


I woke up in Taehyung's arms. He was still sound asleep. I decided to go back without waking him up. I had a lot of work piled up that I had to complete by today.

I left him a note.

' I am leaving. Come over for breakfast'

It was around 6 am. I wore my clothes and quietly went inside my apartment. Thank goodness, Yoongi was sleeping on the sofa. He looked so cute.

I went inside my room and started working. I studied subjects like fashion designing, music, photography and production. My main interest was in fashion. I had thought about applying to fashion schools.

Right now, I had to complete my assignments.


I woke up around 9. Jennie wasn't with me. I searched my apartment before I found a note on the fridge.

' Ohhh, she just left'

I took a shower and went next door for some food. When I arrived, Yoongi was still sleeping.

' Wake up, you dummy'

He gave me no response.

I held the alarm clock near his ear and turned it on. He woke up.

' Come on, Taehyung'

' It's time to wake up'

I wondered where Jennie was. Yoongi went to the bathroom. Meanwhile, I went to Jennie's room.

She was so busy studying that she didn't even notice me.

' Hey'

' Hi! What are you doing here?'

' I came over for food. You just left in the morning'

' I am sorry, I had a lot of work to do. It's just a lot of academic stress'

' You know, you should take it easy. You'll do great'

' Thank you' she said and hugged me.

' Come on, let me make you some food'

She went to the kitchen. I just sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Yoongi came out of the shower.

' You know, Taehyung? Who's the girl you were making out in the elevator?'

Jennie choked on her water.

She started coughing.

' Are you okay, Jennie?' asked Yoongi.

' I am fine'

' Hyung, we have decided to keep our relationship a secret'

' You won't tell even me?'

' Trust me, you don't wanna know'

' That just made me a lot more curious'

' Can we stop talking about his girlfriend?'

' What's it to you?' asked Yoongi.

She put the food on the table. ' Why don't you just eat?'



I was feeling super tired. I stayed up all night studying. I was exhausted, I just got two hours of sleep. Anyhow, I got ready and made breakfast for me and Taehyung. Yoongi didn't have any classes today, so he just slept in.

Taehyung came.

' You aren't looking so good, Jennie'

' Are you fine?'

' I am just tired, everything's fine' I lied. I was feeling sick.

' You know, I can tell when you lie'

' Alright, I am sick. But I can't take a day off cause I have this really important presentation today and If I don't do it, I won't have good grades and then I won't get into a good college' I ranted.

' Alright, calm down. You can talk to me about it'

And so I started ranting about my problems.

He listened carefully and paid attention. Just then, I told him about this assignment in which I needed a partner to dress up according to the theme we were given in class. And I had no one because Chae Young was also busy.

' What should I do now?'

' You know I am still available'

' What do you mean?'

' I can be your partner'

' REALLLYY???' I squealed in happiness. I gave him a tight hug. Somehow, this man knew the solution to all of my problems.

Taehyung dropped me off at school. I saw Tzuyu again and I had to face her.

' Look who's here, the whore'

I just ignored her. I had no energy to respond.

That was until she said ' You know her mother is also a whore. Like mother, like daughter'

I couldn't stand it anymore. I was about to slap her but saw Taehyung signalling me not to. He did the right thing because I would've gotten into a lot of trouble if I slapped her in front of everyone. I just left.

Taehyung texted me

'You have any classes, right now?'


' No, I am done for the day'


' Meet me outside the school'


I finally got a break from all of this. I saw Taehyung on his bike. I got on. I was pretty upset and so I was quiet the whole ride.

' Where are you taking me?'

' A place that will lift up your mood'

I wondered what place it was.

We arrived at last.

It was the skating ring where me, Yoongi and Taehyung used to go every weekend. A smile formed on my lips.

' You know, Taehyung I don't know what I'd do without you'

' Same here'

We went to get our skating shoes.

' I think I forgot how to skate, it's been so long'

' Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall' he reassured me.

I was so lucky to have him.

And so we put on our shoes. It was hard to skate at first. I kept falling but Taehyung caught me every time.

I eventually got the hang of it and me and Taehyung competed to see who was the better skater amongst us.

I was going pretty strong but then I fell. He caught me tho and the winner was Taehyung. The loser had to grant the winner a wish.

' So what's your wish?'

' I don't want to use it right now'

' Come on, that's not fair'

' Well, I won so I will use my wish whenever I want'

' Come on you won just because of your luck. TBH I am a better skater'

' Oh really? You wanna compete again?'

' No, I was just saying'

He laughed.

' Come on, let's go' he said.

' I don't want to, I am so happy when I am with you'

' You know Yoongi is gonna be worried if you don't go home'

' Fine'

On the ride home, I felt happy again. That place really did lift my mood up.

' I am going to Jimin's place' he said as he dropped me off.

' Okay, goodbye'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

stella_asthercreators' thoughts