victim and went abroad with Ginny, enjoying their carefree lives.

"I have nothing more to say. Mr. Lee, I think it's time for me to go," Sky said.

Feeling sick from Mr. Lee's sudden proximity, Sky instinctively grabbed his bag and tried to stand up.

"Wait a minute, little boy.

Who said you could leave? Uncle spent a lot of money to rent this entire floor of the club. You can't leave without my permission," Mr. Lee said, pulling Sky back onto the couch from behind.

His nauseating and greasy breath hit his face

"Let go of me, you let go!" Sky turned his face away in disgust, trying to use his bag to block his head. "If you don't let go, I'll call the police!

He never thought that agreeing to meet his uncle and aunt would lead to encountering a creepy man like Mr. Lee. 

"Sure, call the police! When they come, they'll see how shameless you are, throwing yourself at me. Your reputation in Jincheng is already ruined, and no one will believe that I drugged you!" Mr. Lee sneered

"What did you say!?" Sky's voice trembled..."

Mr. Lee smirked. "Hehe, how does it feel now? Do you want me to love you?"

With a malicious grin, Mr. Lee made Sky feel suddenly hot, and his face gradually became blurry in front of him. 

Oh no, the coffee he had just drunk must have been drugged!

As Sky's face turned redder and his eyes became more and more hazy, Mr. Lee knew it was time.

Chuckling to himself, he rubbed his hands together and slowly approached the helpless man.

But then, the lights in the club suddenly went out.

In the darkness, a tall and imposing figure leaped into the private room from the balcony outside."Who are you? How dare you--" Mr. Lee began to say, but was quickly knocked out by the newcomer's swift and powerful blow, and thrown into the restroom.

Sky's mind was still reeling from what had just happened when the man suddenly covered his soft lips with his long and cold hand.

"If you don't want to end up like him, don't say a word," he said, his icy breath mixed with the smell of blood.

Hearing his voice, Skyler's body stiffened. This man...he had a strong and dangerous smell of blood on him.

Just then, a series of hurried and chaotic footsteps could be heard outside the door.

The man's narrow and cold eyes suddenly narrowed, and his arms tightly wrapped around his waist, bringing him to the door.

In the man's embrace, Sky's heartbeat became faster and faster, almost forgetting to breathe

His head was dizzy, and his body was hot

But in the darkness, he could only feel the man behind him, and a strange sense of familiarity permeated his whole body

It was just like a year ago, when a stranger forced him on the rooftop of an apartment

Sky wanted to escape, but the coffee he drank made his body weak and unable to move

Instead, he subconsciously wanted to get closer to the man's embrace..."Mr. Lee, are you there? What's inside? Did you see any suspicious people pass by?"

Just then, someone knocked on the door outside and asked.

The man suddenly pinched Sky's waist from behind, and he let out a soft moan from his lips, "Mmm..."

The person outside the door heard this ambiguous sound and thought that Mr. Lee had succeeded.

"Damn it, it seems that the person hasn't gone upstairs! Quickly send more people down to search! If he escapes tonight, we'll all be dead!"

At this moment, there was a commotion outside the private room.

Then, the chaotic footsteps finally faded away.

As the sound of footsteps gradually faded away, Sky's mind finally relaxed, and he subconsciously wanted to withdraw from the man's embrace.

With his legs barely exerting any force, he collapsed uncontrollably into the man's arms.

"Feels... so good..."

His chin accidentally brushed against the man's firm and broad chest, and he instinctively let out a whimper.

Accompanying him was a special sweet fragrance emanating from his body.

"...Is it you?"

In the darkness, the man leaned down and lifted the small man who was about to fall to the ground.

Between his breaths was the familiar and sweet scent of Sky, with a mysterious fragrance of orchids.

A year ago, when the drug's effects had worn off, he had already left the apartment

Due to the effects of the drug, all memories of that night were confused and he couldn't remember his face. 

He only remembered the special scent of orchids and sweetness that was faintly present on the small man's body

Unexpectedly, after searching for a year, he accidentally bumped into him at this club today. 

And obviously, at this moment, the small man's body temperature was scorching, and his condition was not normal

"How did you end up here?" He held him and picked him up, and patiently asked in a low voice.

"Me? I'm here... for a blind date..." Sky's voice was soft, gentle, and obedient. He tilted his head to the side, and the man's face in front of him turned into countless ones in the darkness.

Hmm, he was so hot and uncomfortable.

But his presence... was so familiar and comforting.

Hearing the words "blind date," the man's thick eyebrows furrowed fiercely.

He had been looking for him for a year, and this heartless little thing was here for a blind date.

The man's narrow and deep eyes grew colder as he recalled the plump blind date he had knocked out earlier. He lowered his gaze and kissed him in the darkness,his icy and fierce voice gradually becoming hoarse.

"What a coincidence."

"Little thing, you saved me again this time."

The man pinched him chin.

His kiss was dominant, surging, and irresistible, filled with dangerous possessiveness and desire.

Dray remembered that he had promised to take responsibility for him that day.

But he left hastily before he woke up, and never appeared again.

He made him, for the first time, a man who didn't keep his word.

That time, he saved him.

And this time, unexpectedly, it was him again.

At this moment, he hung obediently and innocently in his arms, his soft body instinctively leaning towards him

It was endearing. 

This made the man, who was always known for his indifference to others, feel an unprecedented emotion. 

Sky didn't know what the man in front of him was talking about. 

What did he mean by him saving him again. 

He didn't even know who he was or what he looked like. 

He only felt his heart beating fast and his body getting hot, instinctively wanting to escape, but his body couldn't help but want to snuggle and kiss him.?....more.

The next second, he was still struggling between heaven and earth.

The man suddenly bent down and effortlessly picked up his delicate and soft body.

Strong and slender hands lifted him up from behind, pressing him against the door.

A series of delicate and domineering kisses followed one after another.

Dray held his chin, sealed his lips, and plundered his breath.

The kiss was fierce and brutal, making Sky's bones feel like they were melting away.

He could only instinctively respond to the man's every dominant kiss, feeling both unfamiliar and inexperienced.

"Um, don't...

"We can't...

"You can, I promised to take responsibility for you.

Dray's low and solemn voice echoed in his ear

Sky's hazy eyes gradually sank into a series of even more dominant kisses from the man

When a violent unease struck, he bit into the man's shoulder, leaving a deep mark

They entangled all night..... 

At three in the morning, everything finally came to an end...

Sky was already exhausted and fell asleep.

But even after the drug effects wore off, his petite body still clung tightly to the man's embrace.

Curled up, his small face buried in his broad chest.

This adorable and affectionate appearance satisfied the man who had just been satiated, causing him to narrow his long and deep eyes with contentment.

At that moment, a ray of moonlight shone in from the window, falling on Sky's small face covered by his black hair.

Dray suddenly realized that he had never really taken a good look at the man's face.

He lifted his hand, which had been resting on Sky's waist, and used his slender fingers to push aside a strand of hair that was covering his face....