

Do you believe in Higher Life Forms? The highest civilization any civilization can reach is a civilization Level 9, where humans can shed their mortal coil and live forever until the end of time. It was believed that Civilization 9 life forms could communicate with God and where highly advanced in technology to the extent that their technology seemed like magic, There was only one Level 9 Civilization, The Primordials. This is a Story of a peak Level 8 Civilization who almost attained Enlightenment to Level 9 but were Destroyed in their final moments, the last survivors escaped and found a hidden lower level planet called Earth. "This Civilization will survive and thrive on this new Planets, but whether they will be satisfied with this little planet or will thrive to reach the peak and attain enlightenment all depends on one Man who wastes his time in an Ice cream shop reading novels. ___________________ Oiii you! yes you, if you are already here why leave, just give it a shot:)

Sky_Piecer · Sci-fi
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61 Chs


Hi guys, am a new author, but before you get into this novel, you should know the volumes

Volume 1 is about our MC romance life on earth.

Volume 2: Would be Titled World Conflict

Volume 3: Would be Titled: Revenge Of The Forgotten Civilization

Final Volume: Meeting God