
His Dangerous MATE

Werewolves and exorcists/priests have been at war for a long time. The were wolves see them as a threat because they hold a weapon that can demonize the. While the exorcist thinks they are demons responsible for the rapid killing in their undersized town and wants to eliminate them at all costs. Making them oblivious to the REAL threat The Alpha has his pack stay clear of the exorcist's paths Not because he's afraid but because he does not want his identity discovered Not until... The Alpha found out the niece of the exorcist is his life mate.

Ty_sonm · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 28

Marshall kicked the wheelchair, he was beyond pissed. Why do things always manage to go sideways whenever he wants to do something or gets a chance of actually doing what would finally make him important. He couldn't help but wonder.

Things were going okay, it was more than okay it was fantastic. He was being listened to and accord respect. Every one finally noticed him in the room and did not see him as the safe guy that had abandoned the chief position when it's was brought to him, for love.

"I'll just have to make you leave then."

He kicks the wheelchair, he had kicked earlier out of his path and was now making his way out of the room. He opened the door mildly, to walk out but then shut it soon after. He went back to grab his cellphone he had dropped on the table.

He silently made his way to the door again but stop suddenly when he saw a bright light, emitting from the bathroom. Aurora's Bathroom.

He frowned.

' What could that be?' he wondered and slowly took slow steps towards the door. The door was mildly open so he didn't trouble himself with having to somehow open it. He peered inside from the corner.

He caught sight of a lady. It was Aurora's maid She was staring and talking to someone… From the wall?

"Yes, he just left. Things were not going as planned but She is back now" she enunciated to whoever it was she was talking to. But Marshall knew it was definitely someone since a white light was brimming from the wall.

Serene suddenly turns to stare at the door, having noticed someone's presence. Why marshall moved back quickly to hide himself from getting seen.

He contemplated if it was okay to peep back inside. When the white light dimmed out, he decided it was best he goes out too, before he gets caught. He turns to leave and was met with a startling surprise.

Aurora's maid was right in front of him. He jumped visibly frightened.

"How…? How did you..?" he stuttered impulsively.

"Marshall, you know it's never nice to peep on others business don't you?" She questioned him. Marshall was dumbstrucked. She wasn't sounding like the scared maid he had knew her to be. She stood with a strange Aura that exuded confidence.

"Who… Where you talking -"

"If you keep asking the wrong questions I just might get rid of you, Marshall. I think the best question you should be asking is…" she paused momentarily as she smiled evily. "How can I get rid of the chief and Aurora so I can take back what I am owed?" she chuckled when she saw the perplexed look on his face.

"We want the same thing, Marshall. We want them both gone one way or the other"


"Drinks and Food! Is on the house tonight! Double victory!!!" The chief her uncle chanted and everyone cheered on in excitement. He comes to hold Aurora by her chin.

"Oh, my dear. It's good to have you back." Aurora forced a smile. "It's good to see you uncle," She said, raising her voice a little bit for him to him to hear because of the noise.

"Come, let's go inside." he held her by her hand already pulling her along without waiting for her to respond. Aurora followed dutifully. She wanted to be anywhere but the center of attention.

He opened the door, allowing her go in first before he enters right after. They proceeded to the stairs.

Aurora couldn't help but wonder what Uncle Marshall reaction would be if he were to see the man he had casted out to be dead right now.

They hallway was empty and there was no sound of anyone nearby, the reason was simply because they were still outside celebrating the chief's return.

"Why didn't you get rid of the head, Uncle?"

Aurora inquired immediately they got inside his office.

"Then all my efforts would be for waste my dear."

Aurora didn't understand what that meant.

"What are you going to do with it?" she questioned yet again. She couldn't help herself not her curiosities.

"I'm going to have it stuff up and keep it as one of my collections. Enough of that now," he spoke dissming the topic he turned to her and held her by the shoulders "Do you feel any pain, or tiredness do you want to get properly examined. I'll do that first thing when the day has set properly. Now tell me, how and where did you manage to break free? I wish I was there to witnessed it, you have no idea how happy I am right now."

Aurora could see that he was indeed happy, it was showing vividly from his expressions. She wonders if he could tell she wasn't though.

She moves away from his hold and goes to seat somewhere.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've been so curious to know stuff, I had forgotten you just started walking and you'd need time before you can use your-"

"Uncle," Aurora called interrupting. He paused midway from completing his sentence. He comes to sit at the opposite chair facing her.

"Yes, princess?"

"Princess? That was a first. " she noted.

Aurora contemplates on the best way to disclose her intentions to him. How could she possibly let him know that she wants to go somewhere far from all this, if it would rather stupid. Since he believed she just got back on her feet.

Aurora exhaled deeply.

"Is everything alright, Princess?" he asked again being surprisingly patient with her giving him his desired answer.

"I don't know." Aurora started. "I don't know if I'll ever be fine."

Aurora contemplates of what to say next to him. How to disclose her wants to him. She knew either ways she wouldn't let him stop her, but she feared she would be letting him down. But there was no way she would displease herself to please him.

Aurora thinks back to when Daniel had come to her room.

"It started when he came to my room." she started. Aurora concluded if she was going to go through this, she would lie in a honest way.

"Who came to your room?" he asked her

"That man- the one you now have his head cut out of his body. I don't know how but I got up. I suddenly could comprehend my thoughts, movement and even walk!"

The chief suddenly stands up furiously making the chair fall backwards. He started panting aggressively as he walks to and fro in the room.

Aurora wondered what she had said that had gotten him the way that he suddenly was. But she didn't let that stop her from what she was about to let out.

"I don't feel safe here anymore, I want to-"

"Of course you're not." he suddenly pushes forward pointing an accusing finger at her. "You see, I knew if was only a matter of time before they would get to you."

Aurora frowned at his sudden outburst. She starts to wonder if he knew about her encounter back in the forest.

"We need to get you to harness your power as soon as possible, so you can act as our shield. Before they capture you and make you do their biddings."

Aurora looked at him visibly upset.

"I don't want to be part of this drama uncle. I want to be far from it. Don't you get it?" she asked him before she stands up and advance to where he was. He met her halfway, and held on her arms roughly.

"The only safe place to be now is here, especially when they've seen you. It wont take long before this escalate and then every fucking person… Would be out to get you."

Aurora held her lips at a firm line not knowing what to say anymore, he wasn't even aware of what she had done yet, she wondered what he would do and say once he hears it.

"I can take care of myself," she tried In Reasoning with him.

"I know you can princess, I know you can"

And with that he walked out on her leaving her with her deranged thoughts alone in the room.