
His Dear Devilish Angel

------------------ After witnessing the cruel reality of the world at a very young age, she matured early. However, despite giving her everything, she couldn't save her family from myriads of schemes. she got used to the darkness so much to the point of subconsciously running away from light. Having been forced to wear his name since her 18th birthday, she was angered at the mere thought of him. yet knowing that it was his territory, she willingly walked in. ------------------- "I remember telling you my little fox, if you came back, your escape chances will be zero to none." he said as he gently outlined her jawline down to her neck and her clavicle with his jade like fingers. "Oh, and what makes you think you can control my life?" her eyes had the very same indifference she carried when she entered the room. seeing those eyes, his lips curved in amusement, he took hold of her right wrist and showed her the bracelet she was wearing. "Well, you already have my stamp on you, so... from your mind to your heart and from your body to soul, everything is under my ownership,.... all of you are mine, baby girl." her indifferent eyes instantly filled with anger and irritation. She glared at him and forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. he chuckled dotingly at her reaction as he held her face in his palms and said, " Now that's my little fox with those bright eyes." -------------------

Amoureuse · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

"First Kiss"

On the way home in the car, Han Li looked at the passing street lights under dark night sky, lost in thought. 

---Flashback starts---

Its was 1 am and 15 year old Han Li returned home late again, opening the door she looked around the living room, finding the lights off she sighed in relief.

Not wanting to face her grandfather she tiptoed across the hall. He would be very sad and worried over nothing if he found out she returned late again.

It's not that she didn't want to return early, but after her parents' accident this house feels suffocating to her. Everyday after dinner grandfather would sleep early and she would be left alone with loneliness swallowing her so on the pretext of digesting food, she left and hung out with Li Yushen and others, draining every bit of energy before she returns just to sleep.

Reaching her bedroom she entered and found a young man sitting on her bed. Looking closely under the dim moonlight coming through window, she found out who it was.

"What are you doing here?"

"Where did you go?" The boy asked. 

"How does it matter to you?"

"Of course it matters. I don't like you being close to those boys." the reply came. He stood up and walked towards her. "Do you know how I wish to kill them and feed their blood to rats."

"My life is not under your dictatorship."

"Of course it is not, but I want to cut off your wings and chain you down to my side. So only I can see you, touch you, feel you and I would be the only person your mesmerising eyes would ever see. How I wish to dig out those eyes that peeked at you and cut off every hand that touched even an inch of your body." He held her chin in his hand and spoke softly as if whispering sweet nothings to his lover.

"You.." without giving her time to finish, he smashed his lips on hers, refusing her argue, he forcefully sucked and traced her lips. It truly tasted heavenly, more intoxicating than he ever expected it to be. kiss slowly turned faster, full of possessiveness, sucking harder, he tightly hugged her, wanting to blend her in his body.

Han Li starting struggling but couldn't escape his tight embrace. His arms were around her were like shackles. It was her first kiss and she was being ravaged. Tried pushing hard against his chest, instead of losing his arms tightened and he kissed harder.

Just when she felt she would suffocate to death in his arms from kissing, he released her lips and tightly pressed his lips against her forehead.

Han Li panted against his chest, and forcefully pushed him away, "What the hell are you doing?"

He kissed her forehead before resting his forehead on her shoulder. "My Lili, my little fox, my baby girl You are so precious to me that I can even give my life to you, so don't ever think about giving your heart to another person. You can only be mine and mine forever or else I will kill every male coming your way."

Han Li widened her eyes in shock, what the f***!! he took her first kiss, now he wants to control her. who does he think he is? she immediately wanted to argue back but another thing caught her eyes.

He took out a silver gun from his jackets pocket and gave it to Han Li. "I assembled it myself it's perfect for your use. I can't take you away from your responsibilities and I know you will never want to escape from what's coming your way, because its what you have been training for it since you were 6. But be aware you are not alone, turn around and you will always find me right behind you."

Saying so he again kissed her forehead and slightly packed her lips "You are so addictive, my little fox. How I wish to continue sucking those wine like lips till the world's end"

---Flashback ends.---

Han Li opened her eyes and looked at darkness of night all around, the gun surely helped reducing her nightmares cause every time she would unconsciously think of him, and so when she lost it, it felt like she almost lost her heart.

He has always been like this, fully possessing her mind and heart, even when she wish to stay away he will forcefully enter her life, like the king of darkness, always in shadow. She hasn't seen him for more than years but almost everything in her life reminds her of him

Just then, car parked in front of her apartment building breaking her thoughts. Saying good night to Li Yushen she entered the building.

Gooseberry condominium,


In the luxurious penthouse on the 50th floor, lights were still on despite it being midnight. A woman around thirty-one, was sitting on soft carpet in lounge area working on her laptop with files scattered on the table.

Behind her on white lounge, a child around 3-4 was sleeping peacefully. Draped in white quilt, he looked cute with slightly red cheeks.

Opening the front door with excess card, Han Li noticed that lights were already on.

"You are back." When woman sitting beside coffee table, heard sound of door opening, she turned her eyes away from laptop and stood up.

"Are you working late again?"

Shen Anyu picked scattered files and turned off her laptop. "It's your little darling, He insisted on waiting for you but fell asleep halfway."

After hearing Shen Anyu, Han Li noticed a little bump on white couch. Looking at little bundle of softness, first genuine smile appeared on her face.

She crouched beside couch and poked his cheeks before removing the quilt and carrying him in her arms.

Jno opened his eyes when he sensed himself being carried. With his mist filled eyes open, he buried his head in Han Li's embrace

"Mommy, Jno mished you" ( mommy Jno missed you)

"Mommy also missed Jno the most"

Han Li kissed Jno's head and coaxed him back to sleep.

Junmo was the child she found four years ago, they found no information about his parents, later he was adopted by Han Li. Ever since little he always liked to stick with Han Li and still sleeps with her.

Shen Anyu who previously worked as Han Li personal assistant, took over the job of little one's nanny and became his godmother. Now she works from home, spending all day with him.

Seeing Han Li carrying jno she was already used to it moreover she was well aware the little one was the only warmth source Han Li allowed to enter her life.

"Have some rest now, thank you for your hardwork." Said Han Li to her. She really appreciated her help over taking care of junmo although she adopted him, Shen Anyu was like real mother to him.

"You should also sleep now it's getting late Bonne nuit" Shrugging her shoulders she collected her things and flashed a smile before making her way toward her bedroom.

Although her apartment was two floors down, Because of Jno, Shen Anyu had her own room in Han Li's apartment.

"Bonne nuit."

Han Li went to her room and placed Jno on bed, covered him with quilt and went to closet for cleanup. After showering she dried her hairs, strode toward bed she looked down at small bun occupying full bed for himself, making star shape, she chuckled.

 After taking sleeping pills she got on the bed, when Jno sensed warmth he moved closer and buried his little body in Han Li's arm. Looking at him her heart melted she just couldn't resist this little buddy, even if she try to keep him away he will come running to her, hugging him close she closed her eyes.