
His Crazy Luna

Nolan lost his parent and was attacked by some Rogues. He was saved by a group of warriors, led by a young girl in a mask. He could feel the connection and is sure she's his mate. She left before he could say a word. A few years later, he became the ruthless and most feared alpha, and yet he is the kindest of all alpha. How he kept both characteristics were unknown to many. Nobody knows him as the ruthless alpha because of his mask. He was gentle in the money and ruthless at night. The only thing that connected him to his ruthless self is the fact that they both have no mate. What happens when fate brought him and his mate together and he got rejected by her. She doesn't love him but she is madly in love with the ruthless alpha. ** I smirked. "So, funny you're my mate" She hissed. "And so?" I batted my lashes. This girl has got guts. I hid my anger already building up. I lean on her locker and she growled. I smirked. I love to see her get angry. "That makes you mine" She chuckled but suddenly stopped. She folded her hands and glared at me. "And who told you that?" "I know so. You've been chosen as my mate by the moon goddess" She laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubbles mister, I reject you!!". I batted my lashes. Did she just reject me in public?. She turned to leave. I watched her walk away and I stood rooted to a spot. It's so surprising I got rejected by my mate. Male alphas are known to reject their mates but in my case, I am the alpha who got rejected by his mate.

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63 Chs

The invite


The look on Olive's face when I refused to help her up was so funny. I placed my hands into my pockets and walked past her. I could hear her groan but I wasn't bothered. After all, she rejected me, she shouldn't expect me to help her. I walked up to Nigel and Bella who must have seen what happened, cause they were beaming. I ignored them and sat down. Nigel chuckled. "Man, I love that. That girl needs to be put to her place!!"

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "You haven't ordered anything yet?"

Bella chuckled. "Well, Nigel suggested we wait for you"

I groaned. "Why the heck do you have to wait for me, huh?. It seems you guys are not hungry, cause if you are, you would have ordered"

Bella laughed and Nigel groaned. "I told you, it isn't a good idea" Bella whispered

Nigel scoffed. "Are you now blaming me for trying to be a good friend?"

Bella sighed. "No, I was just saying it was a bad idea waiting for him" Bella defended.

I rolled my eyes and decided to ignore their couples' fight. I seem to get tired of their frequent nagging. I relaxed on the chair, staring at them, arguing over nothing. I rolled my eyes and called the Waiter. I ordered for milkshake and fries, while they kept on arguing.

They suddenly stopped arguing and Bella stared at me in surprise. "Did you just order for yourself alone?"

I laughed. "Was I suppose you order for the two love birds who had decided to fight each other instead of eating?"

Nigel groaned. "We waited for you and all you could do is, order for yourself alone? Huh?" He glared at me.

I chuckled. "Please spare me that. It was your choice to wait not mine. It was also your choice to argue instead of eating"

Bella chuckled. "I told you we shouldn't wait...". Nigel glared at her and she kept shut. I chuckled but said nothing. After a while, they finally ordered their food and we ate in silence.


When we were done eating, I excused myself from Bella and Nigel. I told them I will meet them in class. I needed to make a few calls about the company. I left the cafeteria and went to the garden. It was quiet, making it the perfect place to make my calls. Going through my contact, I placed a call through to my manager. I needed to know the latest updates. I was engrossed in my conversation with him, and I did not notice when someone walked towards me. "Hey!!" She yelled. I raised my head to see Olive. I rolled my eyes and pointed at my phone, to let her know I am on a very important call. She hissed. "That's my spot. You should leave". I rolled my eyes. Is she been serious right now?. I ignored her. "Hey, get your ass off that seat!!" She yelled.

I ignored her and focus on my call but her screaming wouldn't let me focus. I groaned and stood up. Giving her a deadly look, I moved away from her to end my call. I made a few other calls and sighed in relief. When I was done calling, I walked back to her. She was seated with a headphone, eyes closed. I rolled my eyes. "Hey" I cooed

There wasn't any response, so I touched her. She opened her eyes slowly and batted her lashes. She pulled off her headphone. When she saw I was the one, she growled. "How dare you touch me?!!" She yelled

I rolled my eyes. Does she have to yell at every chance she gets?. I sighed. "Why did you disrupt my call, even when I gestured to you, that I was on a call?"

She groaned. "You touched me to tell me that?"

"Isn't it worth talking about?" I asked. She ignored me and wore her headphone. I groaned. "Pervert!!"

She pulled off her headphone and glared at me. "You said?"

I growled. "You heard me"

She widened her eyes. "You..."

I did not wait for her to finish talking, before walking out on her. I went back to the class. Nigel stood up when he saw me. "I thought you got lost". I ignored him and sat down. He chuckled. "You won't believe what your mate did to someone in your absence"

I groaned. "Please I don't want to hear anything about that girl. And by the way, she isn't my mate"

Nigel chuckled. "But she is"

I rolled my eyes. "She rejected me, remember?"

"But you never accepted the reject"

I hissed. "I shouldn't be having this conversation" I mumbled

"Talking of the devil and here she is" Nigel whispered. I raised my head. Olive walked into the class with Ella, she waved at me, smiling while Olive glared at me. I rolled my eyes. I'm used to getting that kind of look from her. Nigel chuckled. "Does she always glare?". I ignored him. "I'm talking to you".

I groaned. "You can ask her that"

"You're so rude. Just like your mate" Nigel complained

I decided to ignore him. I brought out my book, waiting for the lecture to begin.


I sighed in relief when the lecture came to an end. The lecture was as boring as hell. And I had been wishing the lecture will come to an end. I was happy it was the last subject of the day. I stood up to gather my book. I feel so tired and needed some rest but I need to visit the company. I'll be going to the office first before going back to the packhouse. Nigel nudged me a bit and I groaned. "What?"

He chuckled. "Olive is staring at you". I rolled my eyes. Like I care. I ignored him. "I'm been serious here. She is glaring at you"

I groaned. "Can you just free me!!" I yelled at him

He sighed. "Suit yourself" he mumbled. He kept mumbling some words.

I hissed. "Stop buzzing like a bee, ok. You're..."

"Nolan" someone called, stopping me from talking. It was Ella.

"Hi" I cooed.

She chuckled. "Nolan, I'm having a birthday party tomorrow. I was thinking you could stop by". I rolled my eyes. "You and Nigel"

Nigel chuckled. I hissed. Nigel and party. Sorry, Ella, I won't be able to attend, that was what I had in mind to say but Nigel spoke before I could. "Where is it taking place?".

I groaned. Can't he say no to party, just for once?. Ella smiled. "Club for all"

I furrowed my brows. Club for all?. Nigel chuckled. "That's good. What time?"

"7 pm prompt"

I narrowed my eyes. Is she kidding me?. 7 pm?. "Don't worry we will be there" Nigel answered

I hissed. How can he make that decision without asking me if I have the interest to go or not?. I decided to mind-link him. "I never said I was going to attend"

He chuckled. "Like you have a choice"

"Really?". He nodded. "Let's see who doesn't have a choice here". He chuckled. "Ella, it will be our pleasure to attend but Nigel here has a request"

Nigel furrowed his brows. "I don't have a request. What are you up to, Nolan?" He asked through the mind-link

I rolled my eyes. "Watch and see"

"Are you guys ok?" Ella asked

"Sure. Nigel just wants to know if he could come with his mate?'

Nigel groaned and I chuckled. "He has a mate, ready?" Ella asked, in a disappointed tone

I rolled my eyes. Don't tell me she has a thing for him. Nigel of all people. "Yes, he has a mate. Can he come with her?"

She nodded. "Sure"

I chuckled. "Thanks, Ella. We will be there"

"I should leave," she said and finally left.

Nigel glared at me and I laughed. "Tell me who doesn't have a choice now?"

He groaned. "I thought we are friends. How could you betray me, Nolan?"

I chuckled. "Wait until Bella finds out you're cheating on her"

He widened his eyes. "I'm not cheating on her, ok?"

I batted my lashes. "You are, and we both know that"

He hissed. "Why are you bent on spoiling my day?"

I chuckled. "Why would you say yes to the invite when you know Olive will be there. You know how troublesome she is"

"It isn't my fault. You should have spoken for yourself"

I shrugged. "It isn't my fault either. I couldn't let you cheat on my sister"

He groaned. Can't someone have a bit of fun?"

I rolled my eyes. "You can have fun with her". I hung my bag and walked out of the class. He ran after me.

"We ain't done talking"

I chuckled. "There is nothing to talk about"

He held my hand. "You won't tell her right?. You won't tell Bella"

"About what?"

"The party?"

I rolled my eyes. "Dare me"


I rolled my eyes. "I'll tell Bella about it"

"Tell me about what?" Bella asked from behind

Nigel gave me pleading eyes. I rolled my eyes. "Tell me what?"

I sighed. "Nothing really serious. Nigel here thinks black fits me most". Nigel sighed in relief. I wanted to ask you.."

"That's a lie," someone said from behind. I turned. It was Olive. I hissed. What the heck is she doing here.

"It's a lie?" Bella asked

She nodded. "There is a party tomorrow at the club for all. Ella invited them, but Nigel here, doesn't want to go with you and Nolan is helping him to cover up"

I batted my lashes. Is this girl for real?. Bella glared at both of us and I started at Nigel who looked as confused as I am. "Is she saying the truth?" Bella asked

I rolled my eyes. Olive walked closer to me. "That's for been rude" she whispered before walking away.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm still standing here, Nigel and Nolan. Tell me, Is she saying the truth?"

I sighed. "Nigel will tell you, I need to go to the office"

"You ain't leaving right?" Nigel asked

I ignored him and left them. Nigel should sort himself out with Bella, while I go to the office to sort mine.