
His Crazy Luna

Nolan lost his parent and was attacked by some Rogues. He was saved by a group of warriors, led by a young girl in a mask. He could feel the connection and is sure she's his mate. She left before he could say a word. A few years later, he became the ruthless and most feared alpha, and yet he is the kindest of all alpha. How he kept both characteristics were unknown to many. Nobody knows him as the ruthless alpha because of his mask. He was gentle in the money and ruthless at night. The only thing that connected him to his ruthless self is the fact that they both have no mate. What happens when fate brought him and his mate together and he got rejected by her. She doesn't love him but she is madly in love with the ruthless alpha. ** I smirked. "So, funny you're my mate" She hissed. "And so?" I batted my lashes. This girl has got guts. I hid my anger already building up. I lean on her locker and she growled. I smirked. I love to see her get angry. "That makes you mine" She chuckled but suddenly stopped. She folded her hands and glared at me. "And who told you that?" "I know so. You've been chosen as my mate by the moon goddess" She laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubbles mister, I reject you!!". I batted my lashes. Did she just reject me in public?. She turned to leave. I watched her walk away and I stood rooted to a spot. It's so surprising I got rejected by my mate. Male alphas are known to reject their mates but in my case, I am the alpha who got rejected by his mate.

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63 Chs

The party

I entered the car and drove out of the school premises. Soon, I was on the road, leading to the company. When I finally got to the office, I parked my car in the car park and entered the company. Bethel was in her usual stand. "Good day, Bethel"

She raised her head and when she saw me, she batted her eyes in surprise. "Welcome, boss. I never knew you were coming"

I nodded. "I did not give the notice". She smiled. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing great boss"

I nodded. "Is the manager in?"

She nodded. "He just went upstairs". I nodded and turned to leave. "Boss?" Bethel called. I turned. "I'm so sorry for your rejection". I blinked my eyes and had to forge a smile. "She doesn't know what she had lost for rejecting you".

I smiled. "Thanks, Bethel. I hope she understands that". She smiled and I headed for my office. Her words rang in my head. I sighed. Of course, Olive will miss, a lot, for rejecting me. I rolled my eyes and sat down. I still wonder what sort of a girl she is. She is just... I decided to divert my attention to the things I came to the office for, rather than spend my day thinking about her. Thinking won't solve a thing, I know. There is no point in doing it. I stood up to get the files on the shelves. I heard a knock on the door. I turned. "Come in. The door is opened"

My manager walked in. "Good day, boss"

I smiled. "Good day"

He walked closer to me with some files with him. "Sir, the files you asked for are here"

I nodded. "You can drop them on the table" he turned. "And please, make me a cup of coffee"

He nodded. "Ok, boss". He dropped the files on the table and left. By the time he returned to the office with a cup of coffee, I was seated in my chair, going through the files he brought. "Sir, your coffee"

I lifted my head. I gestured with my hand to the place I wanted him to keep it. "Drop it"

He did and then sat down.


When I got to the class the next day, Ella's birthday party was the talk of the day. And everywhere you go, you definitely will meet two or three gathered to talk about her birthday. At some point. I wanted to ask if Ella was some kind of celebrity. But decided against it. I got tired of listening to them. Lectures did not help matters also. The lecture was as boring as hell. I kept groaning, wishing the class will end. When the lecturer left the class, I jumped up. "Yeah"

Nigel nudged me. I turned and glared at him. "What's that for?"

"Olive is watching you"

I rolled my eyes. "So?"

"She's glaring"

I ignored him and sat down. She can glare for all I care. I plugged my earpiece into my phone, listening to music and waiting for the next lecturer to come in. My head was bent downward. I tapped on the desk to the beat of the music. I was engrossed with the music and did not notice someone was standing right in front of me. The thud on the desk, made me raise my head. My eyes met with a pair of ragdoll blue cat eyes. She was staring dangerously at me. I groaned. "Why are you disturbing the peace of the class?"

I ignored her question and asked mine instead. "Do you always glare? Olive?"

"That doesn't answer my question!!"

"That doesn't answer my question too". She stared at me. "If there is nothing more to say, you can as well leave. She batted her lashes in surprise, I guess but I cared less about that. Not like I don't care about her though. I plugged in my earpiece listening to my music. Someone touched me and I groaned. "What!!" I yelled

"Chill, man. It's me" Nigel said

I rolled my eyes. I had thought it was Olive. "Why touch me that way"

He chuckled. "What did you tell Olive?"

I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean"

"She was so angry when she left here"

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. The fact that she is angry isn't my problem but the reason she is angry is what bothers me. I decided to take my mind off her and focus on better things.


It's a few minutes to six o'clock. I had been in Nigel's room for the past one hour, thirty minutes. Nigel has been getting dressed for the past one hour and I wondered if he is getting married. He kept asking me if his clothes were nice or not. And whenever I said no, he goes back into his closet to change. I got tired of sitting down and doing nothing when I was supposed to get dressed too. Nigel came out dressed in black leather pants and a jacket. "How do I look?" He asked

I stared at him for a while. I would have told him he isn't looking nice so he could go and change again and then, I will laugh at him so hard. But I know I had to go take my bath and get dressed or I won't make it to the party. So I change my mind. "You look nice"

He batted his lashes. "Why do I sense, sarcasm in your word?"

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Whatever" I murmured. "I'm going to my room to get dressed. When you are done racking through your closet. You can either meet me downstairs or in the club for all"

He groaned. "You're not even a good friend," he said it so low I had to read his lips to get his words.

"I'm not a good friend right?"

He frowned. "I never said that"

"You did"

"I did not"

"Nigel, you did say it"


"I heard you. You said I'm not a good friend"

He chuckled nervously. "Gosh, did I say that loud?"

I rolled my eyes. "I read your lips"

He narrowed his eyes. "You did what?"

I ignored him and turned to leave. "I'm leaving". I began to walk to the door.

"Are you angry?" He yelled after me

I stopped walking and turned. "If I am angry, your head would have been rolling on the floor"

He batted his lashes and held his head. "Hey!!. You don't talk about my head like that"

I wanted to laugh but I composed myself. "Meet me when you're ready". As I opened the door to leave, he mumbled some words but I wasn't ready for another hit-up, argument. So, I left.


The club for all was crowded when we got there. Some were lingering around while some were in. I scanned through the club, so I could locate Ella and wish her, a happy birthday. Luckily, I saw her standing a few meters away from us. I dragged Nigel with me. "Hey!, stop dragging me"

I chuckled. "Hi, Ella" I cooed when we got closer to her.

She smiled. "Nolan, Nigel. I'm so happy you could make it"

I smiled. "We won't want to miss it for anything" Nigel answered, winking at her. I batted my lashes. Is he trying to flirt with Ella because Bella couldn't make it?. I rolled my eyes. He's so lucky Bella couldn't come with us, she had an emergency meeting with her parent and pack members. That's the reason Nigel had time to keep changing clothes. And now he could flirt for all he wants.

I stretched the flower and gift I brought to her. "Happy birthday, Ella"

She smiled. "Thanks, Nolan. I'm happy you both could make it"

I only smiled and then sat down. Ella and Nigel got talking for a while and I got bored. I have been looking around for Olive and wondered if she had come or would be here soon. I wanted to ask Ella about her but on second thought, I changed my mind. "So you did make it," someone said

I raised my head to see who talked. I batted my lashes in surprise. When did she walk In?. I furrowed my eyes. "Olive?"