
His Dear Devilish Angel

------------------ After witnessing the cruel reality of the world at a very young age, she matured early. However, despite giving her everything, she couldn't save her family from myriads of schemes. she got used to the darkness so much to the point of subconsciously running away from light. Having been forced to wear his name since her 18th birthday, she was angered at the mere thought of him. yet knowing that it was his territory, she willingly walked in. ------------------- "I remember telling you my little fox, if you came back, your escape chances will be zero to none." he said as he gently outlined her jawline down to her neck and her clavicle with his jade like fingers. "Oh, and what makes you think you can control my life?" her eyes had the very same indifference she carried when she entered the room. seeing those eyes, his lips curved in amusement, he took hold of her right wrist and showed her the bracelet she was wearing. "Well, you already have my stamp on you, so... from your mind to your heart and from your body to soul, everything is under my ownership,.... all of you are mine, baby girl." her indifferent eyes instantly filled with anger and irritation. She glared at him and forcefully pulled her hand out of his grip. he chuckled dotingly at her reaction as he held her face in his palms and said, " Now that's my little fox with those bright eyes." -------------------

Amoureuse · Urban
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10 Chs

"Adopted daughter"

"Young master Qi should try again next time." said Su Yan then he extended his hand toward Han Li. "May I?"

Su Lan saw her brother and swallowed her words, well it's better for Han Li to dance with her brother than that flirt.

Han Li looked at Su Yan extended hand and at his face for few seconds before putting her hand on his.

"I apologise that I have to reject Young master Qi's invitation, I already have a date for the night." Said Han Li

Qi Chumian calmly retracted his hand seeing this. He knew fully well she was not anyone's date for the night. Her dancing with Su Yan was probably to make him step down. Qi Chumian looked at Su Yan thinking, does he like Lilian? Well it's given. She is a stunning beauty, no one can escape her charm. Nevertheless, he can't fuss around it.

"Then I would regrettably have to step down. I hope to have a dance with miss Lilian if we meet again at any other ball." said Qi Chumian with a kind smile.

Han Li replied with a polite smile, not wanting to utter another word.

"Excuse me" said Su Yan as he took Han Li to the centre of the hall. They left, leaving Su Lan with Qi Chumian.

"Mr Qi, you should think before you eye or say something, otherwise you will invite troubles at your door" commented Su Lan when she saw Han Li leaving. Everyone can see the real destination he has in his mind just by looking at his lecherous eyes.

"Of course I will! I know Miss Su and Miss Han are childhood friends so I expressed my thoughts openly." He replied turning his eyes away from Han Li's back. He was just checking the boundaries to find how he should advance forward.

"Since you are aware she is from Han family. then you should also know that they are very protective of their members." she replied with a straight face.

"As far as I am aware, miss Lilian is Han family's second branch's adopted daughter, Han Li." said Qi Chumian with slight smile. If she was one of the direct descendant he would never have thought of approaching her. Han family direct descendants are always under precise control and constant supervision of elite team.

Su Lan side eyed him, if Han Li was adopted, then no one in Han family was biological and legitimate. Heh! It seems her decision of return was correct. If not maybe those pigeons will continue to occupy the magpies nest.

On the dance floor, Han Li and Su Yan danced. Taking a twirl with his hands on the her waist Su Yan said, "I am sorry due to my negligence your identity almost got exposed."

"I never expected you to be so careless, especially in front of person like Qi Chumian."she replied.

"It was incautiousness on my part. I was discussing latest firearms transaction with father, who knew he would enter the room without any prior notice. Fortunately he just found out that IG CEO is mainland woman and nothing else."

Hearing that Han Li narrowed her eyes "The Qi family sure is anxious, even before IG headquarter is moved, they are already eyeing the contract for firearms transactions." 

"Yeah! He mentioned that they are willing to pay all the transport expenses and we just need to provide firearms. They are aware their chances to getting this contract will be zero after the headquarter is shifted, so they decided to strike the deal earlier so as to come in the good books of IG." 

Han Li was indifferent in the face of such a huge profit "Just right at the time, spread words that IG will not be having any kind of firearm transections with mainland's families."

Hearing that Su Yan was not surprised, it was expected because no one could have bests of two worlds. Moreover, if this news spreads, rumors about IG CEO being a mainland woman will have no impact.

Standing at the corner of the hall with Su Lan, Qi Chumian was looking at dancing couple. They were talking and laughing as if they were very comfortable being so close to each other. He narrowed his eyes as thoughtful glint flashed past his eyes


Suddenly a high pinched voice sounded which gave others goosebumps and made one unconsciously frown, but it was obvious the speaker thinks of it as sweet and gentle voice as she always speaks in this tone.

Turning around, Su Lan saw Si Xi with an European man. He was wearing a black suit with brownish blue eyes. Walking with his hands around Su Xi's waist, they stopped in front of her.

"Sister, this is my boyfriend Marcus cooper. Mac, my sister Su Lan and Young master Qi from mainland's Qi family" introduced Su Xi with a gentle smile but her eyes couldn't hide pride and smugness she is feeling right now.

Marcus greeted Qi Chumian with a nod and turned toward Su Lan, his eyes flickered as he extended his hand towards her.

Su Lan looked towards extended hand with a complicated look, composing herself, she shook hands and turned her eyes away from Marcus. She thought he was out of country but didn't expect him to get together with her cousin.

"Of course, I am acquainted with Miss Su, but this time I am meeting you as Xixi's boyfriend." Marcus smiled warmly towards Su Xi as if to show his love.

"I must say you both look compatible, Congratulations, you both are perfect for each other." Looking at them as they show their love, Su Lan felt nauseous, they were live example of birds of feather flocking together.

"Thank you sister I knew you would support us." Su Xi replied with a bashful expression.

"You are already an adult, it's not like I would have a say in your relationship. You are well aware what's good for you. You guys talk, please excuse me" Su Lan replied with slight smile. Turning around she made her way to food counter, normally she would have been cordial but these people are just too suffocating for her.

Looking at Su Lan's back Su Xi's eyes revealed cunning light as she smiled even more brightly. She was well aware about Su Lan's feeling for Marcus and it pleases her when she gets what Su Lan could not.

She will snatch more from them in the future, crumbling them under feets and having them lower their heads like slaves before her.

Turning her head she started talking with Qi Chumian.

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