
His Dangerous MATE

Werewolves and exorcists/priests have been at war for a long time. The were wolves see them as a threat because they hold a weapon that can demonize the. While the exorcist thinks they are demons responsible for the rapid killing in their undersized town and wants to eliminate them at all costs. Making them oblivious to the REAL threat The Alpha has his pack stay clear of the exorcist's paths Not because he's afraid but because he does not want his identity discovered Not until... The Alpha found out the niece of the exorcist is his life mate.

Ty_sonm · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 29

Days had gone by and theo wouldn't come out of his room. He didn't adhere to his Gamma or beta calls for breakfast, lunch or dinner and that worried them. They needed him now for far more important issues. They need to talk about the safety of their packs and their Alpha has refused to step out of his room.

The pack members were starting to murmur, they were aware of what had been happening to Daniel and it hurt them. Daniel was a free person, who was fun and loved by everyone due to his hilarious story telling. He always has a word for everyone. He had one impact on lives one way or the other, there was no dull moment where he was present. He brought smiling faces to the gloomy effortlessly and the trouble makers he taught lessons without causing violence.

Theo had taken to drinking. He wanted everything he felt to be washed away, but it wouldn't. The pain he felt now, he had felt before when he lost his parents. It overwhelmed him so much it made him sick.

He felt like a disappointment to his pack, not just his pack his brother, he couldn't fulfill the promise he had made to his parents before they breathed their last breath. Those were the same people that took their life leaving him and his brother orphans for so long, now they've taken the only family he had. He was shattered, he was lost in thought. A tear slipped down his cheek and his wolf growled.

He had no one now, he had no family, no actual family. All he had now was his pack.

He stood up from where he sat, with the bottle on his left hand and walked to the window. He saw his pack gathered, at a distance, he could feel their fear and hurt. He could feel their pain and hear their murmurs. And it hurt him.

He went forward to his mirror, one if his eyes changed to a bright color. His wolf was staring right in front of him as his reflection. His wolf was calm, quiet, looking at him intensely. His pack was his only family now. He got to protect them at all costs.

"I'll take every person down that comes along with the chief. I'll avenge you, I'll avenge each and every one of you. No life will be spared ." He sneered, finishing off the last content in the bottle with one gulp.


The packs were gathered at a corner, with gael and sebastian .

"What happens now.." a pack member asked no one in particular, the person who would have assured them and given them home hadn't come out for days.

"They won't stop attacking." he continued "Are we supposed to do nothing and watch our own getting killed on a daily basis ." he asked with a growl.

"Calm down everyone. " Sebastian spoke. "I understand your pain and grief, but we can do nothing till our alpha speaks. We should not relent on our training. Work more and always be prepared… For better and for worse."

The pack was calm after Sebastian finished his speech.

"Sebas, over here" Gael calls over to Sebastian. Sebastian moves away from the crowd and comes to stand close to Gael.

"I have an idea." Gael spoke first and then kept mute afterwards as he watched Sebastian. He wasn't sure that Sebastian would like whatever he was about to say.

"We need to find her," Gael started and Sebastain turned away from him prepared to leave.

"She will be the only one to make him feel better right now, sebas."

Sebastian turned back with a deep frown on his face.

"He doesn't need to feel better, he needs to feel every bit of this hurt, so he can do what is supposed of him."

"She is his mate." Gael tried reasoning with him.

"And so? We weren't even sure of what the mate bond is to begin with. It rarely happens to us wolves and you know that. Those feelings you get are nothing but what folklore has made people believe. He can get past it."

"But she is still his mate" Gael argued further

"And a dangerous one at that. A threat to everything we stand for. She fucking breached our mind link. Is that even possible?"

"There must be a perfect explanation for that. There always is for everything. She'll only be a threat if those bastards use her for their selfish gains. We need to get her where she belongs, and that's right next to Theo."

Before Sebastian could muster up something to say to Gael, the conversation was interrupted by a loud uproar from the pack. Gael and Sebastian shared a knowing look before they moved over to see what was causing the uproar. Two men who were in charge of hunting down animals in the forest and bringing them back to store up had just returned with a body. But with it's head missing.

It was not long before Sebastian and Gael recognized who it was, it was the same t- shirt he had on before they separated.

"We saw him when we explored the woods in chase of a fat Antelope. We had our scent so we thought it was only sensible to bring it back for a burial." one of the men disclosed.

"Move" Theo's deep voice was heard from the back. The people started to disperse, giving him a path to walk right through while bowing their heads in respect and calling him Alpha.

He finally got to the middle, Sebastian and Gael bowed in respect before creating a path for him to finally get to see the corpse.

Theo knelt down next to the body, he reeked of alcohol but he was perfectly fine.

"Where's the head?" He questioned.

The werewolf that had spoken earlier on how they came across it, came to the front ready to repeat what he had told the others earlier but without him being here.

Theo Growled when the werewolf finished revealing how they had come about the body.

Theo's hand trailed on Daniel's corpse, his body was sticky with mud, but he could still feel the wound that was inflicted by silver.

He suddenly stands, surprising everyone. They thought he would take a moment to cry over his loss on seeing the body, but Theo didn't.

Instead he kissed his index finger and bent down to place it on the dead wolf's chest. Immediately he did that, the other wolves, present in the room did same but place their index finger on their chest,

They were bidding farewell to their brother.

"Sebastian, Gael make sure you look after the others and make sure no one goes out," Theo murmured darkly before he moved away and started walking away from everyone.

"Remember what you said Theo, you can't let anger cloud your thoughts. Let's approach them-"

Gael was saying but theo cut him off with a deep growl that sent him flying backward, but he managed to hold his ground on the soil.

"Let us fight with you as a pack," Sebastian says, stepping forward.

"If I don't come back, protect the pack with all you've got."

And with a swift moment, he turned into his wolf. It was easy and quick because he was the Alpha. When he had turned fully, he growled loudly to the moon that stood beautifully.

He growled again and again to the moon, his wolf tears were blinding his sight but he didn't stop.

Everyone looked at him, they felt his wolf pain.

"Look!" someone pointed out. "Is that…?" he questioned making everyone look in the direction he was pointing at.

They were more of Theo now, and they were all growling at the moon.

Everyone stared on, perplexed.

From ten, his duplicates turned to 50 and then uncountable, breeding all throughout the Woods.

"He finally found his power," Gael mumbled in disbelief.

Theo stopped growling, he looked at his pack one more time before he ran into the woods, his duplicates following right behind, and entering inside him making him just one again.

He jumped on a huge tree and stared right ahead. The familiar Neon cross sign reflected in his orbs, he bared his teeth harshly before leaping down and heading in that direction. With only one thought in mind. "Kill, exterminate them all!"