

At 21 years old, Sky thought he would be the happiest man in the world on his wedding day. However, on the night before the wedding, he overheard his younger sister and his boyfriend having an affair in the bridal chamber. Furious, he broke up with his fiancé and unexpectedly lost his virginity to a mysterious man. The next day, the most powerful man in the city found him and he became the hidden husband that Master Li could not publicly acknowledge. From then on, during the day, he was a promiscuous social butterfly slandered and despised by everyone. At night, he was the hidden and delicate husband in Master Li's hands. As he gradually fell for him, Dray ruthlessly abandoned him when he became sick and left him on the cold operating table... he disappeared completely from Dray's world. Everyone thought that Master Li had finally rid himself of his greedy and cunning ex-husband. Little did they know, he thought of him every night until he went crazy... Several years later, when Sky returned with an adorable child who looked exactly like him, Dray held him tightly in his arms with a crazy and paranoid look in his eyes, begging in a hoarse voice, "Sky, I'll give you my life, please come back..." (1v1, love after marriage, male lead only loves female lead from beginning to end)

Moon_godess · Urban
Not enough ratings
122 Chs


"What happened to Aunt Mary?" Sky asked curiously.

Dray replied, "She was caught stealing things from the house and has been handed over to the police while you were unconscious."

Sky was surprised. He had suspected Aunt Mary's character before, but he didn't expect her to be caught and handed over to the police so quickly while he was unconscious.

Wait a minute!!!

Sky's thoughts suddenly became confused. If Aunt Mary had already been handed over to the police while he was unconscious, then who changed his clothes during the time he was sleeping?

He vaguely remembered someone wiping his body when he was half asleep. The temperature of that person's fingertips on his skin was burning...

Sky's face turned red as he suddenly realized that the only person who could have been so intimate with him while he was unconscious was Dray.

His thick and slender eyelashes trembled even more fiercely, and he lowered his eyes, not daring to look at the man in front of him.

"Sky, remember to speak up if you are ever wrongly accused again," Dray's voice suddenly came from the other end of the table, reminding him in a deep voice.

"Wronged? What wronged..."

He still had the lingering heat on his face and didn't react for a moment.

"There's a surveillance camera on the second floor, which not only captured Aunt Mary stealing money, but also recorded your going upstairs that night."

Dray raised his deep and dark eyes and stared at him.

He spoke in a slightly hoarse voice, his gaze unfathomable. "That night... thank you."

Sky: "..."

Did Dray just say thank you to him?

Did he really say thank you to him?

A sourness rose in Sky's nostrils.

His voice became even more uncertain and embarrassed, "I... I don't need thanks..."

"I just happened to hear some noise..."

"I do this kind of thing at the nursing home all the time, I didn't think much of it..."

He could hardly organize his words, everything had happened too fast.

Even though he had a good relationship with Dray recently, he never thought he would hear the words 'thank you' from him.

This one thank you seemed to offset all the grievances and misunderstandings he had suffered before.

"Eat, the porridge is getting cold."

Dray lowered his eyes and stopped looking at him.

But the corners of his usually tight lips seemed to have softened a bit.

"By the way, Master Li, I have something to do today and I want to go out."

Taking advantage of the good atmosphere during the meal, Sky cautiously spoke up.

"Where are you going?"

As expected, Dray's eyebrows furrowed slightly, seeming to disagree with his idea of going out right after recovering.


Sky clenched his hands and pursed his lips.

Thinking back to the last time she mentioned his mother in front of Dray, he received nothing but ridicule.

His fair and slender fingers involuntarily twisted tighter.

"I want to go to the hospital to visit my mother."

Across the table, Dray's brow seemed to pause for a moment.

Then, his low and cool voice came through.

"Dan, prepare the car. Master and I will go to the hospital."


He... he's also going to the hospital?

When Sky heard Dray's words, his eyelashes trembled involuntarily.

Biting his lip, he looked at him in disbelief.

Dray's meaning was that he was willing to accompany him to the hospital to visit his mother!?

"Master Li... are you also going to the hospital with me?"

Afraid of being too presumptuous, Sky couldn't help but ask again to confirm.

Dray didn't answer, just calmly picked up a napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth.

"You have twenty minutes to change and put on makeup. Mrs. Li, I'll be waiting for you in the car."

Dray stood up and left the restaurant.

Watching Dray's retreating figure, Sky suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

He felt that Dray left because he didn't know how to face his questions and was just making an excuse to leave.

So, was Dray feeling embarrassed?

No, it couldn't be!

But in an instant, Sky immediately denied his speculation.

Master Li, with his indifferent and cold personality, has experienced all kinds of situations.

How could he be embarrassed to face his questions?

He was just overthinking.


Sky went upstairs, intending to change into his own clothes.

But after rummaging through the closet for a while, he found that all of his few clothes had been thrown away!