

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs



The obsidian ring shattered in front of Sky.

"No... don't do this... why... why did you destroy my ring..."

Sky cried and fell to the floor.

The obsidian ring was already in Dray's hand, broken into pieces.

The countless diamonds that were originally embedded in it were scattered all over the ground.

Trembling, he picked up the shattered remains of the ring.

He didn't care if the small pieces on the ground would cut his hands.

This was the "evidence" he had spent two hundred thousand to buy back from Bella...


Why could Dray be so reckless and trample on something important to someone else!

"Dray, who gave you the right to do this!"

Sky held the broken ring, his fingers cut by the small fragments, and turned around to question him with red eyes.

Since he met Dray, this was the first time Sky had the courage to call him by his name.

"Why?" Dray raised his eyebrows coldly and looked at him.

"Just because you lied all the time and never told the truth. Sky, you better leave now before my tolerance for you reaches zero. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will change my mind and call the police to arrest you."

"You..." Sky wanted to curse Dray fiercely, but when he opened his mouth, he found himself lacking in foul language. Dray! How could he not only not apologize after breaking his ring for no reason, but also turn the tables on him like this! What a bunch of lies! He spoke the truth!!! Sky was so angry that his hands trembled and he clenched them tightly together. "Dray, do you think I want to stay here? I don't want to stay here anymore! If the contract is terminated, then let it be. I, Sky, was wrong about you... I shouldn't have said anything to you, thinking that Master Li was a trustworthy person!" The panic and begging for mercy that he had shown before were all suppressed by the grief and anger that rose from the bottom of his heart at this moment. What he regretted most now was that he had been soft-hearted and saved him last night! He should have let him bleed to death in pain upstairs! Upon hearing his words, Dray's black eyes floated a faint cold smile. "I'm not trustworthy? Sky, who is the one who is really greedy and untrustworthy? Don't forget, you not only cheated my grandfather's money, but also have dirty hands and feet." "When did I have dirty hands and feet..." His face turned white for a moment. Dray: "You sneaked up to the second floor last night, entered my room, and took away some foreign currency, didn't you? Unfortunately, that money couldn't feed you, so today you went to my grandfather's place to continue cheating money. Sky, do you think I would be stupid enough to keep a man like you, who is unclean and full of lies, by my side?" Dray looked deeply at him, his gaze cold.

When he woke up this morning, he found signs of someone else having been in the second-floor room. Upon inspection, he discovered that several foreign currencies, which he usually kept in the drawer, were missing. It was obvious who had taken them. In an instant, Sky understood Dray's intentions from his gaze. He actually thought he was untrustworthy and had entered his room last night to steal money! "Ha...no wonder, no wonder..." Sky suddenly realized why Dray had accused him of cheating Old Master Xander's money. In his heart, he had already labeled him as a man who steals and lies. Sky's body swayed several times and he staggered back. However, he refused to say a word of explanation. He took a deep breath, let the tears roll in his eyes, but he bit his lip tightly, not letting the tears fall. Sky endured the pain, picked up the scattered plastic bags on the ground, packed his things, and walked step by step towards the door. He was leaving here. Never coming back... Watching Sky's thin and weak figure, but still standing tall, Dray's deep eyes sank imperceptibly. Although he was the one who had told this man to leave, he felt a strong sense of displeasure seeing his stubborn and weak figure. Dray frowned, suppressing the inexplicable annoyance in his heart, "Before the end of work tomorrow, I want to see 1.2 million in cash deposited. Otherwise, I will immediately report to the police and have you arrested."

Sky's right foot had already stepped out of the door.

Upon hearing Dray's words, he stopped in his tracks and swayed slightly.

Dray's eyebrows furrowed even tighter, and his sharp gaze remained fixed on him.

After a few seconds, instead of the expected plea for mercy, he heard a soft and weak yet resolute voice saying, "I understand... Please rest assured, Master Li. Even if I have to sell myself, I will repay you the 1.2 million on time."