
His Cruel Revenge

Teja Narayan is a neurosurgeon. She changed a lot because of her past. She is a confident, lovely, innocent, bold, and self-esteem person. Tanish Kashyap is the CEO of Kashyap Enterprises. Teja is his obsession. He forced Teja married to him for revenge. There are two reasons for his revenge:- 1. Teja slapped him which hurt his male ego. 2. Teja is his obsession. But, Tanish's father decides to marry his choice of girl. Who is this girl Tanish's father choose? Is Tanish getting married to Teja for his revenge or did something else happen? This is the sequel of Dream- An Ambition. I hope you will love it. I highly recommend you to read Dream- An Ambition first.

Tripti_Narayan · Urban
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176 Chs

Chapter 79- Talk!!!

Dr. Harsh Vardhan POV:-

I was so worried about Teja since I did her surgery.

But, since Teja awoke, her eyes became dead.

That joy and innocence in her eyes didn't show in her eyes.

Those sparks in her eyes which was the most beautiful thing in her eyes left her her eyes.

Her eyes are void of any emotion. It's like it's dead.

The way she talked to me was shocking.

She never behaved rudely with me.

The way she chuckles, her smile and face become cold and dead.

Even the aura around her is deadly and cold.

When she showed me those papers, I was so shocked.

Those papers are none other than the resignation paper.

I am not believing my eyes that she wants to leave this hospital.

This hospital holds so many memories of her life.

" TEJA, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???? " I yelled and showed her those papers.

" It's my resignation letter. Sir, Do your eyes become weak that you are not able to understand the letters written on the paper? I want to leave this hospital. Simple! " Teja replied calmly and coldly.

" But why? This hospital matters to you a lot. Then why? " I asked.

Teja thought for a while.

" It's because I want to leave this country forever. I want peace now. I want to stay away from everyone and this mess that is in my life. " Teja replied.

I looked at her, and her eyes held determination.

" Have you forgot you are Mrs. Kashyap and Dr. Teja, a famous neurosurgeon? Everyone knew your name. How will you run away from here? Don't decide anything in such a hurry, Teja. " I said, trying to stop her in this way.

She chuckled.

I looked at her with shock.

" Sir, do you think of me as a fool? In these years, I survived after fighting and sacrificing so much. So, I never decided anything in a hurry. As for your point, that everyone knew about me. Do you think I am gonna stay in India? No. I will go like this that no one will be able to find me. I will hide like I never existed in this world. I will stay in this hospital for the next 24 hours. So, I can get some rest and do all my pending work. " Teja replied, and I looked at her with shock.

Before I could say anything, she stopped me showing her hand.

Teja said, " Sir, you don't want me to die here, right? I want peace and freedom. I am tired now from everything. Then give me my freedom. So I will live a life, not a dead living life. "

I sighed and nodded.

" Before leaving my room, please inform Arjun to come inside. I want to talk to him. What I said just now, make sure you don't tell all this to my family. I will deal with them myself. " She said, and I nodded.

I walked out covered in a full sweat and told her condition to her family.

It's so difficult for me to accept all this.

Now, I can understand how Teja is feeling right now.

I just saw Teja dead today and her resignation. I am just this stressed in this even all these things are in my professional life.

But Teja!

Teja suffered everything in her personal life, and she lost everything in one day.

Of course, she has to broke down at some point.

But she is too weak to go somewhere.

Who will take care of herself?

I am worried about all these things.

God, please help that innocent child. Give her the right direction.

She needs you the most.

Teja POV:-

I sighed when everyone left.

I closed my eyes to calm myself and opened my eyes again, and thought everything everyone said.

Arjun was the one who said the words I needed to hear from anyone.

I am tired of this mess.

I am Tired of Tanish.

I am tired of Srishti.

I am tired of this hospital.

I am tired of that penthouse.

I am tired of this country.

I want to go somewhere far away, no one can find me.

But I know my father suffered a lot too.

I remembered his words.

But I can't forgive him so easily.

After all, his one decision destroyed a lot of life.

He destroyed Aunt Angelina's life, Arjun's life, Maa's life, Bubbly's life, and my life.

Now, I have to make a perfect decision.

I have an idea, but I have to talk to Arjun first.

I know Bubbly can live without me.

I have made her life hell already.

I became a curse in her life.

I don't want my curse to affect her.

She is pregnant, and she needs to take care of herself first.

I will send her away from here for now. So, she will not know my plan.

I heard a knock on my room, and I said, come in.

Soon Arjun entered, and his eyes held happiness.

But when he saw me, his eyes happiness doubled.

I realized I couldn't show my true self in front of him now.

He is a child, and I can't destroy his innocence because of me.

So, I smiled sweetly at him.

" Arjun beta, come here! " I said sweetly.

He came near me and sat beside me.

" Di, I am so happy to see you awake. You know we were so worried about you when you got unstable a few times in the last 48 hours. I am glad you are okay now. " Arjun said and hugged me.

I hugged him back and broke our hug.

I patted his hair and asked, " Arjun, were you serious when you said you wanted to live with me alone? Are you ready to leave your parents for my sake? "

I looked into his eyes for the answer.

" Yes, di. I care about you a lot. I can do everything for you. Mom and dad can take care of each other, but you have no one. So, I want to support you. " He said with determination.

His eyes held sincerity.

I understood what he said was true.

" Okay, then help me with one thing. Have you seen my suit hanging there? There is a hidden pocket in that suit. Please, give me my phone. Then I will tell you my next plan. " I said, and he nodded.

He did as I instructed.

I called that person who can help me today.

I never called him for this time when I would need him the most.

The other person picked my call after three rings, and I said with a smile, " Hello! I need your help! "

Hello guys,

What do you think?

Who is this mysterious person Teja was talking about?

Let's find out on the next update!

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I know I am not able to update the story few times.

But your comments became my motivation for the next update.

So, please comment.

Love you!!!