
Highschool Love- Taennie

Kim Jennie- a femme fatale but is she really a goddess if she hasn't even had her first kiss? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung- the biggest playboy and heartbreaker but when he falls for someone will he get his heart broken too? Read to find out about the intriguing highschool romance

stella_asther · Music & Bands
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It was my mother in the audience. I don't know who invited her but how did she have the audacity to come here?

Well, we had gotten on really bad terms after she got a boyfriend. I told her to not bring him home because he was a pervert. He would often try to touch me.

I told my mom about that but she told me to bear with it. One of the main reasons, I moved out. She prioritised her boyfriend over me.

I hated her after that. She was the reason why dad divorced her. I always felt bad for dad because he loved her a lot. I couldn't believe how she came here.

I got up and was leaving when Taehyung called out to me

' Where are you going?'

' Just let me go'

' What's wrong?'

' Nothing. Everything's fine. I gotta go'

I left but Taehyung came after me.

' Tae, can you drop me off home?'

' Why?, the winners haven't been announced yet'

' I don't care about winning'

' Jennie, tell me what's wrong'

' Mom's here' I broke down.

Taehyung hugged me.

' I can take you home'

' You know what, I'll just bear with it. We worked so hard, we deserve to watch and enjoy the show too'

' You know, if you feel uncomfortable tell me'

He was always such a gentleman.

The show ended and it was time for the award ceremony. The judges had decided who was the winner. I was so nervous, Taehyung held my hand.

' Don't be disappointed if we don't win, Jennie'

' Oh come on, I won't be a sore loser'

Just then the winners were announced.

And you're right, me and Taehyung won.

I squealed in happiness and hugged Taehyung. Everyone congratulated us. I could see Yoongi smiling. He had a proud look in his eyes.

We went up to the stage and received our prize.

' Would you like to say a few words?'


I held the mic. I could see Tzuyu in the distance. She was in a bad mood. I smiled.

' We couldn't have won this without each other's help and support. So always have teamwork, thank you!'

I said and we got off stage.

' Tae, I am so happy. This wouldn't have been possible without you'

He just smiled.

The show ended and I saw Yoongi on the exit. Beside him, was mom. Tae held my hand.

' Hello, Jennie' my mother hugged me. I pushed her away.

' What's wrong?'

' Why don't you go and hug your boyfriend, mom?'

' We broke up'

' That's great, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go' I said and was leaving when Yoongi stopped me.

' Jennie, come on she's our mother'

' I don't care and who invited her here?'

' I did, it has been a long time since we have seen her'

' Oppa! You really don't understand that I don't want to see her. That's the reason I moved in with you' I was furious.

' Jennie, just have dinner together and it'll be over'

I won't.

' Jennie, he's right' said Taehyung. I couldn't believe it.

' Fine' and the four of us went to a nearby restaurant.

' So how's your mom, Taehyung?' my mother asked.

' She's better than you' I mumbled but everyone heard.

' She's doing good' said Taehyung diverting the attention

' You know, mom, quit the show and tell me why you wanted to meet us all of a sudden'

' Have some manners' said Yoongi.

' It's okay, you have the right to be mad at me' and she broke down.

I felt bad seeing her crying. But what she said next boiled my blood.

' You know I have been struggling financially, and your dad gives you guys monthly allowance so can you lend me some money, I promise I'll return it back'

I was furious and shocked.

' Are you even a mother? Instead of worrying about your children, the first thing you talk about is money. Now you want to take our money too?'

' And Oppa, I swear to god if you lend her money, I'll forget you are my brother. If you want money, get a job and don't come to your children begging for money' I yelled the last part.

Everybody was looking at me and I left.