

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
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122 Chs


In the entire wardrobe, only the precious blue clothes that Dray had bought for him remained.

Sky frowned slightly.

Dray really liked him to wear blue, and he wouldn't even let him keep a single piece of his own clothes.

Helplessly, Sky chose another set of decent blue clothe from the closet and put it on.

He applied a light layer of pale pink lip gloss in front of the mirror before going downstairs.

In the car, Dray was pretending to sleep with his eyes closed.

When he heard the sound of the car door opening, he turned his cold eyes towards him.

The little man had put on some makeup, with a beautiful lip shape adorned with a light pink color.

His black hair was like a cloud, and his posture was graceful.

Especially with that purple dress, he looked like he was in a dream.

For a moment, Dray seemed to see someone's shadow on Sky.

"Come here."

Dray's voice instantly became a little hoarse, and he reached out his hand towards him.

Sky hesitated for a moment.

He looked at the big hand with black leather gloves that Dray was extending towards hin.

He pursed his lips and obediently placed his left hand in his large palm.

"Good boy."

The man hugged him and rewarded him with a kiss on his forehead.

Sky, "..."

He was not used to Dray's intimate actions for a moment.

Sky couldn't tell if it was his imagination, but it seemed like Dray had lost some of his coldness since he rescued him from the Crystal Palace.

"Master Li is really willing to accompany me to the hospital?" Sky asked cautiously.

"What, you don't believe me?" Dray's dark gaze fell on his face, his indifferent tone revealing nothing.

Sky hesitated, not daring to say he didn't believe him, afraid he might change his mind.

"Of course, our relationship is based on mutual benefit. Grandfather got angry and ended up in the hospital because of you, and he happens to be recuperating there. After we visit your mother, we can go see him," Dray continued.

Sky breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Dray wouldn't be nice to him for no reason. He must have had a request.

Dray would accompany him to visit his mother, and in return, he would have to play the role of his husband in front of Uncle Xander.

It was a fair exchange.

"It's time to go see Uncle Xander. Don't worry, I'll behave myself. I'll play the role of your husband obediently in front of Uncle Xander," Sky promised.

Sky's tone was submissive, and even his previously burdened eyes softened.

Seeing the small man's instant relaxation, Dray's dark eyes flickered with displeasure.



He was really, very good.

"Master Li, did I say something wrong?"

Sky noticed the fleeting coldness in Dray's icy gaze and worried that he had said something to anger him, which would make him uncooperative in front of Mira.

Summoning his courage, he leaned in gently and hooked his slender, white fingers around the man's sleeve.

"Master Li, if I said something wrong just now, please don't be angry. I promise I'll be good later."

His tone was soft.

His raised eyes were moist and bright, and her scent was the most alluring to men.

Seeing Skyler's first initiative to please him, Logan's cold gaze became even darker.

The next second, he grabbed her slender waist and pressed her down onto the leather seat at the back of the car.

"Skyler, this is what you asked for."

Logan's voice was hoarse, full of danger.



specially for my reader @_Aille_

Moon_godesscreators' thoughts