
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

AnimeDamon · Anime & Comics
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DxD 24 – The boy in the Black Demon Mask

'Such a shame…' That was Himejima Suou thought, when he looked at his niece, that was about to be hacked by one of her own former family member. He doesn't know if the man with the cleaver, is Shuri's cousin, or second cousin. Heck, the former head of the Himejima Clan, doesn't even care who he is.

All that this man cared about, is to restore the honour the Himejima Clan lost that day, anything else, is minor to this man.

That is why he just stared at Shuri's back and waited for her to be hacked to death by her own family. And yet, the next moment, Suou narrowed his eyes, when he notices the man that was about to slash his cleaver into Shuri's back. Just all of the sudden, halted, when the cleaver's blade was only mere inches away from Shuri's back.

'Cold feet…?' Suou thought, but that should be impossible. Even if some of these members here wanted to save Shuri. But they also understood the importance of this mission. After all, killing her daughter, Akeno, is the most important thing in this mission. Secondly if they can, bring Shuri back to the clan, if they can't, kill her.

Everyone understood this, and Suou never made a simple mistake, of being someone along with him, that will have cold feet, when they about to do the deed. Everyone here are professionals. Some even done similar things like this before, there no way Suou make such a mistake.

However, before Suou could ordered them to kill Shuri and Akeno again. A voice, that sounded like a boy's, but yet, for some reason, sounded deep at the same time. Stopped him doing so.

"Oh my, oh my, it not every day, you see such passion for a mother, with their child… but yet again, it not every day, you see a group of sick dogs, ruining such a peaceful family, now tell me, why shouldn't I rip you all into pieces?"

At first, Suou doubted his ears, since it is the first time he been called a dog. But he was even more started, when he sees the owner of the voice.

The boy with the long hooded black overcoat, is dressed all black. Almost like he is hiding his skin. And just like Akeno, even Suou thought the most noticeable thing about this boy's appearance, is the demon black mask, and those red eyes, that grow within the abyss.

When Suou looked at those red eyes, by chance, the red eyes that have no hint of emotions in them. Turned to stared at Suou, and when he did, he didn't know why. He stepped backwards, and even felt a little scared, the moment he looked at them?

And yet, he felt familiar about this boy's appearance. But he cannot remember where, he had heard about his features from. But before Suou can make sense of the situation. One of the Himejima Clan members, cannot handle the fact, he was called a dog!

"Who you think you are! You little brat!" Went that clan member. As he looked at the boy, that seems around the same age as Akeno from his height. And yet, the boy himself, didn't even spare glance towards this Himejima Clan member.

Seeing him not caring about him, the clan member, as well the others are pissed off, about the fact, a mere cosplaying boy, is looking down at them! Weren't they members of a noble clan of a Five Principal Clans, the Himejima? Even Devils and Angels have to least pay some level of respect towards them.

And yet, this unknown kid, in the demon mask, didn't even care about them? And like that, the one that shouted at the boy, cannot help to become irritated by this boy's actions. And before anyone else reacted. He, along with his steel rod, run up to the boy, which did made the boy in the demon mask to emotionlessly glance his way.

"Halt!" However, the clan member, or any others was stopped by Suou, who shouted that. And felt, if he didn't suddenly stopped that clan member, that has an annoyed look on his face, as Suou stopped him, along with others, but still followed the order from the former clan head, without questioning him. Without a doubt, that clan member will die just now.

While that is happening, Shuri that heard the unknown voice, slowly turned around. And saw one of her former clan members froze in mid-air, with a pose of slashing his cleaver towards her.

Of course, seeing the cleaver near her face, did frighten her. But also made her confused, when her eyes met with hers purposed to be attacker, who have confusion written in his eyes, almost like, his body refusing to move even the slightest of muscles, which made it impossible for him to either move, or talk.

It is no wonder, this halted attacker, not only confused, but also scared, that his body not listening to him. While he remains frozen in mid-motion. Shuri than looked away from the motionless attacker of hers, and turned her brown eyes towards the boy in the demon mask, who looked at her Uncle, Himejima Suou, with those red emotionless eyes.

"Who are you… and why are you interfering with our clan matters." Suou went, he doesn't know who this boy is. But for sure, from his many years of experience. This boy is no simple boy, with his nonexistence aura.

"Clan matters? If I am not wrong, this place is not your territory, and these two here, are not part of the Five Principal Clans, I am wrong?" The boy said, which made Suou narrowed his eyes.

"Oh my, did I pinpoint it right?" Asked the demon masked boy.

"That doesn't change the fact, why are you here, interfering with our clan matters, don't make me repeat myself again. And how did you managed to come in here?" Suou asked this, he has left some of his men outside, to setup a barrier, to make sure these two, the mother and daughter pair, wouldn't flee from him.

Baraqiel is one thing, in fact, Suou already have item on him, that will teleport himself back to the clan, if that Fallen Angel were to come back early. Of course, he is the only one that had this item on him, and the other Himejima Clan members have no idea about Suou having such a lifesaving item on him.

But instead of answering Suou, the boy with the black clothing, and demon mask. Opened his right hand, and all of a sudden, a disc-like item appeared in the boy's palm.

"What is that…?" Suou asked, as everyone, even Akeno and Shuri, also want to know what this disc-like item the boy just appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, you mean this little thing? It is a trinket, my right hand made for me… he is good at making things, I don't need most of the things he invents, you know. But trinkets like these, are useful, especially since this one, can do this." When the boy in the demon mask said that. He just simply tosses the disc towards the confused mother and daughter pair.

When Shuri saw his action, her face paled, before she shields Akeno once again. But unknown to her, the disc-like object floated above the daughter and mother duo, and like that, a magic circle appeared, which not only did this confused Suou and the other Himejima Clan members, when they see the magic circle that black with a hint of redness to it, appeared before them, only to covered them, and like that, the mother and daughter pair disappeared out of sight.


"What just…?"

"Was that just teleportation magic…?"

Confusion written over the faces of the Himejima Clan members, as Suou stared at the spot where Akeno and his niece was at. And even show face of anger, as he looked back to the boy in the demon mask.

"Where you send them to?" Suou ask, as calmly he could. But didn't bother hiding his killing intent.

"Why should I tell dead men, where I send them?" When the demon mask boy said that a black fog appeared besides him. And just like that, from the black like abyss mist, six heads rolled on the ground, which startled everyone in this room, as they all know who they are.

"You bastard!"

"How dare you…!"


Because, the six heads that rolled on the ground, that still have fresh blood dripping from their sliced necks. Are other members of the Himejima Clan, that should be outside, maintaining the Sealing Array formation, as well the barrier itself.

Seeing their own clan's heads. Nearly all of the Himejima Clan members was about to rushed towards the demon mask boy in rage, but a voice stopped them.

"Stop all of you!" Suou shouted, as several of the Himejima Clan members did what he said and stopped their movements. But still bite their lips, until they bleed, and stared at the boy with the demon mask, with hatred.

Suou himself stared at the six heads, and at the black fog that disappeared from the thin air. And his narrowed his eyes. As this didn't make any sense, that is because, Suou can't understand two things.

Besides the special charm on him, that has a formation array to automatically teleport Suou back to the Himejima Clan, if either the Sealing Array or the barrier formations breaks.

But he is still here. After all, Barriers and the Seal Array formations that the Himejima Clan can use, must have people to pour their magical power into the array itself. And Suou knew, there no way those array formations would stand, if this boy killed off half of his men outside.

And yet, if the Sealing Array and the barrier around the house are down. Why didn't that charm on him hasn't activated? And why he still cannot feel the connection of the blessing he has from the Shinto gods? Which only means the Sealing Array should be still activated somehow.

However, if that is true. How did that disc was able to float with the aid of magic, and even teleport the mother and daughter pair out of here? Not to mention that black mist that empty out his clan members, who did excel in formations and barriers.

It just made no sense, because the Sealing Array formation should stop those magical abilities from being used! Only two ways to break the Sealing Array, is one to use your own magical powers to break it with force. And with twelve formation masters, this array formation should be able to withstand an average High-Class Devil's Demonic Power at full force.

And the other way, like it was mentioned before, was to kill off the source that fuel the array formation, the formation masters themselves. That is what this boy did, with those six heads on the ground. And yet… why hasn't the array formation broken? But this boy before them can used magical abilities, as if to this boy, this Seal Array formation doesn't apply to him!

But that is not all, as Suou recalled the crest on that black with a tint of redness magic circle just now. And it clicked, as his eyes widen with even the hint of fear and doubt when he recalled that crest on the magic circle.

All factions, and groups uses a crest as a symbol tell who they are, or where they from. Especially among the noble houses of the Devils, each one has different kind of magic circles, one can say, besides their family name, or being a high-class Devil (Status wise, not strength wise). The crest on their magic circle is also the pride of their house they belong to.

And this also goes the same with other factions as well. Even the Fallen Angels and the Angels have their own crests on their the magic circles, and every magic circle is never the same. Which is why it is very easy from the magic circle alone, to identity who they belong to.

That is why, the moment Suou saw the crest on that black with the hint of red in it, magic circle. He recalled why this boy seems familiar.

"W-Why… are you here… you monster…?" Suou who figured the identity of the boy before him, cannot help to become fearful for the first time in a long time, when he looked at the little monster, that caused a black storm ever since he entered the Supernatural world 3 years ago.

Sorry for the grammar, and thanks for reading this!

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